
Stupid and Contagious by Caprice Crane

kaelysbookshelf's review against another edition

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This book was hilarious, cute, fun, addictive, and exactly what I needed right now.

gaderianne's review against another edition

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Cute but predictable.
It follows 2 neighbors - Heaven and Brody - who switch off narrating each chapter. Heaven is a PR guru who gets fired from her job and has to make due as a waitress. Brody is owns his own (struggling) independent record label with a crazy ex-girlfriend. When Brody moves in - he is offended by everything about Heaven and can't stand him. Of course, after several twists and turns they end up falling in love, everything falls in place for their respective careers, and happily ever after....

sauriemilia's review against another edition

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I will be forever indebted to Morgan for introducing me to this book.

purrfectpages's review against another edition

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When I started reading Stupid and Contagious I didn't know anything about its author, Caprice Crane. Besides her being born into fame as the daughter of actress Tina Louise, Caprice and I have a lot in common.
While this book wasn't the best book I've ever read, to me it was extremely relatable. What I learned is that Ms. Crane is funny and full of obscure pop culture references. Your average bear might miss out on some of her pop culture nuggets, but I couldn't get enough. There is a constant sprinkling of movies quotes and a ton of laugh out loud references (i. e. Not being seen in the magic mirror and the elusive creepiness of former SNL band leader, G.E. Smith, to name a few ). There is even one part of the story where there's a blurb about how underrated the band Jellyfish was. If this author isn't a pop culture soul mate of mine, I don't know who is.
The story itself is cute and quirky and dare I say "hipsterish" before being hipster was even a thing. It's about two twenty something singles trying to find their way professionally as well as personally. Above all it's a good time that reminds you not all enjoyable reads have to be mind blowing, at least not in the traditional sense.

hugbandit7's review against another edition

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A friend of mine said this book was very funny and said I should read it. So I did. The book was good but not "laugh out loud" funny like it was for her. That's ok because people like different things.

The story is about Heaven and Brady who live next door to each other and their lives and how they intersect by being neighbors...and of course they fall in love (but that happens near the end of the book but you can see it coming)

brendaclay's review against another edition

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The love story of two quirky Gen Xers, involving misdelivered mail, a stray dog, the storming of Starbucks corporate headquarters, getting arrested at a Kurt Cobain vigil, and a marriage proposal from a foreign guy with one eye. Because it also involves a lot of language and sleeping around, I can't recommend it wholeheartedly for everyone, but it's an entertaining story with fun, lovable characters.

chrstnareads's review against another edition

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I learned that if I were portrayed in a book as a hot PR girl, I would be IN THIS BOOK! Just two little things I have to overcome first, haha. But, really, I WAS the girl in this book. Snarky, sarcastic, hater of G. E. Smith (of the Saturday Night Live band), and the words "moist" and "panties." *Shudder* Ew. Ugh. The way she spoke, the way she worded things... it was me! I don't think I've ever read a book like that before.

Me aside, Stupid and Contagious is clever, addictive and somehow informative. Did you know that cat piss glows in the dark? Apparently it does. Also, L.A. seems to be the refuge for lost 80s stackfoods like Jolt cola, Funyons and Munchos. Oh, and Tab. That is, if you choose to believe everything you read... which I do.

The story revolves around 2 main characters, Brady and Heaven. Heaven is the girl. She used to work at a PR firm, but after a little snafoo, which wasn't her fault, she was summarily fired. So now she's working at an upscale restaurant with snooty clientele. Brady just broke up with his psycho girlfriend, who refuses to leave him alone, finding joy in leaving him messages and telling his friends about the one (or two) times he just couldn't... "perform." Coincidentally, Brady moves in next to Heaven and they immediately hate each other. Slowly they begin to grow on each other... and, well, I'm not going to ruin it or anything.

I bought this book on Saturday and I finished it last night before I went to bed. What I said about it being addictive? True. And it was funny. Had me laughing out loud at almost every turn of the page. And when I wasn't laughing, I was voraciously consuming the narrative, leading me to have moments like "What the heck?! How am I on page 222 already?!?!" and "Holy crap! I only have 20 pages left?! Well, might as well finish it..." I highly recommend this book to anyone who is a schemer or a dreamer (hey, I rhymed), anyone who's ever questioned themselves when all (s)he needed was a little affirmation. It's a love story, a work story, a fear story, and a dream story all wrapped into one. I couldn't put it down. I loved it. And you will too. :)

andrearbooks's review against another edition

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I've been going back and reading books I first read (and really liked/loved) in my twenties. This is a book I read almost 15 years ago, and it's also one I recommended and read with my old book club. All these years later in my late thirties, it literally hits different. I can see the appeal to a mid-twenties me as I had so much love for a cheesy romance. All these year later, my salient memory of this one was the story line about the Cinnamilk, but as I read, I was able to recall the other components. The love story is predictable (as they always are), but cute. Overall, it was a light and fun throwback read

galentorrey's review against another edition

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hilarious! there's a time and place for EVERY book---just because it's not "serious lit" does mean it's not great! hahahahaha!

llkendrick's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

Hilarious book! Had me laughing often and I want to be bff's with the two main characters. I would have given it more stars but the f-bomb was dropped way too often.