dayiimary's review against another edition

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3½ my favorite story was Fan Fictions.... I may end up just like her LOL jk

clockworkp's review against another edition

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Los relatos me han gustado en distintas medidas, fue muy relajante que las historias fuesen cortas y sin interrelación, como leer varios resúmenes de libros.
La primera historia de la chica y el fantasma estuvo bien, me gustó la innovación de que sólo pudiese ver al chico cuando dormía, pero el amor verdadero instantáneo(*) me rechinó mucho.
El segundo relato fue mi favorito. Me encantó la premisa, el mundo, los personajes... Aunque el comportamiento de la chica me pareció un tanto extraño, más que ser una adolescente hormonal parecía que estaba medio borracha. Pero sin duda genial, no me importaría leer un libro entero sobre este mundo y personajes futuristas tan perfectos y sin penurias.
La historia sobre la chica y el hada no me gustó demasiado, creo que fue por el tremendo atraso de esa gente, lo acepto como parte de la historia, pero me repatea enormemente. Además la parte final del bebé me pareció que contradecía totalmente todos los propósitos anteriores de la protagonista, vamos masoquismo, y que el principio fue un poco confuso con ese AVI* tan repentino (vamos los chicos se conocían desde mucho antes).
La cuarta narración fue extraña. No me gustó, pero a la vez me pareció interesante. Al principio me identifique un poco con la protagonista, pero en cuanto apareció el chico yo estaba viendo ya ante mi la historia de crepúsculo. Me repateaba que ignorase los buenos consejos de las personas a su alrededor. Creo que el punto culmen, fue la reunión con la escritora. Que estuviese psicótica fue un giro argumental interesante.
En cuanto a la última, fue mi segunda favorita. Aunque eso creo que fue por la aparición del mito de los selkies, que me gustaba de pequeña. ¿Por qué los autores se empeñan en usar siempre los mismos seres sobrenaturales para sus historias si hay un montón más interesante que nadie conoce? El insta-love fue muy típico, y la ruptura para "hacer feliz" al otro (sin consultarlo primero) frustrante, pero innovador el hecho de que fuese la chica quien lo decidiese.

maggie_the_reader's review against another edition

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A collection of five longish short stories.

While love in fact is hell in two of the stories it’s really just five works of speculative fiction with a romantic relationship at the core. They range from pretty good to wow that was awesome.

The first story, Sleeping with the Spirit by Laurie Faria Stolarz is a pretty good one. It’s the story of a teen who sees ghosts, gets scared, and falls in love. This seemed like a story that should be a full length novel, so it’s weakness is that it feels like pieces were chipped away or glossed over.

Stupid Perfect World by Scott Westerfeld was the surprise ‘wow’ for me. I usually prefer paranormal fantasy to sci-fi but this story of two teens living in the (moderately distant?) future is brilliant. It explores experience in a clever, sometimes funny, and creative way.

Thinner Than Water by Justine Larbalestier is a heartbreaking story that is a little difficult to read but tells a story that feels unique and disturbingly familiar at the same time.

Fan Fictions by Gabrielle Zevin is also a sad one that poignantly tells a story of loneliness, and asks if love is the cure.

The last story, Love Struck by Melissa Marr uses a little seen creature of folklore, the selkie, to tell a nice love story that feels like a balm after the heartbreakers that precede it.

It is a quick read that is worth the small time investment if you enjoy speculative fiction and romance that isn’t too sappy.

julia_sienkiewicz's review against another edition

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Het boek bevat verschillende verhalen, wat soms best vervelend kan zijn. Ik wil gewoon een lang verhaal. Ook vond ik niet al de verhalen even leuk. Ik vond vooral het verhaal heel leuk dat zit afspeelde in een afgelegen dorpje, volgens mij is dat het 4de verhaal. Maar overal een heel leuk verhaal en boek.

iambutpaper's review against another edition

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by the end I was forcing myself to keep going

andrez's review against another edition

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I really liked some of these stories, esecially Scott Westerfeld's and Gabrielle Zevin's

light_prophecy_28416's review against another edition

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"Sleeping With The Spirit" By Laurie Faria Stolarz
The only reason I am not giving this story 5 stars is because I knew it was doomed from the beginning. I knew there would be no happy ending where the boy gets the girl and they live happily ever after. Aside from that, this is an incredible short story. Very well written and had tears steaming down my face for the last 15 pages. If only I had been able to hope for the couple to get together at the end of the story. That would have turned this incredible story into an absolutely fantastic one.
4 Stars

"Stupid Perfect World" By Scott Westerfeld
A blurb explaining this story would have been good at the beginning. Once I got the general idea of the story and it's setting (after the first couple of chapters) it was fine, but the beginning did have me quite confused for a bit. Apart from that, the was great futuristic telling of a Pride and Prejudice type story. The idea of people taking for granted and being so ignorant of things that we have to deal with every day (i.e. sleep, eating, the common cold)was intriguing. I've taken off one star for the confusing beginning, but overall a great story.
4 Stars

"Thinner Than Water" By Justine Larbalestier
My review for this story is going to be short because I honestly cannot decide what to make of this story. It was very well written, but I just cannot decide whether I like it or not. The ending in particular seemed, to me, a big anti-climax. The least Larbalestier could have done was fast forward to Jeannie's actual death and reunion with Robbie. My rating for this story reflects my opinion very clearly; I didn't really like it but I didn't not like it either.
3 Stars

"Fan Fictions" By Gabrielle Zevin
Predictable and incredibly annoying. I found it extremely hard to relate, or believe in Zevin's female character; a girl who is so lonely she convinces herself that a character in a book is real. Predictable because I worked out early on in the story that the only times Paige saw Aaron were after reading her book. I have to say, I also found this story to be quite insulting. The idea that a teenage girl without a girlfriend will go so far as to imagine one just to alleviate her won loneliness is (speaking from experience) a bit too far-fetched compared to real life. In my opinion, this story gives girls who prefer to stay home alone and read a bad reputation; which I suppose is another reason that I dislike it so much. What kind of message is that to send to teenage girls reading this book; that if they love to stay in an read books they could be crazy?
1 Star (If I could give it 0, I would)

"Love Struck" By Melissa Marr
Marr definitely saved the book with this story. An incredible, romantic tale of magic and true love. Very well written. I would absolutely love Marr to make a series of this, I think there is definitely a potential series with these characters. I would read it! I have nothing else to say except that I loved this story!
5 Stars

I have to say that overall was disappointed in this book. I was expecting to enjoy these stories a lot more than I did. 1 fantastic story, 2 good ones, 1 OK one and 1 awful one was not what I thought I would think of this book. Overall, Marr's story did save my rating of this book.
3.5 Stars, rounded up to 4

thisgrrlreads's review against another edition

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I'm not sure I realized the " Hell" part of the title was supposed to denote paranormal romance. But is does, and sometimes in this book paranormal also means science fiction. Stories are hit-or-miss. I loved Scott Westerfeld's story.

cdcsmith's review against another edition

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I feel the need to make note of this fact: I'm reading this for research (one of the stories is about a changling).

The book was not bad. Not great, but keeping in mind who it was for, it was tolerable. One of the stories reminded me of Double Bind. I did manage to get some research from it, so it was worth the short time spent with it.

katiburd's review against another edition

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Those were some fun short stories!