
Blood Memories by Barb Hendee

merrybelletrist's review

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I bought this book for a simple reason. It was on sale and it has vampires. You can't beat that combination! Honestly I was intending to read the other book I bought along with it. But as things often happen, I chose to read something else.

Two days ago I pursued my bookshelf for something new to read. This one caught my eye and so I picked it up. It seemed like most of the other vampire books I'd read, but I have to say Eleisha's gift interested me a bit. Why give her that particular gift? Around page 50
I really started to get interested because someone mentioned there were only 6 vampires in the world. At the end of the novel, Eleisha finds a note telling her she was not alone and this really peeked my interest.

So I will be buying the next book in the series. It kept me interested and I enjoyed it.

gwentolios's review

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This book grabbed me right away. Starting off with a vampire suicide was pretty alarming. But what really held my attention here were the characters and their backstories. A vamp trying to save his father, but instead dooming him to eternal senility. A servant turned just to play nursemaid. Another being slow corrupted by his gifts. The fact that they don't have super strength, or super speed also made me like this world.

The whole mind reading thing had me rolling my eyes, thinking it very Twilight, but then I remembered this is probably 10 years older. And honestly, much less creepy. The romance, in fact, is pretty much completely absent. It's all about connecting with people (or other vampires) and not being alone, then find love which I really appreciated.

avoraciousreader68's review

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This was a bit different take on vampires. The story was interesting, the characters had some depth and it ended with me wanting to continue the series.