
Shadows You Left by Jude Sierra, Taylor Brooke

iam's review

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I found Shadows You Left to be a rather slow read that took a while for me to really become engaged.

Content warnings include: alcoholism, drug abuse, violence, emotional abuse and gaslighting, semi-explicit sex on-page that occasionally gets quite rough, anxiety, panic attack; mentions of death through overdose, eating disorder, child abuse, cheating.

I expected it to be quite dark and gritty, but for me it mostly... wasn't?
Shadows You Left deals with quite a few heavy topics, with both River and Erik bringing their own baggage and pasts they would rather keep buried deep. But for me, the book was mostly about these two guys falling deeply in love, so fast and hard they barely recognize it (and sure as heck don't acknowledge it at first.)
Despite the rough edges of their lives, they go on wonderfully cute dates and so many scenes were absolutely adorable and outright fluffy!

I was fascinated by the way this book handled sex scenes - because Erik and River have quite a lot of sex. Yet I wouldn't label it erotica, given that the sex is often... barely described? The book doesn't shy away from explicity or details, but it usually focuses rather on how the characters feel during or after the fact, or focus on one specific moment, rather than going through the entire scene second by second. It worked very well here, and I enjoyed this style.

The writing style in general is very beautiful. It's almost poetic at times, without becoming flowery or over-the-top, and I loved the acute, lyrical metaphors and describtions that were always right on point, leaving an ache from their precision but also inspiring awe from their beauty.
Despite the writing, it took me a while to really get into it. I was never bored, but the first 50% or so felt sort of aimless. Only after about two thirds in I really got invested in Erik and River and wanted to read on about them at all costs - not that reading ever was a chore; it was always pleasant and flowed well even before that point, but it didn't leave me itching to read more at first.

Most of the darker themes of the book were a constant in the background. I loved how they were all handled in the end, and how their not-always-resolution came to pass. Here love or a relationship doesn't magically make everything sunshine and rainbows, and no false promises about never hurting another are made. Instead common ground is found and fought for.

I also liked how casually the character's queerness was handled. Almost all characters are queer: River is bi and Erik is demiromantic, and there are more queer side characters.
Speaking of, I also adored those.
Both Erik and River have respective circles, siblings, friends, coworkers, who take up space in their lives and are more than just a side sentence here and there. They play big roles not just in their lives but for the plot as well. I loved Desiree and Cheyenne especially, and Jadis and Pax intrigued me with what was hinted at of the things going on with them.

Overall a very pleasant read that I enjoyed greatly. I mean, it has pretty detailed discussion and describtions of dragon tattoos, and what's not to like about that?!

I received an ARC and reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

sitathereader's review against another edition

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This book just wasn't for me.

The plot and the characters were fine, and I liked what the authors were trying to do. I just found it hard to keep in the story, I just couldn't connect.

leahkarge's review against another edition

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While it started out a bit slowly, this book built up into a strong, intense journey, and one well worth the read.

Read the full review on my blog.

claudia_marcela's review against another edition

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Erik ha estado huyendo durante años de un evento trágico de su pasado, algo que lo carcome de culpa y no le permite perdonarse. River se preocupa profundamente por las personas que le importan, desea curar a todos, a raíz de una infancia difícil. Cuando ambos se conocen en una sala de tatuajes, la atracción inmediata que sienten el uno por el otro lentamente los conduce a algo más que tal vez ayude a sanar las almas de los dos.

Los personajes "problemáticos" que se salen del molde de la perfección porque cargan alguna pesada carga emocional siempre son interesantes de leer. Aunque existe una delgada línea entre lo que genera empatía y lo que podría parecer sufrimiento gratuito para los personajes. Afortunadamente en este libro la empatía brota a borbotones por estos dos chicos, Erik y Riven, que han sufrido lo suyo en el pasado y aunque sufren en silencio, logran pasar por seres humanos funcionales. Es solo gracias a su encuentro y posterior relación que empiezan a aceptar que no están bien del todo y buscan mejorar, no por la otra persona sino que al ver reflejado su dolor en el otro, finalmente están dispuestos a aceptar que si el otro merece sanar y ser amado, ellos mismos también. Que se establezca esa postura claramente en un diálogo de Steven a River se agradece, porque muchos autores disfrutan escribir en romance eso de "Quiero ser mejor persona por ti" o que un personaje sacrifique su salud mental por "salvar" a otro. NO se debe basar el bienestar emocional de uno en otras personas, por más que los ames.

Ambos protagonistas tienen cicatrices, pero su carisma y la inmensa química que existe entre ellos aligera un poco la trama. Si bien su atracción es instantánea y empiezan su relación como simple sexo casual, la creciente intimidad entre ellos y lo que van descubriendo el uno del otro, hace que su romance sea muy seductor y desees ver que ambos salgan adelante.

