
Blue Beetle, Vol. 1: Metamorphosis by Sal Regla, Tyler Kirkham, Tony Bedard

b_evil_c's review

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The second origin for the third Blue Beetle

It is a really interesting story based on the pre-52 telling. I sort of preferred the magic and links to the former Blue Beetles but the is still fun. Cannot wait until I get to the 3pnext revamp.

timreadstoday's review

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A really nice reintroduction to Blue Beetle. Up until this point, it has been Ted Kord as the Blue Beetle. A new Blue Beetle roughly the same age as Spider-Man but also differentiating him with his Latin roots.

I really dug this origin for Blue Beetle.

birdmanseven's review

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Enjoyable, but forgettable.

For more on the character, see this episode of Comic Book Coffee Break:

ithlilian's review

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I think I may have been more interested in this if I knew more about the Blue Beetle. Starting out with a long origin story is good if it's so intriguing you can't wait to continue, but this feels more like the first episode of a kids show. I think I would have rather started out with the Blue Beetle fighting baddies or trying to counteract the mission of the beetles than by reading this predictable story. It was just ok to me and nothing that makes me want to continue reading immediately.

mysteriousnorse's review

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2.5 Stars really. This is not the worst of the New 52, but far from the best. It is just so play by the numbers superhero that it bugs me. Mostly crappy evil villains. Hero fights destiny. Hero has secret identity. Hero fights villain with same powers. Hero has trouble getting with love interest. The art is interesting, but I doubt I'll read volume 2.

vanessa177's review

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There is a lot of good things about this volume. I like Ig Guerra's art. I really enjoy his characters expressions. He does both the action and the humor equally well. I am not a fan of a lot of digital effects in comics, but they are used really well here. Bedlard incorporates a lot of villains from before the reboot, which is nice when so many titles are focused on new villains.

Unfortunately, it is not as good as the old series. While I initially tried not to compare the two, it is difficult when the reboot essentially begins the series with Jamie's origins. Much of what made the old series so good is missing here. It just isn't fun, which is what I hope for from Jamie. His family and friends are not nearly as terrific as they were in the old series. The biggest problem is that the story here is much more cliche than the old series. Everything that is done in this comic has been done before, which is sad when the old series was so refreshing. While this series is selling much better than the old, I doubt it will be around for as long as the old series.

Blue Beetle may be joining my list of characters that I hope will join the much better Teen Titans.

geeknb's review

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Good art. Enjoyable story line. Loved the Latino cast.

yodamom's review

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Loved the illustrations and the fun story. Will be reading more

lilli_w12's review

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In the middle of reading a book about sci-fi spiders, let’s read a comic about sci-fi beetles!
I watched the movie for this, and it was… not great. But I really liked the main protagonist and the idea of the scarab. So I tried this out.
It was okay, definitely had Spider-Man vibes, since here Jaime is in high school and has a secret identity and everything. The villains were much better in the comic than the movie, the minor ones were pretty neat. The plot is basically the same, people want the scarab, Jaime wants to protect his friends and family, etcetera. He even has a love interest (I think) who’s the niece of the main villain (I’m totally blanking on her name in the movie, here it was Brenda). His family plays less of a part though, and the focus is more on his friends. Thorax was a much better nemesis than Carapace (or whatever his name was, it was pretty stupid) since his creation was directly Jaime’s fault and there was an emotional connection, instead of just some guy. Jaime stabbing Paco was the best scene in both the comic and the movie. I liked Jaime and the scarab’s relationship better here, there was a bit more negotiating. I liked that it took place in El Paso, I live about an hour and thirty minutes from there, so the area’s familiar. The back of the book called Jaime a true hero, but he didn’t really do anything heroic? In my opinion, he was much less likeable than the movie version. He just didn’t have that naive sweet personality. That part at the end, where he defeated Thorax, he acted like a real jerk. This was the New52 version of the character, I’ll go see if the previous incarnation of the character was better.

raul3893's review

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It was really good book.
It made a great job of setting the stakes of the mission, and showing us the relationships of Jaime with every of the characters.
While also being really fast paced and also not feeling rushed.
I feel really intrigued on what’s going to happen next, and it’s really sad that it only lasted for 16 issues