
Twinned Shadow by Candice Bundy

hebberelle's review

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3.5 stars. I like Becka, I think. She's plucky and strong but she's not a bitch. The big reveal was pretty easy to see coming, but still interesting.

katyanaish's review

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When a book does the whole "your family/guild/house/etc kicked you out for some political reason (not enough power, not the right power, someone was clearing out everyone above them in the line of succession, whatever), but now they want you back" thing, it is imperative to me that the FMC not be a fucking doormat.

Ideally, she will tell them to go fuck themselves. But it can work if she goes but refuses to be manipulated or bend to their whims.

This book doesn't do any of that. This bitch is basically a gullible Gumby, clearly so desperate for her family's acceptance that she meekly does what is expected of her, or allows herself to be manipulated into their plans.

She makes endless stupid decisions. She lets them order them around even though she is fucking outcaste and they have no authority over her. And when she inevitably finds she does have power (that's not a spoiler, of fucking course she has power), she lets them bring her right back into the fold without even a single fucking second of protest.

I just wanted to shake her and tell "they don't give a fuck about you! The minute you were not useful to them - at 16! - they cast you out into the world alone! You don't owe them a damn thing, and they do not deserve to lay claim to your new magic, you stupid asshole!"

I knew it was a losing battle, though, when really early on you find out that to support her (financially) after she's kicked out, she would have to agree to give them any baby she has if it shows magical aptitude. Just GIVE them the child, but stay outcaste herself. That's not a spoiler, the blurb mentions it. I assumed that she told them to go fuck themselves and made her own way in the world. Ha, no. She signed the deal and took the money.

And that, really, tells you everything you need to know about this spineless FMC. Becka is spineless, TSTL, and pretty much useless.

And Quinn is meh. A weird manipulative liar that maybe is okay, but that I don't expect much from.

Meh. Not reading on.

lynn_webb's review

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I am not quite sure what to say about this book. The beginning left me confused and I struggled to keep up from there. Questions continued to develop in my mind but I figured they would be answered at some point.

I found myself continuing to read as to not leave a story unfinished. I had to know what happened because maybe, just maybe, it would all make sense to me at the end. I would find myself slowly getting into the story and then something new would happen that would throw me off and lose my interest. I also found that, for me, the characters at their core were not relatable or all that interesting. With that said, I did manage to find myself angry for Becca once or twice but that was it.

In the end, I have no idea whatsoever what I read. The book seemed to introduce the story then give many unnecessary details only to not give me a real resolution that would prompt the need to continue the story by reading any following books. Normally I’d want to know what happens next but I am just glad that it is over. I gave it two stars for the simple fact that it caught my attention a handful of times.

**I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving a free copy.

thebookfling's review

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I'm reviewing this book after receiving a free copy.

It took a few chapters for me to get into this book. Once I did, it was an interesting read. It was fast paced and the twists were fascinating. I do wish there was better character development. I felt like Becka, the MC, made choices that didn’t fit with her original character, which, made me dislike the ending. I would be interested in the second book. Hopefully we'd learn more then!

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