
Dangerous Curves Ahead by Sugar Jamison

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3.5 stars

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4.5 curvy, fun, sexy stars!

What a fun relatable book! For some reason, when a book has "A BBW Romance" (BBW=Big Beautiful Woman) in the title, I'm turned off, though I love a book with a curvy heroine. Why do curvy heroines have to have a separate genre? So when I came across Dangerous Curves Ahead - A Perfect Fit Novel by Sugar Jamison I grabbed it right up.

Filled with fun snark and banter as well as some really emotional moments, I often found myself thinking it reminded me of a Kristen Ashley book. Half of the book is highlighted with a ton of great quotes and moments where I completely related to the heroine. You see, often in the 'curvy' books, the heroine is completely happy with their body. They don't seem to have the insecurities of making love with the lights on, being on top, not fitting into the guy's shirt, or what people must think when they see you with your gorgeous, fit boyfriend. Dangerous Curves Ahead had it all in a fun, relatable package.

"Back Fat Bitch Fest - I generally like the way I look. Most days. I stare in my full length mirror and think I'm looking all foxy. But then I turn to the side. Back fat. Bra bulge. Chub flub. The bane of my existence."

Ellis is a plus sized attorney who left her successful lawyer career in Manhattan to move back home to her small town. Since high school, she always had to alter clothes to fit her larger size, so she opened her own store, Size Me Up, for hard-to-fit women, and started her own blog. The book begins with Ellis on line at Hot Lava Java waiting for her (forbidden on Tuesday) cookie. She is approached by Mrs. Toomey - the undernourished hag who owns the town's weight loss center, and the aunt of her dickless ex-boyfriend, Jack. When the bitch tells her to come to the weight loss center to "help with the bloating", Ellis came back with a few snarky responses, prompting chuckles from the guy behind her on line.

"What a nice offer, Mrs. Toomey but I would get kicked out of my fat girls club if I didn't eat at least two teaspoons of butter a day. They are super strict about cholesterol intake."

After even more bitching, and being accused of contributing to her customer's obesity by selling them clothes, the man behind Ellis came to her rescue. After Mrs. Toomey left, they began talking...

"You were handling her pretty well." She heard him laugh.
"And just for the record, I bet your ass looks good in any color you put it in."
Ellis turned around to face him and BOOM. She felt the earth move and heard bells and saw stars."

He was beautiful, and grinning at her, and she knew him. His name was Mike Edwards, he used to live in her neighborhood, and this hunk of a man had dated her older sister.
She also used to have a serious crush on him.

Mike is a police officer, after 10 years on the force in NYC, he became too hardened to the crime and moved back to the small town. He knows he knows Ellis from somewhere, but he can't place her.

"There was something about the funny girl that sat across from him... It wasn't because she was beautiful, which she was with her dark hair and pouty lips. And it wasn't because of her lush body was made for male fantasies, which it was."
The words "You're sexy as hell" almost rolled off his tongue. But he held back. It wasn't her looks that made him unable to pry his eyes from her face but something else. Something almost comfortable that made him want to slide closer and spend all day near her.

Ellis had just had a bad breakup with Jack, a cheating ass who put her down and shredded any self confidence she had. Mike was a playboy, with no desire to settle down. Yet he couldn't stay away from Ellis. Ellis though, no matter how much she liked Mike, couldn't get over the fact that he had dated her skinny bitch (yes, she is a TOTAL bitch) sister, and he had also spent a really nice night with Ellis herself, but he didn't remember. She also just couldn't understand what a hot guy like him could see in a big girl like herself.

Apparently, she needed some work on her body image. She often put herself down, making fat jokes about herself, and Mike couldn't stand it. He also insisted she eat what she loved, even hand-feeding her.

"I don't ever want to hear you talk about yourself like that again. Do you understand me? It's not funny," he said in a low voice. "It's not some kind of goddamn joke. You're beautiful. You're sexy and any man in his right mind can see that. Why can't you?"

At the beginning of each chapter, there is a snippet of Ellis's blog posts. I would love to have read more of them. They reminded me so much of my blog Starting on Monday, with posts about Spanx, back fat, stupid things done to lose weight and more.


•One of the most relatable heroines ever for me. A curvy woman with a gorgeous, skinny older sister and a Jewish mom who exercises daily and weighs the same as she did in High School.
•One of my favorite things was Ellis's parents: a super smart hippy mom professor who teaches women's studies, and an asbergers/autistic father (who I loved).
•I love banter between couples and there was plenty!
•Ellis was smart, fun and snarky and fighting her insecurities.
•You couldn't help but love Mike.
•I liked all of the other workers and friends at the shop, and can't wait for their books.
•The blog posts at the beginning of the chapters.
•Reminded me a bit of a Kristen Ashley book but Mike wasn't quite as alpha (though he is a cop!)
•A great epilogue.


•There was a little too much back and forth with the couple. The book dragged a bit in the middle.
•A few things were a little too predictable and over the top.
•I never got enough of a sense of what Ellis looked like (so I just pictured me).

