
Runes of Truth by G. Bailey

tawnyad2004's review against another edition

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I am really enjoying this book. The main character Evie is the protective, insanely talented bad ass. I think that can be a fine line sometimes. And this author just really nails this character. I honestly enjoy all of the main characters. This is a quick book but I felt immersed in the world and invested in the story. My biggest complaint about the book is the length. At times it felt rushed, the trip through Hell was short and I wish there was a little more to it. Overall I’m excited to continue the series.

ren2995's review against another edition

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This is one of those cases where the adage, don't judge a book from its cover, really applies. I enjoy a decent RH fantasy but this book fell into the same trap that so many of its kind fall for. They forgot about characterization. Not that the plot is really anything stellar. But here's the thing, plots don't have to be stellar because we all know that these books always end with the good guys winning. What makes a book worth getting through are the characters, the backstories, and personalities, and quirks. And an obsession with bacon is not enough to lift a cookie cutter into someone you want to become, or at the very least want as you very best friend. You can't build a character on the fact that they are a good person who does no wrong, despite being an assassin, and loves bacon and protects the people she loves. That means nothing. It inspires nothing. And this is the trap that RHs fall into. They try to create a character that all the male leads will love so they cop out and try and make her perfect or just boringly good so that there is no doubt as to why the male leads all love her.

And the love interests weren't much to talk home about. Two of them were so similar I kept mixing them up. You can't make a character out of a single personality trait and a basic backstory. The characters are as follows (and I'm using letters because I can't remember their names even though I read this book last week)
A) I am too scared to love because of my dark past and instead will focus all my energy on keeping my family safe and doing my duty. This will make me a prick but that's ok, because of said tragic backstory
B) I'm drunk and very flirty and deeply hurt by deaths of loved ones
C) I'm also very flirty but not drunk. I love my mother very much who was wrongly imprisoned
D) I'm the hot possessive ex-boyfriend who worships the land that FMC walks on will do anything for her. My brothers are all dicks and my origins are mysterious even to me.

That's it. There is nothing else to any of these characters. All their action, their dialogue is based on this.

The antagonists are all flat too.

Villian A) I hate you because of my parents and I want power just because.
Villian B) Dark magic to rule the universe!

Really not worth it. Some of this stuff is from the second book which was a DNF.

blackestrose3's review against another edition

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Desperately needs editing

It’s a good story, but the errors everywhere really takes away from it. There are spelling mistakes, poor grammar, and some words just missing entirely. The constant struggle to figure out what is supposed to be written really takes away from the story. Huge disappointment.

blackestrose3's review against another edition

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Desperately needs editing

It’s a good story, but the errors everywhere really takes away from it. There are spelling mistakes, poor grammar, and some words just missing entirely. The constant struggle to figure out what is supposed to be written really takes away from the story. Huge disappointment.

navigatingfiction's review against another edition

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As always, G. Bailey never disappoints! Runes of Truth is a great introduction to her new series, A Demon's Fall.

Runes of Truth follows Evelina, a woman who was abandoned as a child and raised on the streets amidst demons and witches. Thieving and killing to survive and take care of a teenaged witch who is like family, Evie lives a tough life. She is part protector, a group of powerful beings who ensure evil demons are left in hell, but for her entire life she has been targeted and forced to kill protectors before they kill her. When they suddenly need her to find their three missing princesses, Evie is forced to help them to protect the only family she has left. Along with three protectors, Trex, Nix, and Connor, and her demon ex, Azi, Evie must travel to Hell to return the protector royalty.

This was an exciting adventure filled with plenty of twists to keep me eager for more. The world building was great, gradually revealing more and more about the different creatures and abilities the beings of this world have and how they live on earth and interact with other species. Evie is plenty ignorant about many aspects of her world, including her heritage and the Hell she must journey through, allowing us to learn as she does.

There were also a couple chapters with the guys' POVs giving us the opportunity to learn more about them and their world from a different perspective!

Although Evie is 25 in this story, she at times seems a little immature. She is rash and defensive, but this can be explained by her difficult past. I do love her obsession with bacon though!

One aspect of this story that I really liked was the guys. They are fairly original for a reverse harem story. Though this is definitely more of a slow burn, I like that the guys aren't all instantly in love with the heroin. While Azi is certainly invested, he has a history with Evie. But the other guys are either lusting after her, or in one case, seemingly dispising her. But this allowed the story to focus on the action and adventure instead of simply revolving around romance.

Runes of Truth was a great start to G. Bailey's new series and I can't wait to read more!

bookwife's review against another edition

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Oh man. That got freaking good. It was a bit slow at first but oh my gosh! That ending! So fantastic. I went into this book thinking it would be okay. I knew I would enjoy it because I enjoy most of Bailey's books but I honestly wasn't expecting much. But I was delighted and surprised by how much I actually enjoyed this book. I am already starting the next book!

jarichan's review against another edition

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Ähm... nein. Das war nichts. Absolut nichts. Schon vom ersten Satz an kamen dieses Buch und ich nicht klar.

Der Schreibstil sagte mir leider ganz und gar nicht zu. Bailey steckt irgendwo zwischen Jugendroman und Fantasy fest, kann sich aber scheinbar nicht entscheiden, was sie nun genau schreiben will. Das schlägt sich dann natürlich auch auf die Handlung und den Aufbau nieder.

Mir ging das Konzept der Runen nicht auf, es wurde für meine Verhältnisse viel zu wage und zu unklar beschrieben. Auch ansonsten geht der Ablauf viel zu schnell und zu einfach vonstatten. Dass dabei so etwas wie Charakterentwicklung auf der Strecke bleibt, ist klar. Wobei... dafür bräuchte man Charaktere und nicht nur platte Schablonen.

Nein, diese Reihe werde ich definitiv nicht weiterverfolgen.

condygurl's review against another edition

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Great beginning to a series.

Very interesting concept, and I can’t wait to continue reading in the next book. Evie is strong and takes no bs, yet still has this sweetness about her and is such a nice character.

srharris's review against another edition

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I think G. Bailey is the perfect example of an author getting better with experience.

I love Evie. I have no opinion about the guys yet as their characters wasn't really explored, but from what I can see about them, I know I will adore them.

I will say that the story line is a bit predictable. I had a guess as to who she was and that the princess was not an innocent in this story.

I am looking forward to see how this series plays out.

lynn_the_greyhound_mum's review against another edition

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Absolutely brilliant!