
The Canterbury Tales: The New Translation by Geoffrey Chaucer, Gerald J. Davis

leigh_ann_15_deaf's review

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Deaf character (Alice or Alison): “She was somewhat deaf, and that was a pity.” 

She tells a short personal experience narrative, told playfully despite the seriousness of the contents (sexual double standards, DV). She plays up to stereotypes for her own amusement/benefit. I suspect she says misogynist things like how women love wifebeaters because the young men of the group asked for her advice in finding a wife, and she is making sure women won't love them. 

She has wedded 5 men since she was 12, and is in the market for no. 6, now that she is 40+. 

Her 5th husband, Jenkin, hit her on the ear and caused it to go deaf. 

 Link to ranked list of deaf characters in fiction: 