
Freeing Carter by Nyrae Dawn

nighteyes82's review

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Carter was a great teen. he had so much to deal with!

Kira is super cool and a great GF

junotranscends's review

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There are a ton of addiction stories out there in YA. What I loved about Carter was that it wasn't the usual angry, screaming, abusive drunk parents...but rather, a subtle sort of addiction that has spiraled out of control before anyone realized it. It's about a boy, and a girl, but most of all...a family who wants to keep it together.

trisha_thomas's review

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Why did I wait so long to read this??? Nyrae Dawn never disappoints me!

Freeing Carter is an absolutely wonderful story about a teenage boy who looks perfect on the outside but is struggling to keep his home life a secret.

The story of living with an alcoholic is dead on. You do get these quirks - you know the smell, the edge in the voice, the hour they wake up or get home - everything tells you how bad it is. This story is a wonderful example of showing what growing up with an alcoholic could be like. It doesn't have to be beatings or violence. It can be more silent and sneaky than that.

It also shows that interesting and tough juggle of hating people around you drinking (in my case, it was dad who drank, so I couldn't date anyone who drank and broke up with a guy who got drunk at a party). Carter has to juggle his secret and handle high school parties and his friends drinking.

But I also think this story does a great job of not making a villain out if the parent. It shows the grandpa, who is a violent mean drunk, and how that's different than the occasional over-drinker.

All in all, incredible story and characters. I can't wait to read more from this author.

jlove731's review

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Nyrae has this amazing talent to craft stories that are so beautifully meaningful. Freeing Carter is no different. It's more than a story of a boy falling in love. It's story of the lengths people will go to take care of their family. The lengths people will go just to fit in and feel like they belong. The lengths people will go to hide the dangers they have to deal with.
Carter Shaw is good at hiding himself. His mother is an alcoholic and Carter constantly is helping her and hiding it in the process. He watches out for this younger sister Sara. He dates Mel because he can, because she makes him feel more normal than ever. Carter also owns the basketball court... what he's good at, his release. Then Kira Dawson enters his life and she makes him question his decisions. Makes him question his choices and what he's worked so hard to hide. It's not one-sided though. Kira wants to know who she is and Carter just may be the person to help her.
I really enjoy how Nyrae can take issues and turn them into beautiful stories. We've all been there where we do things just to feel normal. Where we do things we may not really want to just to fit in. Where we hide things that we don't want people to see. And most of the time all it ends up doing is hurting ourselves. Carter is that guy in this story. He's good-looking, popular, a guy everyone loves. Yet behind those smiles is a boy with a hidden home world. I loved how much Carter looked out for his family, only a person with a heart like Carter's would take on so much. Watching him meet Kira and finally start to crack made me love him even more. He's strong and he makes the decisions that have to made, not always the ones that he wanted to make. And, I admired him for it.
The issues in this book are written so well. It centers around alcoholism and figuring out who you are. Yet, Nyrae doesn't make the alcoholism freighting... she puts a loving face on it. A face you would never want to believe has gone too far. It was different than the drunks you normally imagine and that made me love this book so much more because alcoholism hits home with me. Overall, this book was a fantastic read and if you're thinking about reading it... definitely give it a shot.

zephyrusne's review

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I expected more since I liked Nyrae's other novel.
This one sucked big time. She wanted to address the big issue of alcoholism and kids who have to live with such parents but... It didn't seem quite honest or real enough? I had zero emotions invested in the story.

tita_noir's review

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This was such an engrossing read and so well done. It felt smart and even though the romance kind of takes second place to all the stuff that is going on with Carter, it was enough to feed my romance soul

Carter is a high school senior whose mother is an alcoholic. He is a mass of emotions. He loves her but he hates her. He is ashamed that she drinks. She isn't really a visible drunk and she isn't abusive or anything, so they manage to hide it, somewhat. But Carter feels the burden of it all. Of keeping his mother's alcoholism a secret,of trying to keep his younger sister from knowing, of trying to keep his mother from inadvertently harming her.

The only time he feels any sense of freedom is when he is playing basketball. And when he meets the new girl, Kira. Kira is a free spirit who changes her look and hair like a chameleon. She is funny and smart and she comes along at just the right time.

This book is told in Carter's first person POV and his voice was very vibrant. I loved Carter. I wanted to reach into the book and give him a big old hug. He needed it bad. I also loved him and Kira together. They were sweet and awesome.

BTW, I like the new cover of the book 1000 times better than the previous one. It feels more right for the story. The previous book looked like an adult romance and seriously, the girl on the cover is a racefail. No way was that chick could pass for the primarily African-American Kira.

My Full Review Here

yche09's review

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This is probably one of the most unique reads of my year.

Reading everything from Carter's view is amazing. Firstly, he's a boy. He has all sorts of different thoughts that girls can't have. He has one hell of a worrying mind, that boy. Between his mom being an alcoholic and the needs of his special sister, he would've exploded with all the things swirling around in his mind if it was possible. There were times wherein I was so angry at his mom for letting Carter shoulder all the trouble when it comes to her drinking habits, but there were also times wherein I was frustrated with Carter because he's just so damn martyr-ish! He became such liar too and it sucks.

His saving grace was Kira. Yes, Kira with all of her unique get ups and stunts, captured his heart and made his life better. I mean, he started being better when Kira came into the picture. Now that's one heroine that I truly want to be. Kira's views in life is pretty good. She doesn't care what other people think or say. Well, she also has her deep dark secret (an exaggeration, really) but for me, it only made her stronger. I love her. She even loves Carter's sister so much, she dyed her hair orange! way to go sissy!!! I lover her for Carter. I'm so glad that she stayed with him no matter what.

I'm very happy with how the story ended. :)
Good one, Ms. Dawn! ^_^

lenoreo's review

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4.5 stars -- LOVED it. Ms Dawn writes fabulous characters. I have never met or hung out with any addicts (recovering or otherwise), so it's a very unfamiliar territory for me. And although I watched the things Carter was doing and was like "ARGH!! NO!!!" I understand where he was coming from, and he was coping in a realistic way. It made the end so much more satisfying to see him come to that point on his own. There was a great give and take between Carter and Kira -- and I didn't have to wait forever for that part to start. Reading about how Carter sees Kira and behaves around her just melts my heart...I think we all want to leave our men dumbstruck sometimes...:)

jadeshea's review

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I hate to say this but when I started this book I really just thought it would be an "okay" book one to just pass the time away with. Boy, was I WRONG! This book was truly wonderful!

It starts with Carter thinking he has to be the perfect jock, boyfriend, friend, brother, and son. He has to be perfect and take care of everyone. He can not just be himself. He knows his mom is going through a lot, and he loves her but he hates the fact that he has to live his life taking care of her.

This shows you a different side of alcoholism. A side that may not seem all that bad because the person is mean, but it is still something that is bad. I love how well the author could portray the feelings Carter felt about his mom. It made the book well worth reading.

Then you throw in the mix with Kira, and it adds a little bit of life to the book. I loved her! She has this free spirit personality but she has her secrets just like Carter does.

These two have a wonderful relationship. It starts with them being just friends but grows into a lot more. They each realize that the other is different from others that they have been with, and they get something new out of it. They actually have someone who understands them.

I highly recommend this book!! It was wonderful!

danielawho1307's review

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Even though I love romantic stories and stuff, the romantic part as it is was not what made me love this book. I loved it because of the journey Carter did before being free, the way he struggled with her mom's problems and his little sister, and how he took care of everything he didn't had to. And of course the support of Kira, without whom he couldn't have been freed. Completely incredible.