
Radiant by Cynthia Hand

octagonal's review against another edition

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I don't like Angela, because of reasons. One of those is simply that I can't see calling anyone named Clara by just "C" and it irritates me. This is also primarily why I don't like Tucker, because "Carrots" makes me mad. I have a thing about nicknames... ANYWAY, I don't like Angela, but Clara needs to calm the hell down about "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU ARE GONNA BE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE." Girl. When has Angela ever listened to you? Give it a rest.

traceyms90's review against another edition

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Very hard, near impossible to find a copy in Australia. But, I found a pdf. version and copyed into word and made my own book :D

nika_nix's review against another edition

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I liked that Radiant is written from two POVs, Clara’s and Angela’s. Even though I’ve already read Boundless and I knew what happened later, I really liked Radiant, it was so fun and interesting to read. I read it in maybe two hours, I liked it a lot and I’m glad Cynthia Hand decided to share Angela’s and Phen’s story with us.

I’ve already mentioned in my review on Boundless how much I love Angela, her story was really interesting and I have to admit that I didn’t expect so much from her. We saw her character development through the series, and in Radiant we could connect with her even more. Clara was so unimportant in this book and I liked that, finaly she wasn’t at the middle of the plot. I really liked, and I didn’t expect that to happen, Phen. While reading Boundless my opinion about him was very low, but in Radiant he got under my skin, I got to know him better and I fell on him. Now I finally understand his actions in Boundless and his character makes much more sence now. When I can’t have Christian in this book (actually, there was one scene with him, I was so fangirling) at least I have Phen. I really like Phen’s and Angela’s story, maybe a bit of cliché with all that student-and-teacher romance, I’m-not-good-for-you-you-deserve-better, I-don’t-want-anyone-else, his-soul-is-gray etc. But I like cliché so I liked their story too and Cynthia Hand actually made them more special. Yeah, I love that couple, another ship.

Now I’m finally done with the Unearthly series, no more books, no more short stories and novellas. I have to say goodbye to these series but I really don’t want to. I’m gonna miss these books so much! Anyway, these books will always have a special place in my heart (even though I won’t get over that terrible ending for a long time, but never mind). Now I’m repeating myself but that’s because I don’t want to finish this review because then it’ll finally be over. I’m not ready for that.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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This and other reviews can be found on my blog: (un)Conventional Bookviews.

Radiant is a quick novella in the Unearthly series. Clara and Angela are in Rome for the summer, visiting with Angela's family. And Phen - the mysterious guy who taught Angela all she knows about angels and nephilims - suddenly show up in the metro and draws Angela to him once more.

maudd's review against another edition

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J'ai beaucoup aimé l'histoire d'Angela et de Phen, dommage que se soit si court...

marissacelina's review against another edition

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For being a short story, this was surprisingly great! This is just Clara and Angela in Italy and we get introduced to a new character who I then realize is important in the next book- real reason I posted a review for this book. We meet Phen, (I remember him saying he was a messenger) an angel.. and at first I was all like, OH HELLO HOTTIE, but then I realized oh shit, if Clara doesn't like him than I probably shouldn't.. So you find out in the next book if Clara is right or not, but I'm sure you can guess. The thing I liked in this book especially was the alternating between Clara and Angela's POV. I liked this because you really got to see the way Angela thinks for a change, and I was right since the first book. I never liked Angela, I felt like she was too selfish and always jealous of everything if she didn't have it. She always seemed to be jealous of Clara too so that also turned me off. But in this book, you really see Angela's selfishness and such. Anyways, I think if you love this series, read this little short story. No harm in reading it, and you need to know Phen so it can fully make sense in the next book.

lolasreviews's review against another edition

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You can also read my review on my blog:

This novel is a short story that takes place between Hallowed (Unearthly #2) and Boundless (Unearthly #3). It isn't a full lenght book, it is just a short story. I enjoyed reading it and it makes me even more looking forward to Boundless. I love the Unearthly series and as soon as I found out that there was a short story I broke my book buying ban and bought it.

The story is about the summer after Hallowed (Unearthly #2) that Clara and Angela spend in Italy. It is told from both pov's and I really liked getting to read Angela's side of the story. We get to know Angela better, but still only know her opinion about what happens in this book and about Clara. I think she is an interesting character and I would like to read more about her. Also this story contains lots of flashbacks and memories that interrupts the pace of the story, mostly these are memories from Angela. Also I think it would be possible to read book #3 if you haven't read this story, but if you love this series as much as I do I would certainly recommend picking up this short story.

To conclude: a nice short story and it was nice to leanr more about Angela. It has a bit too many memories for my taste, but it was a short and enjoyable read. I can't wait to read Boundless!

witchinmyguy's review against another edition

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4.0 I want to read Boundless so much it nearly hurts...

Seriously, Angela, what in the world have you gotten yourself into?

This novella deals with Clara and Angela's summer in Italy and while the pov switches back and forth between Angela and Clara this is primarily Angela's story. Rest assured, we find out the identity of Angela's secret Italian boyfriend and why she is so touchy about him. I was both surprised and not surprised at all at the revelations this book dealt out, if that makes any sense. But, and this isn't surprising considering it's a novella, this is basically all the story deals with. (Though, quite a bit of Clara's narration deals with her lingering feelings over all the events that occured at the end of Halllowed. I was happy that this narrative thread was not dropped, but it was also not all that necessary to the story of the novella. But more on that later.)

Now, let's break it down, shall we?

The Good:
- It was interesting to read Angela's point of view.
- The novella is short and sweet, with just enough intrigue to make me want to read Boundless even more than I already did.
- Angela's insecurities and fears are well drawn and realistic, even if I do not particularly like her behavior due to them.
- Plus, with the novella comes the prologue and first chapter of Boundless, which was awesome to read!
- The last sentence will definitely leave you wanting to know the rest of the story, which will undoubtably be revealed in Boundless.

The Bad:
- While Angela is an interesting character, I much prefer Clara's narration. (I'll detail the reasons why a little later)
- That being said, while I do love Clara's perspective it was not exactly necessary to the majority of the story. It is, for the most part, included to deal out a few revelations that we would not have discovered if we weren't in her head. So while I enjoyed seeing Clara's grief and the fact that Hand did not just drop that narrative thread from Clara's perspective, I did not feel it was necessary to alternate between the two characters every chapter.
- This isn't so much a negative aspect of the book itself as it is something that bothered me personally. In the past books, I have not liked the way Angela treats Clara and this book only served to solidify that for me. For someone that claims to be Clara's best friend, she treats her horribly. The things she thinks about Clara... But it was realistic to her character. It just left me with a bad taste in my mouth about the character.

Overall, this was a tantalizing read. I am even more excited to read Boundless and I did not think that was even possible. I would definitely recommend that any fan of the Unearthly series read this book, as it does reveal some things about Angela and the mystery surrounding her that will definitely be important in Boundless. Though this book definitely made me even less of a fan of Angela as a character, it was interesting to see her perspective and it is worth reading for that reason.

cupcakegirly's review against another edition

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I have never trusted Angela but I did enjoy seeing her POV. However, I am anxious to find out what happens to Tucker in BOUNDLESS!

yourivygrows's review against another edition

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2023 reread!