Rating: 4.5 stars 4 Heat

Dangerous Curves Ahead by Sugar Jamison is a must-read for any curvy girl that has issues with their size. A woman with complete body confidence might find the heroine's self-deprecation a bit annoying but I was totally able to relate. There is rarely a moment when I am not self-conscious about my weight (but clearly not enough to stop eating cookies!). Do you have to be curvy to appreciate this book? Absolutely not! I think anyone who is a little different, not the beautiful perfect heroine you see in most books will appreciate this one from Sugar Jamison.

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Also out now: Have Yourself a Curvy Little Christmas - A Perfect Fit novella by Sugar Jamison

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Coming February 25th 2014: Thrown for a Curve - A Perfect Fit Novel by Sugar Jamison

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miraphora's review against another edition

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Lo sapevo, me lo sentivo. Appena ho letto la trama ero sicura che questo romanzo mi avrebbe lasciato quel qualcosa in più, quella scintilla, che non tutti i romance sanno donare al lettore. Non è tanto per quello che la trama rivela, perché non cede una virgola sulla vera essenza della storia, e nemmeno per il package goloso. Una copertina rosa confettino, un bel vestitino disegnato, addirittura la fascetta in tinta caramellina alla fragola: tutto di questo libro fa venire di sorridere. Ignari di quello che succederà una volta iniziato a leggere si scorrono le prime righe si viene risucchiati in un vortice di divertimento e di dolcezza.
Ma quello a cui non si è veramente preparati è che in questo romance la protagonista femminile - la protagonista - è una taglia XL. Ci rendiamo conto di quanto è speciale questo libro? In quanti romance l'eroina ha una taglia così fuori dai canoni della protagonista di romanzi rosa? Pochi, ecco quanti. Pochi, perché è quasi una regola che l'eroina debba essere magra o, al massimo, una taglia che non sia mai superiore alla M. Solo per questo, solo per Ellis in taglia XL, il romanzo si merita un voto alto. Purtroppo questo non dovrebbe essere un elemento di sorpresa, l'aspetto fisico in un genere scritto principalmente da donne per donne non dovrebbe essere così discriminatorio, non si dovrebbe pensare che una protagonista in carne sia un caso e non la regola. Eppure è così, sono casi rari quelli dove i personaggi protagonisti sono così meravigliosamente normali.
Tuttavia non basta una protagonista XL a rendere speciale una storia. Ci vuole anche una buona dose di sostanza, ci vuole quella sensazione che gira tra le pagine e che tocca corde normalmente immobili durante la lettura. Per parte mia posso dire che da quando leggo romance mai, nemmeno una volta, mi sono sentita speciale per ciò che sono. Ho sognato ad occhi aperti, certo, e mi è anche piaciuto, ma mai una storia mi ha fatto sentire felice per come sono. Questo romanzo, invece, lo ha fatto: mi sono sentita speciale attraverso Ellis. E' un regalo bellissimo, quello che l'autrice ha saputo donare alle lettrici. Non importa la tua taglia, la tua altezza, se hai i piedi grandi, il corpo a diamante o le tette troppo grosse rispetto al resto del corpo, tutte siamo speciali.

Se nemmeno questo è sufficiente per dare un voto alto, allora vediamo di mettere in chiaro la storia.

La struttura del romanzo riprende lo schema tipico dei romance contemporanei, con le scene da manuale, i tira e molla, con i bisticci e i segreti che smuovo le acque della relazione e che spronano la nascita, l'evoluzione e l'affermazione del sentimento. La lettura, come elemento in più, è resa particolarmente piacevole dallo stile ironico dell'autrice, dal tono brioso e leggero che si adatta perfettamente anche ai momenti più seri e drammatici della storia e che rappresenta benissimo l'essenza della protagonista.
Ellis è una donna che ha dato un taglio netto al suo passato, ha chiuso con il suo ex cattivo, con il suo lavoro noioso e si è buttata anima e corpo nella sua passione: i vestiti. Ha investito i suoi risparmi in un negozio di abiti per donne con una corporatura particolare proprio perché lei stessa sa come ci si sente. Ellis sfoggia senza vergogna una taglia XL, indossando vestiti, jeans aderenti, maglie scollate, tutto ciò che vuole e che le piace camminando a testa alta sui suoi tacchi. Ellis è felice, anche se un po' ammaccata, e affronta con filosofia e con una dose massiccia di ironia le battute, le osservazioni e gli sguardi degli altri. Ellis è un personaggio con le palle, se mi permettete usare questo termine. Ha il carattere, ha il coraggio e l'intelligenza ma soprattutto ama sé stessa. Ma, come ogni donna normale, ha pur sempre delle paure segrete che tiene ben nascoste, quelle paure che escono solo in situazioni particolari. Come quando si trova di fronte a Mike, vecchia cotta, uomo splendido nella sua normalità, poliziotto, un uomo che riesce a farle tornare l'insicurezza sul suo corpo. Mike è esteticamente come dovrebbe essere un eroe di romance: alto, moro, occhi blu, bel corpo e poliziotto - che non guasta mai. Eppure oltre a questo ha il senso dell'umorismo - che salta fuori subitissimo - e un pregio che lo rende indimenticabile: riesce a vedere una persona al di là dell'aspetto fisico. Quando Mike guarda Ellis vede Ellis, non una cicciona, non una donna bella ma grassoccia, vede lei nel suo insieme, come donna e come persona. Mike è uomo abbastanza per trovare seducente un corpo morbido e per essere onesto con sé stesso: non dice mai che Ellis è magra - come se avesse il salame sugli occhi - ma che è perfetta così com'è, cioè accetta la sua taglia come parte di ciò che la rende Ellis. Mike non si lascia infinocchiare dall'aspetto fisico, ma dalla linguaccia di Elle sì. Lei lo travolge, lo incuriosisce, lo infastidisce, lo eccita, ma sempre su un livello che va al di là di quello puramente fisico. In tutto il romanzo Mike riesce ad essere diversi uomini, senza mai perdere un briciolo del suo fascino: parte come donnaiolo, poi diventa seduttore, poi cacciatore, poi innamorato, poi uomo che ama. E Mike ama sul serio, tanto che non ha paura di ammettere di aver bisogno di Ellis e di piangere di fronte a lei.

