
Hopelessly Devoted by Piper Sheldon

cobaltbookshelf's review against another edition

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Maybe if was longer and more flash out but like this short and just fine.

sznnbrgrn's review

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hijinx_abound's review against another edition

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I loved Jack and Skip. So happy we got their story.

profromance's review against another edition

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Overall Grade: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I find, when I read a novella by an author I adore, I simply want more. Piper Sheldon’s newest offering to the SmartyPants universe is very much the case. I would say that the biggest downfall to her Hopelessly Devoted is its insistence in wanting more story for her MM heroes, Jack and William “Skip.” What Sheldon has done well with her newest book is weave it into the fabric of her Scorned Women’s Society. She’s teased out Jack from My Bare Lady, and Skip from The One That I Want and crafted a space for them to meet, fall in insta-love, struggle with their baggage, and find their happy ending. Sheldon invites you into a story that adds dimension and diversity to the bigger SmartyPants universe. While there is a bit of steam here, this story isn’t really about that. Sheldon’s story suggests that we must find our own happiness, erecting healthy boundaries that allow us to fall in love and live more abundant lives. She marries the sweet, compassionate Jack persona with the grumpier, more reserved Skip. Sheldon gives us the story that Skip and Jack need while reminding us of the stories of the other Scorned Women’s Society members, but I would have loved a bit more flesh on this apple of a story. In the end, however, I enjoyed the journey of William and Jack, and I can only hope we will find them again in future Piper Sheldon stories.

andireadsromance's review against another edition

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Hopelessly Devoted is a novella set within the Scorned Women Society series by Piper Sheldon, in the Green Valley world of Penny Reid. We’ve met the two leads in previous books in the series, so although you can read it as a stand alone,you really should read the other books in the series and it overlaps the third book in the series, The One That I Want.

This novella is what happens when side characters tell their author they need their own HEA. It also fills in a puzzle piece we were all missing from The One That I Want. There was a lot left unsaid with William (Skip) and Jack and now we have it.

I love this series and I love it even more when a side character I liked from a previous book in a series shows up for their HEA and with Hopelessly Devoted, I got two for the price of one.

It’s a quick read, but it definitely packs a punch of story, humor, and steam (hello, “one bed” trope). You’re gonna be all up in your feels with this.

Also, I gotta add in a slow clap for the “enthusiastic consent” speech Skip gives the Triple F boys because that’s something that should be taught and isn’t. I loved the way he treated the group with respect because they aren’t used to getting it and I really feel it helped Jack connect with him more too.

I can’t wait for more of the SWS. I can’t wait for Gretchen’s HEA!

I was gifted an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

readliftbooks's review

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Hopelessly Devoted was absolutely sweet, and deliciously hot. Before Jack and Skip can let themselves be loved by the other, each of them has to heal. Jack was burned by a man he loved deeply. Piper Sheldon takes each character through life learning. Real life isn't much rosier than what these guys are going through. It makes them very relatable while reading Hopelessly Devoted. Each of them were the right amount of sensitive mixed with a rugged outdoorsy element to them that can give you the shivers. This was my first Piper Sheldon book but I know now that it won't be my last.
Full Review Here

hijinx_abound's review

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I loved Jack and Skip. So happy we got their story.

andireadsromance's review

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Hopelessly Devoted is a novella set within the Scorned Women Society series by Piper Sheldon, in the Green Valley world of Penny Reid. We’ve met the two leads in previous books in the series, so although you can read it as a stand alone,you really should read the other books in the series and it overlaps the third book in the series, The One That I Want.

This novella is what happens when side characters tell their author they need their own HEA. It also fills in a puzzle piece we were all missing from The One That I Want. There was a lot left unsaid with William (Skip) and Jack and now we have it.

I love this series and I love it even more when a side character I liked from a previous book in a series shows up for their HEA and with Hopelessly Devoted, I got two for the price of one.

It’s a quick read, but it definitely packs a punch of story, humor, and steam (hello, “one bed” trope). You’re gonna be all up in your feels with this.

Also, I gotta add in a slow clap for the “enthusiastic consent” speech Skip gives the Triple F boys because that’s something that should be taught and isn’t. I loved the way he treated the group with respect because they aren’t used to getting it and I really feel it helped Jack connect with him more too.

I can’t wait for more of the SWS. I can’t wait for Gretchen’s HEA!

I was gifted an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

bee_thebibliophile's review

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My heart was broken for Skip in The One That I Want - Sanders treated him so terribly and he deserved so much more. So when I saw that this was his novella, I couldn’t wait to dive in!

Skip follows his best friend, Sanders, to Green Valley to keep him from messing things up with his love life and with their business. He’s always working to fix Sanders’s messes and doesn’t have time to focus on things that really mean something to him. While he’s in town, he keeps running into Jack and his interest is piqued. Jack has dealt with heartbreak in his past and he has no time for one-sided relationships. He’s careful with his heart but Skip seems to weasel his way in there, whether Jack is ready or not.

From their first encounter, Skip and Jack have a unique connection, one they’re not so sure about pursuing for different reasons. But, when they finally see each other for who they really are, they just work. They’re both so sweet and relatable and reading about their camping trip with the teens really made me fall in love with both of them. There’s some angst and some drama between these two, but it’s worth it in the end for them to finally find their way back together.

I really enjoyed this quick departure from the SWS member stories - it’s just what the series needed to keep things interesting! Can’t wait to see what else Piper Sheldon has in store for us with the SWS series!

lisaluvsliterature's review

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I was very excited to read this once I realized it was Skip’s story! I loved the meet-cute for Jack and Skip in this story. I loved their romance. The two of them were perfect for each other. They had the similar backgrounds that shaped the type of person they grew up to be, but used that mostly to help others, especially the boys as part of the Triple F group that needed good role models. It was neat to get Sanders and Roxy’s story woven in as small details of this story. While their book, The One That I Want had more of a feel to the musical that line is from, Grease, this story started with a scene that matched the title of this book, also from that same musical. And of course I had to love their cab/Uber driving friend that I’m hoping/assuming the next book in the Scorned Women’s Society book will be about. Her part in this story was perfect.

I don’t read a lot of M/M romances, but I do quite enjoy them when I like the characters as much as I did with this one. And the steamy scenes don’t bother me, but I feel a little as if I’m peeking into someone’s business when I read them. Like since I’m not a gay male I shouldn’t know how their bedroom activities work. But I find myself curious and reading and wanting to understand.

Oh, there was one thing I wondered about. Skip was a stutterer when he was younger, but sometimes he would start to stutter in stressful situations in this story. Which makes sense, except he always seemed to stutter the letter s, even if that wasn’t what it would seem the next word would be. So that was a little confusing a couple times for me, wondering what he was really trying to say there. Nothing bad or really that confusing, just made my brain wonder what really was supposed to go there.

Overall this is a great addition and part of this series! And as usual, such a gorgeous and perfect cover! I will be purchasing a physical copy as well just to put on my bookshelves with the rest of the series so I can gaze at it whenever I want!

Review first published on Lisa Loves Literature.