
According To Hoyle by Abigail Roux

bhookjunkhie's review

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LOVED!!! <3 <3 I really hope there is more soon:)...That was so much fun!

hellishlyawkward's review against another edition

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Western adventure, fun listen. Gabriel was funny, and they were all sweet and likeable in their own ways.

trashconnoisseur's review

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Even if something isn't according to Hoyle it can be right.

3,5 stars for this witty and action-packed western novel

I received a free copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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When Dusty Rose declines a shady job offer and gets hunted in return his best chance of survival seems to be in the arms of the law.

When Cage gets arrested and send to trial in New Orleans he didn't expect to find friends or love along the way.

The two U.S. Marshals Eli Flynn and William Henry Washington who escort three prisoners to trial, one of them Dusty Rose, they weren't prepared to get into such a complicated situation. The law is the law, but that doesn't mean it's always right.

The story has three main POV and a few minor ones pop up from time to time. Admittedly, it left me a bit confused at he beginning because that are a lot point of views when you aren't familiar with the characters. It's rather interesting to obtain the insight of so many different personalities. Alas, the downside is that some developments appear to be rather sudden. I can think of a few I'd have liked to actually read about and not just get tiny glimpses and then get the result thrown in my face.
Aside from that I thought it sad that Wash was kind of left out. Instead of getting a few chapters about antagonists I would've prefered to get his POV as well.

The plot appeared to be rather simple at the beginning but it becomes evident during the read that there is much more scheming and plotting than meets the eye. Although the first part of the book dragged a bit at times the second half picked up speed and kept you seated until the end.

The book was a nice read and I hope there'll be a sequel as there are quite a few questions that need answers.

teresab78's review

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****Reviewed for Prism Book Alliance®****

3.5 Stars Story Review:

Though slow at times, According to Hoyle was a good western, lawman novel. There was good detail in the setting and it provided a great atmosphere. I was a little confused at the start as to who the main characters were, but it worked out quickly.

The gun battles were engaging and the slowly built romances satisfying. Rose had a quick wit and Flynn was surly. Wash seemed easy going and Cage a bit of a mystery at first. Though there were a few inconsistencies I was able to gloss over them for the sake of the story.

The ending left it open for a sequel, but I don’t think that is happening. On the whole, I enjoyed According to Hoyle.
Narration Review:

I enjoyed the narrator’s tone of voice and his accents, while not impeccable, were decent enough to get the right feel for the story. It was a pleasant way to spend some time.

Prism Book Alliance®

wolfspirit292's review

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I absolutely loved this.  All our leads were well-developed and I thought we really got the chance to know them as individuals but also their relationships with each other.  The setting itself was well researched and I felt right at home in this space in time.

I loved both pairings together, but also enjoyed the friendships that formed between the marshals and outlaws.  Honestly one of my favorite things in the book was Flynn and Rose's sniping.

The plot itself was also very nicely done.  I thought we could have done without so much insight into what Stringer was doing or feeling, but it wasn't so much that it detracted from the rest of the story and it very well could be just me who feels this way.

Sex.  Oh my God I am so grateful to read an M/M novel without pointless sex. I've been reading a lot of those lately so it's a breath of fresh air.  Everyone who knows me, knows I think sex scenes are pointless unless they forward the plot and/or character development.  The sex here does just that and it's also very sweet and special.

Loved this book so much and would highly recommend it.  Not sure if there will be another installment as it was certainly left open for one.  If there is, I will certainly be buying it.  Would love to tag along on their next adventure.

Audiobook Review:  I listened to the audiobook for a second "read" and fell in love all over again.  These characters are still so wonderful, and the narrator brought them to life.  I'm not one of audiobooks, but this one was great. 

lolatarantula's review

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Gosh this was just... really good, really fun, gay cowboys with an original plotline outside of usual gun slinging. If reading critical reviews puts you off of buying books then just read the first paragraph, because ultimately I recommend this book quite highly despite a few irksome things.

This book is well written, the characters are well developed and I loved their interactions. Fun story, cute relationships, but doesn't get much deeper than cute, ultimately. It was nice that there weren't sex scenes interspersed throughout the whole thing or the usual heavy focus on how horny the characters are for eachother. It was a refreshing change.

There were a few things that bothered me about the book when I thought about it. (Very minor spoiler, doesn't really even count as one but just in case:)
Spoiler When the sex scenes finally happen they feel tacked on, like they'd been done off on a checklist of things to include before publishing and squeezed into the final chapters.
Nothing against the writing of them or the relationships, as they were done pretty well, but looking back I wish they'd had a bit more substance to them, or even a couple more scenes solely devoted to the actual emotional development between the characters earlier on. The story itself wouldn't have stood without the relationships, so they definitely could have used more reinforcement.

