
Undefeated by Stuart Reardon, Jane Harvey-Berrick

zaza_bdp's review against another edition

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J'ai enfin pris le temps de lire ce bouquin que j'avais pourtant envie de lire dès sa sortie VO ! J'étais curieuse de voir ce que pouvait donner la collaboration entre un auteur chevronné tel que Jane Harvey-Berrick, et Stuart Reardon nouveau venu dans l'univers de l'écriture.
Eh bien je dois dire que le résultat est à la hauteur de ce que j'avais imaginé !

L'enjeu de ce livre, ce n'est pas la romance, mais l'évolution des personnages, et plus particulièrement celle de Nick. C'est un héros dans tous les sens du terme que nous avons là, un homme qui suit un parcours incroyable, touchant le fond avant de se relever de la plus gratifiante des manières. Nick est un homme simple, un mec bien, le genre de gars qu'on peut croiser dans notre vie quotidienne. C'est quelqu'un d'intègre, qui a des valeurs, et qui est prêt à tout sacrifier pour atteindre son rêve. Du coup, quand son corps le trahit, il tombe dans une spirale sans fin. Son parcours force le respect, on ne peut qu'admirer sa force de caractère et son intégrité, vraiment, c'est un sacré mec ! J'ai aimé sa simplicité et sa force brute. Souvent je trouve que dans les romances, les personnages sont vraiment trop idéalisés, mais pour moi, Nick est vraiment authentique, et je pense que c'est aussi cette simplicité et cette proximité que l'on ressent, fait qu'on s'attache vraiment au personnage. Et puis il est impossible de ne pas se demander quelle est la part de fiction et d'autobiographie concernant toute la partie sportive, puisque Stuart Reardon est en partie aux manettes. C'est assez incroyable de découvrir l'envers du décor, de voir les sacrifices, les souffrances endurées et toute la part de travail et "d'entretien physique" dont on n'a pas forcément conscience en tant que simple spectateur. En cela, l'apport de Stuart Reardon est indéniable, et du coup, l'impression de réalisme n'en est que plus frappante !

Le rugby est mon sport favori, et je me suis régalée ici, étant pour une fois en terrain connu. Il n'y a pas beaucoup de scènes de matchs, mais celles-ci sont très fortes, notamment la dernière, qui m'a fait autant d'effet qu'un vrai match ! Et je ne parle même pas du cameo qui m'a excitée comme une puce !! Ahlalala, je n'ai qu'une envie maintenant : regarder un bon match !!

Anna est un personnage très intéressant, elle aussi est quelqu'un d'entier, forte et fragile à la fois. C'est un personnage plein d'aspérités, elle n'est pas parfaite, n'est pas non plus du genre à se pâmer comme une idiote devant un mec comme Nick. Comme lui, elle vit des choses difficiles dans ce roman, elle aussi passe par des moments terribles, mais comme lui, elle se relève, et en ressort plus forte.

J'avoue que dans un premier temps, j'ai trouvé certains rebondissements vraiment too much, ainsi que l'ampleur des proportions que prennent certains évènements. Seulement, il faut bien se remettre dans le contexte de la culture anglaise, où les paparazzis font partie du quotidien, et où le trash est en quelque sorte une véritable institution populaire. Tout ce qui arrive ici, si gros que cela puisse paraître, peut réellement se produire là-bas, et finalement, même si ça paraît disproportionné, c'est au final très vraisemblable, puisque culturellement ancré dans la vie culturelle des Anglais.

Les personnages secondaires sont bien croqués, j'ai une affection toute particulière pour Brendan (on se demande bien pourquoi !), et je dois dire que j'ai également bien aimé la famille de Nick, ainsi que les coéquipiers du jeune homme. En revanche, je dois dire que M. est un personnage exécrable et caricatural à souhait, je me demande vraiment ce qui est passé par la tête de N ...

Voilà donc une lecture riche en émotions, un parcours humain plein de forces et de failles, une belle expérience de vie, et une collaboration plus que réussie !

brendymegs's review against another edition

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Powerful and emotional. Highlights the damage social media can do
I found the beginning a little slow, it didn't grip me from the beginning like a good book would, so I got distracted from it and I put it aside to come back to it later, which I did, and I'm glad I did. 
Once the story grabbed me, and it did a few chapters in, I really enjoyed it. There was an instant chemistry between the two main characters Nick and Anna and despite various roadblocks meant to keep them apart they had an attraction that was so strong they risked everything to be together.
It was emotional, suspenseful and highlights how the electronic media and social media can control the outcome of a situation and distribute an opinion, or misrepresent facts in such a short time frame, effectively destroying a persons reputation overnight for something they didn't do.  
Undefeated is an extremely powerful story about overcoming your darkest moments and rising up to be your best self, overcoming doubt and fear and all in the public eye. 
I did find some of the sports scenes a little long.  I would rather more interaction between the main characters than details about a Rugby game, but that's just my personal preference and it did't detract from the story, but for me it didn't add a great deal either.
Although there were aspect of this book that were not my preference, I still enjoyed it and recommend it, particularly if you are a fan of sports romance.

