
The Austin Review Issue 2 by James Brubaker

pearseanderson's review

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Such a fast read! You could run through it like you were running through a cafeteria. A healthy, but not excessive, portion of stories. Mixes of flash nonfiction and lit fic. From, seriously, much better authors that I was expecting. McSweeneys, Zoetrope, Hunger Mountain people, people will books 'n' shit. So that was nice! For such a tiny piece to have that cut and life.

"At the Park" read like a piece by this guy who used to go to Oberlin, a poet named Elliot Bailey. I think he's back in Seattle now.
"The House on Main Street" had a clarity that I really appreciated. It was dry in a good way.
"Be Yourselves" was damn painful, and beautiful it ways in clearly understand but that it wasn't flaunting. Definitely reminded me on “Supernova” by Mary Kate Varnau, published in Glimmer Train. I felt for this piece. Emotional!

So 8/10 journal, because not everything was like A+ but hey it was a good lil mag. Cutie.