
Exposure by Kelly Moran

dayveni's review

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I'm a fan of Kelly's, but this is her first foray into erotic romance and I was curious to see how she would handle this leap. She has certainly turned up the heat!

Just as in her previous books, Kelly has a knack for allowing her characters to build their relationships, rather than the "insta-love" so often seen lately. Noah and Raven had obstacles to overcome and they had to work hard at it, delving into their (sometimes difficult) pasts and pushing boundaries. These obstacles weren't small by any means and the backgrounds of these characters were certainly unique, making their relationship fairly complicated. I enjoyed the small cast of supporting characters as well, allowing me to see Raven and Noah in a slightly different light at times.

As expected, Kelly created a story that pulled me right in with suspense, mystery, and plenty of drama. There were also several hot, steamy sex scenes to spice things right up! I'm hoping to see more books like this from her in the future!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

erinnicole28's review

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DNF @ 42%

Minor character spoilers ahead (at least my opinion of the characters)...

I may come back to this but I'm stopping for now. I'm sure many people will like this book, but for me it had no warmth. The beginning is really what ruined it for me. Both H & h were very cold, and the relationship seemed clinical. When their relationship started to become more than friends with benefits, it didn't have the lead up I would have liked which in turn didn't offer any relationship growth. This, in my opinion, didn't help the lack of warmth the characters exhibited. I felt the heroine in particular was a little robotic.

I just couldn't get past it. I disliked both H & h. I'm wondering if me and this author just aren't meant to be.

kchisholm02's review

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Thank you Netgalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review.

This novel had me hooked from the very beginning. Chapter two had me going "whoa" and sneaking hints down the page to see what happened next all the way to the very last page. At the beginning we meet Raven, an art enthusiast who has quite literally built her own gallery from the ground up. We are also introduced to her assistant, Nicole, who is very outgoing, fun-loving, and easy to love as a reader. A little ways into the book we meet Noah, Raven's best friend and adventure extraordinaire. Oh, and did I mention he's crazy rich?

What we learn about these characters is Raven has been receiving handwritten letters on her birthday and other major life events from a secret and spicy admirer. Each note is short and sweet painting visions of how she is desired by this mysterious man. On her birthday she receives another letter hand delivered by the agent of Hoan Dewell, one of the most prolific photographers, and it leaves her shocked, intrigued, and wanting more. Raven is supposed to meet with Hoan to discuss a showing for her work at her gallery, and now that she knows he is her secret admirer she realizes it's a date and not a business arrangement. Noah, on the other hand, thinks Raven should skip the dinner, and forget about Hoan.

Much to my surprise, because I didn't read the synopsis, Hoan turns out to be Noah Cadwell. This shocking news sends Raven into a twister of emotions. Noah proposes they start a explicitly physical relationship for one month, and then go back to being just friends.

And we all know how a story like that turns out. Yes, the two start to develop feelings for each other. No, the relationship does not stop after a month. And yes, hopeless romantics can not help but fall in love with the two.

This novel has a beautifully developed plot. It engages the reader, strips down the characters to their very base, and makes us feel as if we truly know and understand them as intimately as they do each other.

Kelly Moran brings to life two people who were not meant to know love. Raven feels as if she is damaged and broken, and Noah has had his whole life stripped away from him. Together they find that it's okay to lean on one another in times of need.

Not only does Moran display her powerful talent in romance, but she creates action-packed scenes when we learn alongside Raven the truth behind Noah's fears. His family was murdered, and he has been on the defensive his entire life to protect himself and those he cares about from the hitmen hired to erase him from existence.

This book is receiving 5 stars from me because I never once grew bored with the plot. There was always something to keep me reading. I also found myself melting, cringing, smirking and fearful alongside the characters. The storyline consists of a lot of different branches, and most intertwine, but at the end I did not feel as if I was missing something. Each branch had met its end, and there was no let down or feeling of incompleteness.