simplyxkate's review

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I recently came across a picture of Stuart Reardon holding a baby. The not-so-logical part of my mind was then convinced that I had to read this book because not only is he the cover model, he also co-authored it. It would do me well in the future to realize that a hottie cover model does not always equal a good book. DNF.

sim_96's review

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I expected a lot from this book and was mostly left disappointed. Firstly, it was too long, trying to pack as much drama into it as possible. Second, the two main characters were super boring, toxic and a little childish. The book follows Nick and Anna as Nick suffers from an injury, a new club and all the other dramatic stuff you can come up with. Anna was his sports psychologist before he left the team. One night together and months later they are reunited.
With a jaded past from both ends the two have to navigate it all to be together.
To be honest I skim read a lot of this book. It was too long, too boring and too unbelievable at times.

bookmamari's review

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Loved it! A wonderfully written story of perseverance.

I will admit I am not a big sports fan, however I was excited to read this, to learn a bit about rugby from a rugby legend. I love that a lot of Nick's life mirrored Stuart's. The angst of suffering a potential career ending injury, being betrayed by not one, but two of the closest people Nick had in his life, and the longing for a woman he was forbidden to see other than professionally. The relationship Nick and Anna build through the story defeats the odds and is one of the most purest. It is one we all wish we could have. One built on respect,admiration,and most of all friendship. I loved that they both fought to be together overcoming their past, the law, to end up happily ever after. I truly enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next by these two.

nicandbooks's review against another edition

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A surprisingly great read - full of sports action and a fabulous romance

I'm going to preface this review by saying that I did not intend on reading this book so early after its release. It has been crazily hyped thanks to co-author and cover model Stuart Reardon, and I didn't want to read it just because "everyone else is". However, when my Instagram account (along with a heap of other bookstagrammers) was tagged by the aforementioned Stuart asking if "we'd read Undefeated" and I entered into some cheeky banter with Stuart, I got convinced to buy and read the book. So here I am - I've read it and as the title to my review says, it was a surprisingly great read.

I'm going to get the things I wasn't a fan of (and the reason this is a four star/heart read) out of the way first before I talk about all the things I loved. The book is written in third person POV and while I don't mind this, the fact that the person who is telling the story chops and changes in chapters, in paragraphs and even to characters who aren't one of the two leads, is a little confusion and frustrating at times. It did detract from the story on occasions but it didn't make it unreadable. Also, I get that Stuart Reardon is famous but he is already on the cover and he has co-authored the book - to also have him appear as a character in the story - a rugby commentator - ends up making Stuart out to be a bit narcissistic, something that I hope he actually is not... And then there are the long, drawn out descriptions of a of handful rugby union matches that I will admit, I did skim over by the end of the book...

But in saying all of that, the story is not about Stuart... it's about Nick Renshaw - an ageing and injured rugby union player who is down on his luck and needing some motivation and inspiration. Enter Dr Anna Scott, sports psychologist and all round fascinating woman. What ensues is a "forbidden doctor-patient romance" that has lots of drama, buckets of sexual tension and chemistry, and a storyline that will absolutely reel you in and have you wanting more. In the end, it's the characters of Anna and Nick that I absolutely fell in love with - they alone are the reason this book is rated as highly as it is. Their characterisation, their personalities, their love story is fabulous. It's what had me continuing to read despite the above frustrations, and what will have me one-clicking the next book because I'm curious as to where they will go next.

Stuart and Jane should both be congratulated on a fabulous sports romance that I will be recommending to others. I'm intrigued now by what they bring out next and while Stuart already had a fan in me, he hasn't lost me by branching out into the world of writing - so hey, win-win :D Defeated is definitely worth adding to your TBR. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

nicandbooks rating â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
Amazon/Goodreads rating â­ï¸â­ï¸â­ï¸â­ï¸

bookspaced's review against another edition

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Seine Welt liegt in Scherben. Er ist gebrochen. Er hat alles verloren. Aber sein Herz ist unbesiegbar.

