
Candice Cushing and the Lost Tomb of Cleopatra by Georgette Kaplan

cdownes's review

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Hella fun! 4.5 stars

The witty dialogue and banter in the Cushing-Nevada chronicles is brilliant. Where Kaplan comes up with the ideas makes me wonder what a conversation with her and her friends would be like. Watch what you say to see what comes back at you.

The Indiana Jones type adventure works for me as well. Lots of fun and action plus Easy and Candice have weird chemistry that maybe shouldn't work but it really does.

I received an ARC for an honest review

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3.75* Easy Nevada, American mercenary treasure hunter, and Candice Cushing, British archeologist are still on their quest for the legendary crystal skulls. Easy have found 11 so far and the last one is rumoured to be in the lost tomb of Cleopatra. The banter and simmering sexual tension is still here in book 2. One does have to read book 1 to truly understand the characters and the scenes. It's a lesbian, self-aware Indiana Jones-like fun romp of a book. As other reviewers have mentioned, this book does end in a cliff-hanger, so be prepared. Needless to say, because I'm now thoroughly sucked into this world, I will be picking up the next book in the series.

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This is book two of 'The Cushing-Nevada Chronicles' that follow Easy Nevada, an American treasure hunter, and Candice Cushing, a British archaeologist, who are searching for a collection of crystal skulls located in northern Africa. This book starts right after book one, so it's highly recommendable that you read them in order and in a short time scope as there are a few details that, if you are like me, you won't remember. I have to warn readers that this book ends in a cliffhanger and will be continued on a new installment in 2020 but hopefully, we won't need to wait long to see where this series takes our heroines to.

I have read a few books by this author and I have to admit that her writing style might not fit everyone. Her books normally have a good dose of humour, one-liner jokes and they are big on the pop culture references. As a foreigner I got lost on a few, but nothing that Google cannot answer. However, these usual references might be annoying for other readers. This series is also heavy on the action side, which I loved, and very low on the romance. However, what lacks in romance is full of chemistry, wit, and banter. Also, the absence of love scenes makes sense as the characters are in constant movement and danger. As my fellow reviewer Lex put it, this series is a combination of Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider. If you like those, you'd surely enjoy this lesbian version of those two.

Overall, a very good lesbian adventure series full of entertainment, action and humour. 4.5 stars.

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The high octane thrill-ride continues with Candice Cushing and the Lost Tomb of Cleopatra, part II of The Cushing-Nevada Chronicles. Georgette Kaplan drops us in right after the end of Easy Nevada and the Pyramid’s Curse.

Kaplan writes action scenes like no other. They are so realistic, it’s like you are right there with Easy Nevada and Candice Cushing, dodging blows, shooting guns and eating sand. 3D action all the way, baby!

So we are still in the Sahara desert, with the baddies on our tail (see book 1). Nevada and Candice are looking for a crystal skull, the last in a set of 12 and the completion of years of finding and collecting these babies from all over the globe. Candice wants to do it by the book while Nevada does it… her way. Cue hilarious banter and sticky situations.

It’s no secret by now that I worship Georgette Kaplan’s writing ever since her fanfic days. She hasn’t written a bad book yet. Her snark is to die for, she is a super nerd with unmatched knowledge of pop culture. Her writing is intelligent, whether it’s history, world politics, native cultures, weapons or any other subject used in this plot, she makes it believable. Her stories (and her sense of humor) just resonate with me.

All the action takes place over the course of a few days. The chemistry between Easy and Candice intensifies but their romance (such as it is) has to take its own sweet time. Much better that way.

I highly recommend this if you love your action/adventure with a big dollop of crazy, zany, wackadoodle, smart, awesome, badassness!

f/f the flirting (all Easy) intensifies.

Themes: Africa, desert, sand in all the wrong places, the 12th skull, bad-ass women, can we trust this weird-ass billionair? The Khamsin, Granddad is pretty spry for an old dude, Cleopatra’s secret tomb, a ship in the sand, The fivefold titular.

5 Stars

* A free copy was provided by Ylva Publishing for an honest review.