Los personajes secundarios quedan un poco ahí de fondo y me hubiera gustado saber más de Janis y Pax especialmente, porque la narración deja caer pistas de unas vidas muy interesantes y con algunos secretos que por River y Erik estar tan ocupados, no salen a relucir.

Aunque la resolución tarda en llegar, luego todo se resuelve y es un poco decepcionante ver que aparentemente la tenacidad de uno es suficiente para sanarse. ¡Pedir ayuda profesional nunca está de más!

El nivel de inglés es intermedio. Hay abundancia de diálogos y el vocabulario no es muy complicado, así que es sencillo de entender. Incluso las escenas de sexo, que no son explicitas pero están narradas muy bien.

Lo Mejor
La química entre River y Erik. Y los tan atinados consejos de los amigos sobre las relaciones tóxicas.

Lo Peor
Creo que haría falta una secuela para ver el resultado de la sanación de Erik y River. Además de conocer más a todo el círculo de amigos, que hay unas historias que parecen prometer mucho.


There once was a dragon who had a taste for lively things, things of green and gold—lush things, untamable things. But as soon as he had what he wanted, everything turned to soot in his mouth. This dragon had lived in the attic of Erik’s mind for decades, spurred on by stories told at his bedside about fiery breath and leathery wings, brave knights, and caves full of riches

If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?

Support and love and understanding are one thing—saving is another.

It’s okay to fight for love, River. If he’s what you want, do it. But not at your own expense. You should support a partner, but they need to do the same for you. And it’s not wrong to want to be with someone who can do that. Who is willing to learn if they don’t know how.

eemms's review against another edition

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not my style

vj1990's review

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3.5 stars rounded up

The first thing that drew me to this book was that one of the characters did yoga since I do yoga as well. Once I began reading, I did truly love the characters. Both River and Erik were really well developed and I could understand the reasons behind their thoughts and actions and feelings. It gave a really intimate tinge to the book. I really liked that the both River and Erik actually began communicating and putting in the work for a relationship instead of just holding in all the things that needed to be said out loud. It made their relationship more believable, despite the relatively short timespan.
However, I do agree with the other reviews in that the book was perhaps a little too long. There were sections that were very verbose, and these were typically the angsty sections, which made the overall feel of the book a little depressing. This isn't necessarily bad, but it will definitely bother some people. Also, I read this book at a time when everything was really hectic in my life, so the slower pace and character-driven storyline was a positive for me, but for the reader wanting thrill and fast-paced reading, this is not the right book.
One thing that I really felt was a weakness and a lost opportunity for the book was that since so much time was spent on Erik and River's characters, that space was taken away from the secondary characters like Desiree, Cheyenne, Pax, Jadis, Val, Bev, and Steve. They came across as really one dimensional and it almost felt like they had a role to play for the story and beyond that, there was nothing to them. This made them seem almost like they weren't real. It was especially difficult to get over this since I felt like there was so much potential in the side characters, if more time had been spent on fleshing them out. Also, there were a few things that felt unresolved at the end, like
Spoiler what happened with River's mom, Erik and his drug use, Erik's parents, and a few others. Technically, some of these were mentioned at the end, but they didn't really feel resolved at all to me.

Overall, I really enjoyed the main characters in this book and their development. It is a slower book and more character driven, so future readers should keep that in mind.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

thequeerbookish's review

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It's so rough but so poetic at the same time.

I suspected I'm in for a treat when I received this book. A tough-to-swallow-but-so-worth-it-treat. I was right - only I didn't know how tough as well as how worth it would be.

Mind the content warnings, dear readers (also yay for content warnings though I'm not surprised those two authors gave warnings for their book).

I was not able to read Shadows You left in one go - but I didn't want to do that anyway. Instead I enjoyed it while taking reading breaks to just let everything sink in. To let my mind work through the words and emotions. To experience everything.

Shadows You Left is no book you read for a nice distraction; it is a book that makes you suffer and feel your own demons rise to the surface, but while it does make you feel your darker parts it takes you by the hand and leads you through everything back to safety.

Last Words: This is one of the heaviest books I have read in my life but it is heavy in the best of ways and I can't wait to go on this journey again.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy through the NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.

qace90's review against another edition

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I received an advance copy from the publisher via Netgalley. This in no way influenced my review; all words; though, and opinions are my own.

Content notes:

charkinzie's review

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This was a great book. It was passionate, thought-provoking, edgy and I loved the main characters. The supporting cast was great too! I loved Jadis!!

This book isn't a smooth ride... it's difficult in parts. I can see how it would be real challenging and potentially triggering book for some folks. For me... It was a pleasure. The characters were so well thought out, realistic and imperfect. I love that.

The prose is smooth and almost poetic sometimes, without being over-the-top.

I loved it.

ariadna's review

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ETA (6/15/2020): Downgrading my original rating and deleting the review due to Taylor Brooke's abusive behavior toward BIPOC folks.