
Scarred: Trey and Autumn by Tess Thompson

spowers2627's review against another edition

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The Cliffside Bay series is a delight to read. Each book brings us a unique love story set in a charming beach town complete with great friendships and surprising events.
In Scarred, Autumn is a character most women can relate with. She has been through so much in her life and has physical and emotional scars that she carries with her. Because she can only see her flaws, Autumn doesn't think anyone else cans past her scars to love her. Her best friend Trey has emotional scars as well but his are beginning to heal and he sees himself having a future with Autumn, if only he can find a way to convince her. I love how "The Wolves" are such loyal friends, always willing to help each other. As is always the case, when the story ended wasn't ready for my time with these characters to end.

illidia316's review against another edition

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I love the Cliffside Bay series so much, and the series gets better with every single book. This book about Trey and Autumn is my favorite so far. Trey and Autumn have always been my favorite characters, so I was very glad to read their stories. There are a lot of good messages about body image in this one, which is very much needed in today’s society. I hope the next book comes soon!

ssrosepetal's review against another edition

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This author seems to have a way with words. She writes books that are down home sweet with just a tiny bit of spice. It's nice to read a book every so often that's not over flowing with drama. The emotional pain in this book is what kept me coming back. Autumn was so mentally and physically scarred that she didn't think anyone could really love her, especially someone as handsome and "perfect" as her best friend. She heard all the words people said but was so deep inside her own emotional pain that she refused to look beyond the surface level. I adored this woman and the struggles she went through. I just which she had found her emotional strength sooner as I kind of felt the story dragged on when I wanted them to get together. Trey was the typical guy in love with someone who had friend zoned him. He initiated didn't try hard enough and gave up after one attempt to tell her his true feelings. Then he did something stupid to try and win her over. Honestly I understand why he did it, but also thought it was stupid. I also thought Autumn was a little to trustworthy right off the bat telling "Art" all her private and personal thoughts. He could easily have been a serial killer! In all this was a sweet enjoyable read. *I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.*

alwaysreadingreview's review against another edition

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I love the title. Autumn has scars from all of her surgeries. Scars to me are proof of you surviving. Trey has scars, too, but not physical ones. His was all inside of him because of his ex wife. They both had to overcome their scars to see what is right in front of one another.

I love reading this series. It is like going home. Both the Dogs & the Wolves know that friends are family and they need to be put first before anything else. I can not wait to read more in this series.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
Recommend this book? Yes! Author? Yes!
Read more from this author? Yes!

Happy Reading!
Review coming

nutreads's review against another edition

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We have all been impatiently waiting for Try ad Autumn's story and it was definitely worth it! Once again we get to hang out in Cliffside Bay with the Wolves and once again we are transported to a world where no one lives a perfect life but everyone finds their happily ever after. Trey and Autumn are both scarred, Autumn's scars may be physical while Trey's are emotional however neither are dulled until they can admit the love they have for each other.
This book tugs on all the heart strings, I know you will love it as much as I did!

alstrath's review against another edition

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Scarred is the eighth book in this series and by this time, regular readers have grown to know and love the characters very well.
As for all long running series's I think it is a challenge for the author to come up with a story-line that keeps the readers reading. I think Tess Thompson has done well to achieve this in "Scarred".
"Scarred" has a central theme of scars and how they hold you back from what you deserve.
Autumn is the female lead this time round, her scars are physical - incurred in an accident that almost cost her her life in her teens. As a result she doesn't believe there is a man who would love her because of the scars, so she turns to online dating to try find a soulmate.
Trey our male lead, has emotional scars from his controlling father and his cheating ex-wife, these two have left him cynical about love and marriage until Autumn bursts into his life.
Urged on by his best mates, the Wolves, he decides to "meet" her online - not one of the best ideas the Wolves have ever had.
And so their tale unfolds through a few tense situations that test our leads and their love.
With this book, Tess Thompson has touched on possibly the most sensitive issue facing people - accepting yourself as you are; acknowledging you are worthy of love no matter what you look like! Embracing your scars and making them a part of your life, not the main part of your life.
Two quotes stand out for me:
One from Trey himself: "You have to start thinking of your scars as warrior paint - something to be proud of, not hide away. You're a survivor and have the scars to prove it."
And one from Lisa: "We all have scars," Lisa said. "They make us human."
I have a feeling that Tess Thompson has delved into real-life and reflected features of past experiences into this book because the emotions are very real, very honest.
My only negative about this book is a minor one and its story-line based - her leading lady from Book 1 in the series needs to stay hidden due to her past and with every book more folk move to Cliffside Bay and more tourists come visit who believe her famous football player husband has a home there and I live in fear she'll be discovered with horrifying consequences.

vhardman's review against another edition

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With each book in the Cliffside Bay Series, every time I think the story can’t get any better or more intense, it does. The story of Trey and Autumn is something I think a lot of people will be able to identify with. We are all Scarred, some scars may be on the outside, but there are plenty of ways to be scarred on the inside.

Tess Thompson writes with such heartfelt emotion, you can’t help but be drawn to her stories. From the very first page, the eloquence of the her words has you captivated from the start. There are times in this story you want to just reach into the story and shake the characters. The story will definitely evoke your emotions.

I can’t recommend this series or this book enough! Each book in the story can be read as a stand alone but I recommend you read them in order to get the full effect of the stories. Reading this series is like visiting old friends. Each time you open the next book they come back and you may even find some new friends along the way.

lsmoore43's review against another edition

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I’ve truly enjoyed this whole series. Each book seems to get better and more intense. This one is no exception. It’s well written and the characters are so likable that you will feel like you live right in the middle of Cliffside Bay. Each character adds their own special touch to the books and makes you want the next one all the more.

I rooted for Trey and Autumn all the way through this book. I didn’t approve of the crazy things Trey did and wish he would not have gone about things the way he did. That is just me though. I took it completely as being dishonest and I do not like dishonesty in any form. I know there are times when a person may feel like they have no choice but to keep secrets from the one they love but I wish they would not do that. Honesty is just so important in a relationship. I love Trey and Autumn. I root for them to make it and have the life they deserve.

Each character plays such an important part in each book and this one is no exception. It’s a very realistic story with lovable couples and new couples being added each time. Through heartaches and sorrows. Through breakups and weddings. To births and deaths, this series will keep you coming back for me.

I have to say thank you to one of my very favorite authors, #Tess Thompson and to MaryAnn Schaefer for this ARC in exchange for my complete and honest review.

A huge 5 stars for this book and I highly recommend this and the whole series to everyone.