Als Nick Renshaw mit sechsundzwanzig Jahren seine Profikarriere als Rugbyspieler wegen einer Sportverletzung aufgeben muss, verliert er nicht nur den Sport, den er über alles liebt, sondern auch seine Verlobte und alle Hoffnung. Die Ärztin Anna Scott soll das Aushängeschild der Rugby-Liga wieder fit machen, doch sie merkt bald, dass Nicks Seele den größten Schaden davongetragen hat. Nur langsam dringt sie zu ihm vor, doch als ihre eigene Vergangenheit sie einzuholen droht, wird Nick klar, dass man erst unbesiegbar sein kann, wenn man gemeinsam stark ist!

"Authentisch und besonders! Bewegend wie keine andere Sports-Romance!" Beware Of the Reader Book Blog

Debütroman von Rugbystar Stuart Reardon und Liebesroman-Autorin Jane Harvey-Berrick


Ganz am Anfang meiner Rezension möchte ich sagen das ich das Cover einfach super finde.
Bei diesem Buch weiß man nach dem Lesen einfach nicht wie man es bewerten soll. Es ist eine super tolle Geschichte und man verliebt sich sofort in die beiden Charaktere und kann einfach nicht aufhören zu lesen.

Nach einer kurzen Einführung in das Leben der Charaktere wird man schon gleich ins kalte Wasser geworfen und man leidet mit dem Chrakter mit der es gar nicht verdient hat. Und nach diesem Kapitel hört es nicht auf. Die Spannung ob er es nach seiner Verletzung wieder schaffen wird bleibt einem eine ganze Weile im Kopf. Man merkt auch sofort beim ersten aufeinandertreffen der beiden das sie sich zueinander hingezogen fühlen. Doch nach der Verletzung hört es nicht auf. In diesem Buch folgt ein Drama nach dem anderen und man leidet wirklich mit allen Charakteren (mit ausnahme) mit.

Mich hat das Buch wirklich sehr überrascht und wirklich sehr berührt. Die Charaktere gehören einfach zusammen und auch die Schicksalsschläge die sie gemeinsam beweltigen zeigt das sie sich gehören.

Ich fand das Buch wirklich gelungen und kann es jedem empfehlen der eine herzzereißende Liebesgeschichte sucht und sich verlieben möchte.

Das einzige was mich an dem Buch stört ist der Titel. Dieser hätte wirklich nicht geändert werden müssen - von Undefeated auf Invincible - das hätte man sich sparen können, da ich den englischen Titel viel passender finde als den "Deutschen".

Die Autoren haben hier wirklich große Leistung geleistet. Man merkt nicht wer welche Stelle schreibt, da es sehr harmoniert.

Wenn ich könnte, würde ich diesem Buch noch weitere Sterne geben. Für mich eine tolle Sportromance - die sich auch stellenweise mal auf den Sport konzentriert.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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3.5 stars
Undefeated was a raw story - however, even if it almost read as a biography at times, I had difficulties truly enjoying the two main characters.

breerashel's review against another edition

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*I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review*

I loved that this book had a character that played rugby. I've always found the idea of rugby interesting but haven't had the time to devote to learning more/watching any of the matches. I have to admit I've often wondered what motivates people to play such a bloodthirsty sport. They don't have padding like the men that play football and I would be scared of injury. I think that is the reason why I found Nick's point of view in Undefeated to be so interesting. I learned quite a bit about rugby and what might motivate someone to play the game. It made Nick feel electrified and he liked being pounded on by the other players because it made him feel alive. I enjoyed the journey that he went on throughout the book. Anna was fine as a character but didn't really grab my attention. I found her to be a bit bland. I thought that she had poor judgement and I got sick of her push and pull with Nick. I loved the message of the book which was to pick yourself back up even when everything seems lost. There is a quote that is used in the book a few times and I'm not sure if the authors of the book made it up or saw it somewhere but I loved it! It is actually the first portion of the blurb for the book. I thought that the story and the progression of it was just okay. I didn't really like how the book focused on Nick for so long and then all of the sudden Anna was the focus. It was a little disorienting to say the least. I would have liked for the book to have focused solely on Nick because it is already mentioned that Anna had had a low point in her life years ago. I don't feel like she needed to have any more focus on her than that in order to solidify the theme of being undefeated.

valeehill's review against another edition

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Three devastating ugly cries 😩...then happy tears for that lovely hard-earned epilogue! The things Anna and Nick had to survive. GAH! They didn’t JUST survive though, they triumphed! I am NOT a sports person, and I was absolutely comfortable with how the rugby was featured. Very well done, Ms. Harvey-Berrick and Mr. Reardon. 👏🏼