
Black Widow, Volume 3: Last Days by Clayton Cowles, Nathan Edmondson, Phil Noto

jedi_indyjones's review against another edition

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This story wraps up and as with the previous two volumes, I just love the action panels and the illustration style. The story pales in comparison to artwork, but there are some good appearances and overall, a decent story.

miraeli's review against another edition

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It was fine, but a step down from the previous volumes, mainly due to the resolution to the Chaos plotline. I do of course realize that, as an Avenger, Natasha now battles intergalactic threats as well as minor ones, but once the Prophet started showing her the future and all that, I lost interest. With a book so focused on Natasha's past and her connections to other characters, the fact that Chaos was made into this whole big thing instead of just being an international spy business felt pretty mismatched.

CN: Animal murder.
Also, why you gotta kill the cat? Don't they have animal shelters in Cuba, Nat? Cheap shock tactic when having her kill her comrade, the comrade's boyfriend, and the boy's parents in front of him was shocking enough.

(P.S. The timeline is super unclear, so the flashbacks may be post-1989, but a Soviet Union Russian man proooooobably wouldn't say "Dear Lord" to express shock. Especially one as old as the character in question. Just sayin'.)

olivia_piepmeier's review against another edition

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The first issue was the only one with the more typical smoky stylized Noto art. I couldn't think of a good reason his art changed unlike the last volume, so this knocks some points off for me. Overall, this concludes the series well and I had fun reading them.

nmcannon's review against another edition

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A super satisfying conclusion to a beautiful series. Natasha is heartbreakingly herself, and that's all I wanted. I laughed and worried and ended up very, very happy.

If you like Black Widow at all, I cannot recommend this series enough. Consider it required Red Room reading.

cwrite's review against another edition

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I had mixed feelings about the end of this series. Part of me felt like things came together very quickly. On the other hand the last couple pages present character revelations that cast Natasha in the grim, unflattering, antihero light that the series seemed to be set on. So you have an imperfect hero with a violent and complicated past who gets her happy ending. It just felt a bit odd. The things I appreciated about the earlier installments (hero cameos for one) seemed for some reason tired and more forced than enjoyable.

Overall the series is worth checking out, even if the ending leaves a little to be desired.

victoriae's review against another edition

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Ahhh so good. Amazing art, Natasha is the best. love love love

jiixbooks's review against another edition

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4.5/5 personal fav in the series

panichistory's review against another edition

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Well that was a bit gut-wrenching!

iamrainbou's review against another edition

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What the hell just happened?

En general sobre los tres volúmenes tengo que decir:

*El artwork es re lindo. Desde que leí Saga me resulta difícil encontrar comics que, para mí, muestren emociones, detalles y colores armoniosos. Y este es uno de esos que cumple con toda mi checklist.

*Black Widow es una antiheroína, y me encanta. Súper interesante y complejo personaje. Voy a decir sin vergüenza que no sabía ni la mitad de su historia, y la entiendo mejor (y me gusta más ahora)

*Ahora, el final de la ¿serie? es súper mega apresurado.
¿Qué fue eso del fin del mundo? Se resolvió todo el misterio de Chaos en dos páginas. CUALQUIER COSA.

*Cada issue es un escenario y trama diferente. Nuevos, y viejos, personajes aparecen y desaparecen sin explicaciones ni mucha información sobre su relación con Black Widow, ni con la trama. Me pierdo, me aburro. No sé, esperaba una historia lineal, no tantas vueltas sin sentido. Quizás no es malo, pero de nuevo, no es lo que estaba esperando y medio que me decepcionó.

*Hay personajes diversos, aunque nadie tiene mucha profundidad. Tiene que ver con que aparecen y desaparecen cada dos páginas, además de que nadie se digna a explicar qué carajo tienen que ver con toda la serie. No, no vale la pena el intento. Si hay diversidad, entonces que los personajes sean reales y hagan algo en la historia.

taeli's review against another edition

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read 9/26/16