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hannahflora's review against another edition

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3.75 stars

akiikomori's review against another edition

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I mean seriously! OH MAN!
I just…DEVOURED THIS BOOK! I took it all in and swallowed it hole and regretted NOTHING!

I’ve been waiting for this book for a year for a year after I finished reading the first book in the series Altered. It feels like it took forever; but the wait was so worth it! This has got to be one of the BEST YA novels I’ve read in a while. And I don’t usually read YA so that’s saying something. The story, the concept is just so simple, and the characters are SO MEMORABLE that I just want to love ALL OF THEM!!! I can’t fangirl enough about this series or this book for that matter!

After escaping the Farmhouse and escaping the Branch, Anna and the boys are still on the run. Trying to live a normal life doesn’t prove easy, especially with all the flashbacks Anna and the boys have been having. Learning information about her family and her past Anna’s loyalty is tested. Will she choose to trust her family and her past or the boys and her new future?

I’ve never read a book where I didn’t love EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER other than the bad guys, cause you’re supposed to hate them. But I love Anna, Sam, Cas, EVEN NICK! and for the record I’m a TEAM TREV girl ;) Nick especially grows on you in this book more than the last one. I didn’t really like him before in Altered but that’s because he was broody and standoffish and for some reason women and myself are attracted to that….what??? But I TOTALLY have new respect for Nick now. Obviously we all love Sam, cause he’s just the best, the shizz, the bees knees, and Cas is just adorable I just want to EAT HIM ALL UP! Nick had his issues but I promise you he’s SO MUCH BETTER and Trev is just…complicated. I definitely liked Trev better in Altered I definitely related to him more, but you just end up feeling sorry for him in a way and in some way it’s not his fault…

“Do you want to see something my mom taught me?”
I sniffed, wiped my face clean. “What is it?”
“You got any paper? I’ll show you.”
The voices faded. I dug for a piece of paper in my desk. A pretty red sheet with hearts on it. I handed it over and the boy snorted.
“What?” I said.
He ruffled my hair. “Nothing. It’s just, you’re such a girl.”

Moving onto Anna though, I think she has to be one of my FAVOURITE FEMALE LEADS almost ever. And that’s saying something. She’s totally badass! and actually DOES STUFF! I have a problem with girls who don’t do stuff, and just sit around and whine or let the guy save them and rescue them blah blah blah. Who knows what I’d be like if I were in her situation but if I was I’d definitely ASPIRE to be like her. She kicks butt, she makes good decisions, she’s proactive, and yeah she has to make some hard decisions but you know such is life! I wish I could be as badass as her!

My attacker dragged me around a corner, out another door, and into the frigid December air. I swung backward with my foot, grazing the agent’s calf. I still had my gun, so if I could get away, I might be able to land a good shot.

There are a lot of question that were unanswered in Altered that were answered in Erased. Family is revealed, more Branch information, but man did my eyes widen while I was reading some of this stuff. I was like WAHHHHHTTTT DID YOU SAYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!? literally freaking out.

The only thing is, and I know I say this a lot, but I wish it was longer. There was a lot of information to take in and it all happened so fast. Every chapter was important, every little bit of information was necessary. It was really hard for me to recall details of what happened in the story just because I was swamped with info. If someone asked me “What’s this book about?” I’m not sure I could recall it all. All I can say in response to that is “You should definitely read this book for yourself and find out.”

I really have to get my butt in gear and read the prequel that came out recently called Forged, I just wish it was an actual full novel. So as I sit and rock back and forth and pray there’s more all I can tell you is this book, no this SERIES is AMAZEBALLS! You could totally read it in one sitting, it’s nice, easy, fast, and is just a wonder to read!

But seriously.
Stay away from Trev.
He’s mine.
You hear that Jennifer Rush! I’m Trev’s biggest fangirl <3~!!!!!

6/5 Hearts of Love

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trishav22's review against another edition

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4.5 stars. I decided to round up because it was so damn enjoyable. Of course, some of the twists and turns were predictable, but some were well planned out. And I really do love these books.

iyaa's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

I am blaming my reading slump for not liking this book as much. This lived up to my expectations but my lack of time and current slump is getting in the way of me enjoying this book the way it deserves to be.

Cas is still my favorite boy (duh) and I was squealing about the whole Nick thing because I definitely like him more than Sam and I do not care what anyone thinks at all. This book was more action-packed and exciting, and I can't wait to get my hands on the next one.

smartinez9's review against another edition

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Sam is boring, it should’ve been Nick. Why reveal an entire backstory fleshing out their relationship and establishing this profound connection if nothing is going to come out of it? That and the fact that I love a redeemed villain and this book wasted him ensure that I will not be continuing this series. The first book admittedly had potential, and I would have happily read on if not for Nick being grossly underutilized.

eusteph's review against another edition

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This was amazing. Cant believe Im gonna have to wait all the way till next year for more of this crazy quartet. The story was overall pretty fast paced and easy to follow. There were some heroic moments that bothered me, but then again I am always hoping that characters will give into the dark side aren't I? I could also predict a lot of what happened, but it didn't make the story less interesting. I am still hoping for that love triangle that I had been waiting for since the first dozen pages in the first book.

tuvasunnelid's review against another edition

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I need nick and Anna together. That’s all I want and I feel like I wouldn’t get it. 

maddiequinn's review against another edition

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It was amazing and I finished it much faster than I typically finish books

leahka89's review against another edition

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I will say I liked this book a lot more than the first. Altered was good, but it wasn't my favorite. Erased is much better as far as pace, character development, ending, and just overall likability. I think this series is super underrated series, so I think if you are a fan of The Bourne Identity series, The Raven Boys series, and even Shatter Me then you will like the Altered series.

Full review and more on the blog:

sarareads4fun's review against another edition

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Loved this book!! So impressed with this author! Incredibly frustrated to have to wait for the next one!!