
Beneath It All by Tori Madison

dubvanna's review

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I want to first start off by saying that this booked moved me very deeply. I, like so many others have had family members and/or friends diagnosed with cancer and it’s never an easy thing to hear. In fact when these events have happened in my own life I was young and stupid and I never understood the importance of “community” and family bonding. My first instinct was to run, and this beautifully written book about a woman’s journey with breast cancer made me see how life is too short to run from your problems. This book in my opinion is not a romance novel, this is a love story, a real story.

Victoria Madison is living the life with her own personal design company and her sexy lawyer husband Noah when she gets the worst news of her life. She has breast cancer.

When Victoria first hears this she is obviously shocked and scared and confused. What she didn’t expect was the outpouring of support from everyone around her. Sure, she was aware that she had an amazing husband and a wonderful group of girlfriends (which I loved by the way) but she really was able to see their true colors when it got to be too rough on her, which it did.

I honestly loved all of the detail and dialogue that was put in this book. I’m not a person who has any knowledge about cancer or chemotherapy or any of the tribulations involving cancer at all, and I found myself completely fascinated by everything I read. I knew cancer treatment was tough I just never lived it through the eyes of a storyteller before. I lived through Victoria’s eyes and it was heartbreaking and scary and beautiful all at once. I was honestly mesmerized by the journey alone. Not the battle, the journey. (You’ll see)

So as Victoria embarks on this journey you get to meet so many cool people along that way. You have her Doctors who are all amazing, specifically a HOT Dr. Forrester! Kidding, they are all awesome! You have her best Friends who are saints! You will fall in love with Bobbi Jo and Jen, in fact I want my own! They are truly her backbone through this whole thing, and Noah too. They all go out of their way to make Victoria comfortable the best they can.

What you don’t see coming is something I can’t reveal do to spoiler issues but I can say this. I wasn’t happy I was livid. I just went through this whole story crying and living through the pages and then, whaaaatttttt?!?!? Oh I was so mad! So so so MAD! And then I cried again, and then laughed again. I know I sound like a basket case, but this book definitely has some twists that you won’t see coming.

By the end I was still pissed off, but better! Ha! This book was honestly something so different and beautiful and I’m not gonna lie, a little sad and aggravating at times. But it was all necessary I believe. I really REALLY enjoyed reading Victoria’s story, it’s a little different pace than you might expect but it is truly a gem. I couldn’t be happier with it, and I can’t wait for book 2!

apacheco1993's review

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I find it really hard to rate a book about a subject so serious as this one.

Victoria has breast cancer. Like many of us, Victoria never thought that she would ever have breast cancer. So when she finds a lump on one of her breasts, her world comes crashing down. With the help of her friends and husband, she is able to pick herself up and face this disease head on. I loved how strong she was and didn't let breast cancer win.

I went into the story thinking that it was going to have romance through the story, I'm sad to say I was wrong. The romance element was small and I wish it had more to hold my attention. I did find out that there will be a book two, so I'm looking forward for that one to have all the romance elements that I wanted.

The story itself was good. I actually did like how detailed it was. I have never had anyone one close to me go through this, so I found it interesting to see all the procedures and learn things that I never knew before. This book of course made me more aware that I need to start checking myself regularly because this can happen to anyone!

Overall, I enjoyed it. There was a little angsty twist thrown in that will shock you. I am looking forward to reading book two to see how Victoria is and to see the romance that this book was missing.

myownbookshelves's review

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Not your typical review

This review is not going to be a regurgitation of the story, plot summary, character analysis. This is a review of why I think you should read this and not shy away. I am going to be honest. This book appeared on my “Recommended for You”. I read the book summary: “You. Have. Breast. Cancer.” Oh heck no – not going to read. I want my romance with steam, sexy, seductive, angsty females, alpha males. I do not want to deal with real life. I’ve been there; done breast cancer. Nope. Not. Going. There. The novel will handle the subject trite or cliched. Or worse, have the characters do things that I fought and hated. No. Nope. Not interested.

Then a friend gifted me a copy and asked me to give it a try.

I am so glad I did. It’s well worth the time.

Let’s cover the basic reviewer’s questions. Were the characters credible? Yes, all characters main and minor were completely authentic and believable. Did the main characters run into problems? Breast Cancer- given. A plot twist that is not worn or thrown in for a wow. A wholly realistic journey. Who was your favorite character? Why? Hell, I have to pick one. We all have a little bit in us or around us of Victoria, Bobbie Jo, Jen and Dana. Enough said. Could you relate to any of the characters in the story? Unfortunately, too easily. Was it hard to think about again? Yes. Was I glad I did? Yes. Because Victoria was such an amazing, strong character I fell in love with. If I could change something, what would it be? Okay, can’t say without giving away the story. But yes, some of the stuff in Victoria’s journey, not particularly happy that had to happen. But, I know that stuff does.

Who do I recommend this to? Everyone who likes anything in this genre. It’s loving, it’s heart breaking, it’s steamy, it’s great girl power, and it’s just a beautiful ride.