Kelly Moran did a fantastic job with her novel. She had every bit of action, spice, and friendship needed to create a beautifully written piece.

teesbookjourney's review

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This is a great quick read with awesome spicy moments and a bit o mystery. Noah has a past and he's been hiding it from his best friend who he's been in love with. Raven doesn't trust easily, she is attempting to secure the most exclusive photographer for her gallery

I loved the sex in this book it was especially spicy. I loved the relationship between Noah and Raven, the journey of them figuring out their feeling for each other was great to read about.

Raven's backstory was a little rushed and vague. Noah's whole backstory was written out and stated but Raven's needed a bit more work.

A nice read better thicker books

kbranfield's review

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3.5 stars.

Exposure by Kelly Moran is an erotic romance with suspense elements.

Raven Crowne and Noah Caldwell have been best friends for the past ten years. Raven worked hard to escape from her humble beginnings and she is the owner of a thriving art gallery. She has some pretty serious trust issues and she has never been in a long term romantic relationship. Noah is über wealthy and runs a successful outdoor adventure company. On paper, he seems to be an open book, but Noah is keeping a few secrets and Raven is flabbergasted when he confesses a long term attraction to her. His other secrets are not quite as innocuous and could put them both in danger.

When the novel first opens, Raven is excited at the prospect of featuring one of her favorite photographers at her gallery. His identity is shrouded in mystery since he eschews any type of publicity. Raven is a little stunned to discover he is also the person responsible for cryptic (and, in my opinion, creepy) messages she has been receiving for the past several years. Her curiosity about him overshadows her fear and she is quick to agree to meet with him. Needless to say, Raven is nervous but eager to meet him and she is in for the shock of her life once they finally come face to face.

The attraction between Noah and Raven is mutual and while she is initially hesitant to accept his proposal, she finally agrees to spend a month exploring their desire. She has deep rooted issues that she has worked around and admitting these idiosyncrasies is not easy. Considering how much of his private life Noah kept hidden from her, it is pretty surprising she feels comfortable revealing her darkest secrets to him. Their sex scenes are highly graphic, detailed and quite plentiful. While there is no denying the explosive attraction between them, their overall romance seems to lack an emotional connection.

The suspense element of the storyline is a little underwhelming. Although Noah quickly learned his past was not quite as settled as he first thought, he never considers cancelling his plans with Raven. This seemed a little out of character since he had protected Raven by keeping this part of his life separate from her for so many years. It also seemed a little odd that Raven easily dismissed her suspicions about a prospective client even after she became aware of Noah's past.

Exposure by Kelly Moran is a well written friends to lovers erotic novel. The characters are well-developed with realistic flaws and imperfections. While some aspects of the storyline are refreshingly unique, others are quite easy to predict. All in all, a sizzling hot romance that fans of the genre will enjoy.

aelrae's review against another edition

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Five heart pounding, page turning, hot enough to melt your kindle stars!

How have I never come across this author before? All I can say is this - now that she's on my radar I can guarantee that I will be reading the rest of her books!

Raven thinks she's broken. Unable to connect with anyone other than her adoptive mother, and her best friends Noah and Nicole, she has resigned herself to a life of loneliness. She can't even bear to be touched unless she has complete control - which makes her love life almost nonexistent. But that's ok, because it leaves plenty of time to pursue her passion - running her art gallery. Until something happens that shocks her to her very core. You see, for the last 6 years, she has received anonymous letters so sensual that they make her blush just thinking about them - and she just got a new one. Only this one wasn't sent anonymously. No, it was delivered by the agent of one of the hottest (and most reclusive) photographers in the world. And he's decided that it's time to meet in person. Which sets off a chain of events that even HE didn't see coming.

Noah has a secret - well, actually he has a ton of them - but the time has come to bring them to light. And he hopes that Raven will forgive him. Even though he's been friends with her for ten years, Raven has no idea that he has been keeping such monumental things from her. He thinks the reasons he had to hide so much from her are neutralized and he is ready to claim what he wants. But then he finds out that things aren't nearly over - they're only just beginning. Now he has to figure out how to keep Raven safe and not lose her in the process.

Everything I just wrote doesn't even BEGIN to scratch the surface of this story. I can't write anything more for fear of letting a spoiler slip, so I will leave you with this thought - I can't remember when I've been so captivated by a book. It has everything I could hope for in a plotline. Romance, suspense, enough heat to fog my kindle, and characters who seem so real that I half expect them to step right off the page. You DEFINITELY don't want to miss out on this book!