Naturalmente, con una storia così la passione non poteva che trasudare dalle pagine, attraverso scene di seduzione semplice ma efficace, e scene di sesso dove l'autrice non va nemmeno tanto per il sottile. Tutto, però, si svolge in funzione dell'amore che nasce tra i due personaggi, quindi si rimane emotivamente coinvolti dall'inizio alla fine.

E' innegabile che quando ho chiuso questo romanzo l'ho fatto con un particolare sorriso sulle labbra, con un particolare senso di felicità nel cuoricino e con la voglia di leggere altre storie come questa. Mi conforta sapere che la Jamison ha scritto un seguito con la commessa di Ellis, Cherri, e il bel irlandese amico di Mike, Colin. Nell'attesa consiglio a tutte di conservare Un amore su misura per quando siete giù di morale, magari concedendovi qualche biscottino al cioccolato per farvi tornare il sorriso tra un capitolo e l'altro.

Ps: la Leggereditore ha messo subito a disposizione anche la versione ebook a soli € 4,99!

roniquereads's review

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This was so refreshing to pick up. To be honest, I did not expect much from it. It's a romance novel about a plus sized woman who is just out of a failed relationship. I've read stories like this before and, generally, I am so overwhelmed by the heroine having to change and make her life "better" by becoming thinner, that I lose interest in the character and the plot.

Not here.

Ellison (awesome name) is a confident woman who has ended her career in law to become the owner of a womans apparel shop that caters to women who have body shapes that just don't fit into standard sizing. She is struggling to keep afloat and is trying to work out how she can continue to operate her shop while keeping a roof over her head and food on the table when she runs into an old acquaintance who had a major effect on her, Mike. Mike however, has no idea who she is or where Ellison knows him first.

More from this review here:

justkilledshirley's review

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OMG I fell in love with this book from the first chapter to the last.

starknits13's review

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This book wasn't really in my normal genre of books but I wanted to try it out. There were parts I raised my eyebrows at and parts I was like really? that's not going to happen but I enjoyed it. I liked that you saw from Ellis's point of view but also from Mike's. It was a good beach read type of book

sadie_rae's review

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Humm what to say? Well first off I loved this book! All of the characters are interesting and there are real life problems that they have to deal with. Ellis family consists of a Hippie feminist mother married to a brilliant but slightly OCD or Autistic father, and that's not forgetting the sister who is self absorbed and ends up hurting other people almost compulsively. And Ellis her self has serious self esteem issues that have only grown due to the last argument that she had with her ex- boyfriend Jake-ass. Add Mike into the mix, the playboy who has commitment issues due to his father abandoning them when he was young. Sugar Jamison weaves a wonderful tale of how two people manage to work through there insecurities and come together. I would write more about the story line but you just have to read it to fully enjoy it, and don't worry Jake-ass gets what's coming to him (though I'm not certain if the aunt did or not? maybe having to live with Jake-ass's punishment was her punishment?) So yeah two thumbs up and 5 stars to this book!

hijinx_abound's review

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DNF’d at 23%.

This book was okay in the beginning. Until we hit the pub scene where the hero completely disregards the heroines boundaries about food. Her friends tell him that she doesn’t “indulge” on weekdays so he orders dessert nachos and proceeds to run a chocolate covered strawberry over her lips until she eats it.
It is presented as him being accepting if her size and showing her it’s okay to eat what she likes. THAT’S BULLSHIT. He completely ignores her boundary and bullies her into eating something. I am not saying her boundary is a healthy one but it is hers and him trampling it is disrespectful.

I had to stop because this is not acceptance.

k5tog's review against another edition

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A romance novel! With woman who are not model thin... Yes, I'm hooked.

lovehina154's review

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What a wonderful story. Micheal and Ellis were made for each other. I liked their relationship and their playful banter.
I didnt like Ellis's ex byfriend Jack. He was such a ass.