
I Suck at Girls by Justin Halpern

jjkook13's review against another edition

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A satisfying blend of heart and humor.

beastreader's review against another edition

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I never read Mr. Halpern's Sh*t MY Dad Says. After reading this book, I am going to check it out. I was laughing my head off at this book. I barely picked it up to start reading and already I found hilarous lines by Justin's father. I was reading them to my husband. It took like forever to get to page six because I would stop and read a line or a conversation that Justin had with his father.

The things that would come out of Justin's father's mouth, had me wanting to crack a beer or two with him and bring up random topics to get his opipions. He gave you the uncensored life lessons. I feared that things would not be as funny when Justin grew up and went away to college but never fear as the laughes still kept coming. Justin's experiences with the opposite sex was sad. I felt for him. I am surprised that he did not get chewed up and spit out. Luckily for him, he found his perfect match with his wife, Amanda. From what I did get to learn about her in this book, she sounds nice.

One final word of advise. So remember when your mother tells you to call every few weeks and you respond that you don't know if you will always be around a phone. you're not leading a fucking expedition to Antarctica. Find a phone and call your parents. (Courtesy of Justin's fatehr). This was one of the funniest autobiographies that I have read. You need to pick up a copy of this book. You will not regret it.

humanignorance's review against another edition

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Halpern proves here that he can write in a highly entertaining way without relying on his father (though his father’s dialogue is always amusing). His memory for events is fantastic, and if there was any embellishment, he also did that well.

rachelgnelson's review

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The first chapter had me snorting during my commute on the light rail. Yes, I was that person. So far, this is really funny.

hotmessmamareads's review against another edition

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After a long, hard year of academic reading, I couldn't wait to read something fun again. The perfect kick off was something lighthearted and funny, so of course, I opted to read Justin Halpern's "I Suck at Girls" book. His debut novel was so hysterical, I couldn't help but have high hopes for his sophomore release. Unfortunately, this second book didn't quite live up to the promise of its predecessor. It was still funny (my favorite story involves the homeless men and pages of naked women), but somehow lacked the sharp wit of "Sh*t My Dad Says."

The key element missing from Halpern's second novel is Daddy Halpern. There are moments when he shows up, makes more hysterical comments, but then he disappears again and we return to the younger Halpern's narrative of angst and romantic misfires. We learn about the circumstances surrounding Halpern's "deflowering" and a crazy Euro-trip involving the sort of charismatic character one finds in films (who knew they actually exist and do miraculously run into you on crazy Euro-trips?!).

Overall, it was still a fun read, but I felt it could have been vastly improved had there been more humor (and thus, more Daddy Halpern) included.

jenniepicky's review against another edition

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In I Suck At Girls, Justin outlines his love life and the journey leading up to the moment when he decided to ask his girlfriend (now his wife) to marry him.

I wasn't on the edge of my seat...but I did appreciate Justin's perspective on his past relationships. Of course I loved his father's perspective, analogies, and 'advice'. I listened to this on audio and found it a welcome distraction while driving back and forth to work.

local_decoy's review against another edition

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Any book that makes me smile or laugh out loud like this one gets 5-stars. Justin is a fun guy to relate to.

fireth's review against another edition

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Found myself chewing my lips to prevent bursting out laughing in train. Too short though.

greenogal's review against another edition

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bmg20's review against another edition

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After loving the random tweets from Justin Halpern I was ecstatic to read his debut full-length novel. [b:Sh*t My Dad Says|7821447|Sh*t My Dad Says|Justin Halpern||10860635] was absolutely hilarious and had me laughing profusely. Clearly, I was on board for anything else this man came out with.

Unfortunately it was a pretty huge disappointment as far as what I was anticipating. [b:I Suck at Girls|13425393|I Suck at Girls|Justin Halpern||18907326] chronicles the authors bad experiences with girls which dates back to his early childhood. Obviously the intention of these stories is humor; however, I ended up feeling sorry for the poor guy more than anything. His first crush gets him in trouble after he spends all night drawing her one seriously disturbing picture, his dream prom ends up being a nightmare, he doesn't lose his virginity until he's 20, the first two people he slept with ended up leaving town shortly after... the list goes on. We see a lot less of 'dad' in this one and he was definitely the highlight of the story. Considering I can count the number of times I laughed out loud on a single hand (and they were only short chuckles at that) and the fact that the writing itself was less than mediocre and the humor felt forced this one does not receive high marks from me.