~~Reviewed on behalf of ONCE UPON AN ALPHA~~

teesbookjourney's review against another edition

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This is a great quick read with awesome spicy moments and a bit o mystery. Noah has a past and he's been hiding it from his best friend who he's been in love with. Raven doesn't trust easily, she is attempting to secure the most exclusive photographer for her gallery

I loved the sex in this book it was especially spicy. I loved the relationship between Noah and Raven, the journey of them figuring out their feeling for each other was great to read about.

Raven's backstory was a little rushed and vague. Noah's whole backstory was written out and stated but Raven's needed a bit more work.

A nice read better thicker books

madammim79's review against another edition

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Up until 50% I was very entertained... but from then on, the story became drawn-out and repetitive. And sadly, I really struggled to finish it.

Hopefully, others will enjoy it more than I did.

morebookspleaseblog's review against another edition

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I received this ARC for an honest review... and I'm so glad I did!

I have read a couple of Ms. Moran's books and I loved them. This one is no exception. It is one of her more steamier books, so be prepared!

Raven and Noah have been friends for years so naturally there should be some type of chemistry between them... and boy was there! The love scenes were very well written. Some authors should take notice of how to write a STEAMY love scene (no names will be mentioned...)! Were there a lot of love/sex scenes? Of course, but they were tastefully done and highly sensual instead of vulgar.

Ms. Moran painted a beautifully vivid picture of the Alaskan territory and developed each character quite well. You wonder why Raven and Noah are the way they are, but as the book goes on... you understand. The storyline of the two was brilliant. There was mutual respect and admiration... now throw in suspense and dire situations, you have yourself a great book!

bardo's review against another edition

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Feeling the Exposure Every year Raven receives pink envelopes on her birthday from an anonymous sender. Yet this anonymous sender will not remain in the shadows for very long. Will the man be a positive or negative to Ravens life or be the final push into the dark?
- Realistic characters are my weakness in Romance novels.  Moran wrote two beautifully dark and damaged individuals. Raven and Noah had complexity, secrets and dimension for miles. Raven and Noah had to deal with their past both internally and externally, struggling with relying on others. Even when it came to the sexual part of their lives it was a maze that kept you wanting to go around the corner. 
- Raven and Hoan's relationship is close to ideal. There is a give and take that I have not read in a long time. Hoan gives the time and space the Raven needs while gently pushing her to go out side her boundaries. What I appreciated the most was while engaged in vertical tumbles he would talk to her through the whole time ;reassuring her and asking if she was OK. She did the same for him by trying to be open and acknowledge his needs. 
- Sometimes I think Romance stories follow a Disney format. The girl falls head over heels for the guy and wants to start popping out babies. Where is the getting to know each other. But for Raven it takes time to find that deep and eternal love. Which for me is a little more realistic and plausible. That it would take time to work through her vulnerabilities and dark places to realize she is in love.
- Raven has a life! Morgan did an exceptional job in showing Raven as a gallery owner. Taking in artist and what the shows where about. Raven knew her sh*t. Also Hoan  respected her boundaries and didn't just take her from everything she loved and worked so hard in attaining. It seems that woman having an identity outside of a relationship seems to disappear in romance novels and becomes mostly about trying to keep the love. SO this dynamic where she didn't want to lose herself and Hoan's awareness that she had to keep a independent side of her self only made the book that much better. 
- Part of Ravens complexity is that she has depression. Yet it is rarely touched on from her perspective. I would have liked to learn more about the dynamics of depression in someones daily life. 
- So Hoan says he will give Raven time to sort out feelings and what not....... but does This is what makes me the most frustrated with romance novels. The pressure of making a partner feel the same way. If you say you will wait forever and accept that your partner needs more time than do it. Just because 3 months seems long to you doesn't mean it is long for them or enough. Everyone has their own speed in thinking and comfortableness when in a relationship. 
- Soul mates in best friend form
- There is a difference between loving someone and being in love
* This book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.*