More nitpicking, and the main reason this book gets a 3.5 from me; Where the heck is the sequel?? There were so many loose ends left dangling, character and plot-wise, that I'm heavily disappointed that there's no sign of a second installment. I would pick it up in a heartbeat. I fully get it that it's easy to lose interest in a story, and the historical genre seems like one that Roux doesn't venture into very often, but with the switch in publishers it would have been kinder to edit things, even a little, just to make the story seem more finished than how it is right now. It almost feels like Roux was just looking to get the book done by the end, but still had a major plot point left unresolved. Leaving it as a cliffhanger was not the ideal solution, since it's left me frustrated and borderline mad about it. It was a pretty big plot point too, so to just leave questions like that unanswered was very surprising on my end of things.

Finally; 'Okay' IS NOT PERIOD LANGUAGE. Thank god it was only used once. Also could have had more realistic portrayal of head injuries, but now I'm being a real nerd about it so don't let my anal retentiveness on concussions and linguistics prevent you from buying this book. Neither of these points actually influenced my score.

Despite my critiques, though, this book is totally worth it. It was fun to read and I loved the characters, but be prepared for that tiny bit of disappointment at the end when you realize there's just the one.

kalikin's review

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badboysandbooks's review

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This book started off a bit slow, but eventually pulled me in with the story line. I really loved the interaction between the four main characters, especially how Rose and Flynn grew to appreciate one another. I loved how both Cage and Rose were total bad asses and that both couples ended up with HEA. There was a nice slow build to a couple of sexy scenes at the end, but this book is really all about the action and character interaction.

leahkarge's review against another edition

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According to Hoyle tells the story of U.S. Marshals William Henry "Wash" Washington and Eli Flynn, and their prisoners Gabriel Rose (also known as Dusty Rose) and Cage. Wash and Flynn are charged with escorting Cage and Rose to St. Louis and New Orleans, respectively, to be tried for their "crimes." Over the course of their travels, there are several bumps in the road and eventually the four men are forced to work together, forming a kind of friendship, and manage to learn from each other.

I love Abigail Roux's writing, so I was prepared to be impressed by According to Hoyle, and I absolutely loved it. The historical aspect of the "Wild West" was an intriguing setting, and one that Abi pulled off with great skill and creativity.

And I immediately fell in love with the characters. Stubborn, (mostly) by-the-book Flynn was both a joy and frustration to read about. There were times where I just wanted to shake him in exasperation, but he made up for those by being determined, loyal, funny, and even confused; it was interesting to watch him work through his issues and finally express how he felt to Wash. And speaking of Wash, the man's eternal optimism was extremely endearing and my favorite thing about him. Rose, our English outlaw, was sassy and sarcastic, the main comic relief, and I greatly enjoyed his wit; but one of the things I loved most about him was the way he always seemed to understand exactly what Cage was trying to get across, and the way he was patient enough to try and comprehend in a way most people weren't. While I loved all four of the main characters, Cage was my very favorite. A man who left his previous life to start another. A man who continually tried to do what was right, even when his feelings and desires were conflicted. A man who could say so much without actually speaking a word. It had to be difficult to write a mute character, but Abi did an amazing job with it.

I read on her Ask Abi tumblr that According to Hoyle was supposed to be the first of a trilogy. I sincerely hope that Abi will eventually come back to Flynn, Wash, Rose, and Cage, and give me more of their stories. (I'm not above bribery, if that's what it takes!)

Favorite Quotes:
“I never made a conscious decision about it,” Rose continued seriously. “I suppose I was just made that way. You won’t hear me complaining. I find an emotional connection much easier to form with another man. Physically, it’s quite stimulating as well.”

Flynn snorted loudly and shook his head. The answer struck far too close to his own mind for his comfort. He’d always found himself admiring the physical features of gentlemen far more than those of ladies, seeking out the company of other men rather than women during social gatherings and pining for the easy camaraderie of another man rather than the awkward social intercourse of any woman he’d ever courted. He supposed Rose was right, in a way. That was just the way he’d been made.

(49%, Rose & Flynn)

barrelv's review

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I'm not typically a Western fan, but this story really kept me interested. I'd love to see a sequel to this one!I really want to know what's next for this double-duo. And what the heck was in that box!

This is one of the few M/M fictions that I've read with very little actual on-screen sex (only one scene, actually). Honestly, I didn't even notice until there actually was a sex scene towards the end. And that's high praise. The story caught my interest so much that I got drawn in. I felt there were a lot of unanswered questions, but not enough to impact the quality of the story. Hoping a sequel will get to answers some of these.