
The Tracker Hive Academy: Semester Four by Avery Song

rebekkaar's review

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This book picks up where the last one left. I love these characters so much and feel myself getting attached to everyone of them.
We got to meet Silver and Star in this one, along with one of her guys and I really enjoyed the crossover.
With how much Jade and the people around her grew, got stronger, better and happier in this book i can hardly wait for the next one!
The love, action and adventure in this one was so addictive I only put it down when i had to work or sleep.

mrose21's review

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I liked this but I didn't love it.

I have to be in the mood for this series and I just was struggling.

saramae27's review

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This book was amazing as always from Avery Song. So many feels, so many twists, and so much love. I adore all of this book. And it was 10000% worth all of the self imposed sleep deprivation it caused. I cannot wait for #5

bookish_embers's review

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Tracker Hive Semester Four with Jade, Shadow Jade, The Trouble Four, Calvin, Lisette, Alaric, Bianca, Tanner, and the R-Squad was simply wonderful! If you loved the books before this, this one will just make you fall in love with the story, and characters, even more.

Jade has some major character growth that I was very excited for as she let go of her fear and embraced who she really is. I was shocked at the addition of the R-Squad and making them the fourth Hive, but I'm really interested to see if they become potential love interests for Jade also.

Lisette. That woman quickly grew on me throughout this book. I cried at the revelation of what she had to endure at the hand of Charles, but I'm so glad she is where she is loved and will never be abandoned. I love her relationship with Jade and I'm excited to see what all Lisette can do!

That ending with Calvin and Jade where Calvin's vampire side comes out will stick with me for a while. I NEED to know what will come next!
Oh, can not forget this part... I am so glad Jade cut off Charles arms and sent him into hiding. As well as made it to where he can not leave their universe, with a little help of course from a character in another series

bookwormbunny's review

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Tracker Hive Academy is back and this book is one serious rollercoaster ride! Avery Song really brings it with this book, and as a reader, I honestly feel that she has hit her stride with this book. A lot of things that I normally complained about in previous books concerning the characters are very much diminished and I love the growth and maturity of each of the characters overall.
Tracker Hive Academy Semester Four starts off with a prologue that left me a little confused, but then the story transitions and takes off with full-force. I was eager to learn what was going to happen next and this book easily became one of those ones that are hard to put down. There are a couple of cross-overs that had me hopping up and down with excitement as these characters come together to be each other's aid in extreme moments. The scenes are short, but I love how the storylines are coming together. I'm just imagining when it's TIME for everything to come together...I'll probably implode from excitement. LOL!
There is a LOT going on in this book. There are so many twists, secrets, revelations that you barely got a break before something else was coming up to shock you. There are a couple of elements in this book that I'm not sure will appeal to all readers because it's been a well-kept secret until now. Honestly, it piqued my interest in how things were going to play out for the characters and the storyline overall, but some might find it not their cup of tea.
There is one scene that I have to say...I was disappointed in. There is the huge build-up and you begin to anticipate this ordeal to come and think that there is going to be a struggle to right a wrong, plays out in a matter of sentences. I was disappointed. With the way that the author explains and details all that needs to happen, I expected more from the scene and the characters. It's literally "blink and you'll miss" it type of situation. The author is a master at creating engaging scenes and fulfilling one's expectations when it comes to master build-ups but I feel that this one was phoned in and done much too soon which is disappointing for me.
Overall, this is an enjoyable book with a lot of good things about it. I love how much more mature the characters are and I like that we get so many perspectives as well. Things are really coming together with this book and I can't wait to read what happens next. I am rating this book 4.5 out of 5 stars. I'm taking off half a star for the scene that let me down because I felt that there could have been a lot more there to live up to the hype created. If you have read the previous books don't miss out on this one! Things are really getting good!

jaimaann's review

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Holy crap! I don’t know what kind of magic Avery practices, but she definitely put it all in this book! I had so many feels for Lisette and Bianca in the very beginning. Both happy and sad tears ran wild. I’m SO very jealous that I’ll never get my own hellhound puppy, or two (I’m looking at you Zeke). I can’t wait to see the Maxwells, Calvin, and Lisette working with and using them as their familiar! I just about bawled my eyes out when Jade was searching for Lisette. Thank God for Alicia and universal cellphones! I can’t wait to see more of her!! The R-squad has definitely started to grow on me more. It’ll be exciting to learn more about them and see how they fit into their new roles. I’d like to get their POVs in future books. *crosses fingers* I loved that we got Bianca’s POV! I love that woman so much! I swear to God if this Roberto asshole IS alive and comes after her I hope his death is very, very painful. Since we got Bianca’s POV in this book hopefully we’ll get Alaric’s eventually too and can find out what happened when he was missing. I definitely want to see Shadow Jade and Ceil let loose on Leonardo! Evil asshole! Omg, Calvin! ): I still love you baby! It’ll be alright!
What the hell would we do without Silver?!

P.S. Shadow Jade and Ceil are freaking adorable!! (:

shannonmcox's review

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Once again, Avery has done the unimaginable, this book has completely blown me away, Jades life at Tracker Hive Academy started off chaotic, things rely didn’t change throughout books 1-4 but the ending of this one? Now that’s what I call a cliffhanger, I love that the book is exploring the prophecy and the girls involved, The book shows that love has no boundaries and no matter what happens, love conquers all.