
Matter of Fate by Ellie Heller

bookish_satty's review against another edition

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I got this book from the author, free of cost, in exchange of an honest review from my side.

Firstly I would like to thank Ellie Heller, author of A Matter of Fate for giving me this wonderful opportunity of reading and reviewing this wonderful book.

Well, where to start from? Lets begin with the good points.

I liked the story line a lot and let me tell you that it is not a clone of any other fantasy-romance novel, it has it's own plot and the story is totally unique and the blurb really caught my attention from the first ad the author did a great job here!

The characters Mona and Cart really stole the show for the day but Nic and Tania are great as well. The essence of pure love was present in this and I really enjoyed the way the story progressed.

Well, now comes the reason for just 4 stars.

Firstly I would say that I expected a lot from this story after a read the blurb and was a little disappointed after I completed the story.

The thought behind the story is great and it has great potential but I think the author didn't full justice with the plot and the characters. I would have loved it if the characters would have been a little bit more flourished.

In some places I found the story to get a little slow-paced and repetitive and loose the interest of the reader.

I'm really looking forward to book 2 and I'm sure that the author will knock me off with it and I'm really excited to know about the way the characters and the plot develop in the sequel.

Well, reviews differ so don't worry and go grab it, who knows this can be the 'IT' book for you.

napqueeniereads's review against another edition

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I don't really have a ton to say about this book being good or bad. It wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. I couldn't really get into the story. I'm not a big fan of shifter books so maybe that's why. I didn't really like the two main characters either. I thought their romance escalated way too quickly to be realistic but when you're dealing with magic I guess anything goes.

I liked the whole idea of seeing the magic and how there were sigils and Colorado and stuff like that. I'm also a big fan of anything to do with fae so I enjoyed a lot of the magical aspects. Though I do wish the descriptions of what she was seeing in the magic and how she manipulated it was in the beginning and not the end of the book. I had a hard time understanding what she was doing until then.

Puck. Puck is awesome. I don't think I need to say more on that point. Great character.

caffeinatedbibliophile's review against another edition

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This book was free, in exchange for a review.

I hate, hate, HATE giving low ratings when I thought I would love a book, but this one was just… I can’t think of a word to describe it right now in my sleep deprived state, so here’s the bad:

There were way too many grammatical errors throughout the book, which was very distracting and after about 5% of the book, it had surpassed “annoying.” So the book needs a LOT of editing. I have to knock it down about 1.5 stars just for that because it made enjoying the story almost impossible for me. Even at the beginning of the book, I kept going back and re-reading the same parts multiple times trying to figure out what was going on, who was talking, what it should have said, and so on.

Maybe I was alone in this, but I had a hard time following this story, and I think I would have even if the editing had been much more thorough. I felt like the author expected us to know what was going on without any explanation, and I found myself actually shaking my Kindle and growling, “I do not live in your head! Explain this shit!” Let me say now that while I’m not crazy for generic romances (I try to avoid them), I do sometimes enjoy paranormal romance and I read a lot of fantasy. A. LOT. So it wasn’t like I had never heard of some concepts from this book before, but I found myself going back and re-reading things to try to figure out WTF was going on. I think a bit more detail and explanation would be great for this book, because I wasn’t satisfied with what we got. Knocking off another star for that.

Because I’m not crazy about romance, I won’t go on a rant about them falling for each other so quickly, and blah blah blah. It’s fantasy, I get it, I’m over it now.

Now, for some good things, because this book was not all bad.

I really liked the concept of the story in general, but I think Ellie Heller did a great job with the shifter theory. I’ve read a few other explanations for how weres/shifters actually manage to pull off the shift/change, so reading her take on it in this universe was unique (in my experience) and I really liked it. In fact, I LOVED her explanation for how that worked (I do wish a bit more detail was provided, though).

I liked most of the characters, but I really liked a couple of the secondary characters. The main duo were not my favorites, but they didn’t annoy me, either. Overall, I think the characters were good, but maybe a bit more fleshing out would be nice.

I’m horrible with reviews, but I try to give a snapshot of what I thought without giving away spoilers. I’m afraid if I try to go into other things I enjoyed, I will give some away and I don’t want to do that.

Overall, I liked the book. I didn’t love it, it didn’t make me want to seek out other books by the author, but I didn’t hate it, either. With some editing, I think this book could be really good. I’d give it about 2.5 stars as is, but I’ll give it a half star bump for cuteness at the very end involving one of my favorite characters.