
The Job - Volume One by Dawn Robertson

nannyf's review

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This is a quick read, but one with a lot packed into its pages.

Madeline is someone who wants the simple life, a good job and money to provide for her kids. But life doesn't always go the way you want it to, does it?

What Madeline decides to do in order to provide for her kids is a bit drastic, but she can't see any other way out of her situation. But what she decides to do leads her down a path she may well come to regret.

The ending was brilliant! What a shocker. Cannot wait to see what book 2 brings to the story and Madeline's life.

chroniclesofabookreader's review

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3.5 Stars

Maddie has lost her husband, and in turn lost her stability. She has no job, no way to pay her bills, and she can’t find a job no matter how hard she tries. I could feel for her reading her story about how staying home to raise your kids can be a hindrance when it’s been years since you’ve been in the work field. And it’s scary to rely on a spouse because if they go, your entire financial stability is shot.

“I was the perfect Stepford Wife and it cost me the life I had so carefully built.”

Maddie is desperate to make money. She is low on funds and scared of losing everything she has. So in a moment of desperation, thinking of providing for her kids, she creates an ad. At first she doesn’t request any sort of donation, but in her second ad she narrows it down. I enjoyed reading the replies she received for her ad as it could definitely be pulled from real life. Out of all her replies she comes across one man.

“The desire these men have for me is a drug that fuels my fire and repairs the ego that my ex-husband smashed to pieces the second he walked out on our family. It feels good to finally be desired by someone. Even if it is all for a quick buck.”

That one man turns out to be something better than what she expected. But Maddie can’t fully believe he’s real, and after she’s spent time with him, he becomes even more unreal that she gets scared. And I don’t mean that slasher type of scared, more along the lines of a woman who sees something too good to be true and she gets worried about what it could mean (i.e. overthinking it as most women do). So that leads to some irrational decisions on her part which puts the end of the story at a cliffhanger.

“Puberty is a nasty creature, and now my baby boy thinks he is the new Justin Bieber.”

I had one difficulty while reading this serial, and that was the connection between Maddie and her gentleman. I didn’t really feel the spark they did, and it could be because it was a serial and timing of things is rushed, but I would have liked to get to know him through their first visit a little bit better so that I could feel something between them as a reader. The dialogue was a bit too formal, which sort of pulled me from the story as well. I thought the story was a fun story to tell, and it sheds light on what I’m sure most women out there ponder when they are single parents just barely scraping by, or even not making it at all (although this is a scary possibility that could happen and probably has happened to some women in real life). I can tell it’s going to be a wild ride with how it was left off, and I’m wondering where it’s going to go from here.

**Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review**

paddlefoot55's review

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What an interesting little book The Job is.

I admire Maddie for what she does for her kids. I think her ex husband is a douche canoe that I really didn't find anything redeeming about him!

You never v know who you are going to meet when you go outside your comfort zone and man Maddie's experiences are certainly different!

Then just as things are starting to get interesting, it ends.

I am looking forward to the next volume

awise420's review

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Loved every word of this book! Divorced and desperate Madeline decides to use Craigslist personals for some easy money while she tries to find a job. But she quickly realizes that it wasn't well thought out! "Better to be prepared than scare this guy away for good, because from the sound of it...I may need him just as much as he needs me."