
Devil's Bridge by Linda Fairstein

nutti72's review against another edition

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In the latest book, we find Alexandra Cooper MIA. Literally, she has been kidnapped by perps unknown. Is it one of the career criminals Alex has spent a lifetime putting away. Or is something more sinister at work. Mercer and Chapman desperately try and find her in time. A must read for anyone dying to know how Mike Chapman thinks. Thanks Netgalley for letting me read the egalley.

kabrina's review against another edition

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One of my favorite Alex Cooper novels! A great way to spend an afternoon off work.

dtaylorbooks's review against another edition

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This is book #17 in this series and for the record, I haven’t read any of the others. The book is a stand-alone; I wasn’t lost in any of the plot or anything. But I think it would have had more meaning if I were more familiar with the world Fairstein created.

As it stands it’s a decent enough story. I really wasn’t that riveted by it. That probably had more to do with the characters than anything else and their incredible overuse of each others’ names. That’s just a writing pet peeve of mine. I think it’s used for emphasis, but used too much it just becomes downright unnatural. People don’t use each others’ names that much in normal conversation. It was constant here and it kept drawing me out of the story.

On top of that I thought Mike was a bit of a choad. I get the appeal of the uber-masculine cop with a heart of gold (please, I watch SVU, thanks), but Mike was too gruff and insistent for me. I just didn’t find him appealing on the page. As a result I ended up glazing over a lot in the story. I didn’t find myself invested like I probably should have been and I found myself reading just to get through the pages.

From a plot standpoint it was interesting, but I was hoping to get something from Alex’s point of view while she was in custody. Not a peep. Once she’s off the page, about a quarter of the way into the book, it’s all Mike. And I didn’t get a huge sense of immediacy looking through his eyes. Or I should say the immediacy felt forced, and his interactions with people didn’t feel genuine.

Overall I didn’t connect with DEVIL’S BRIDGE. I wouldn’t be opposed to starting the series from the beginning. I wasn’t that turned off by it. But I’m not going to run out and start buying up copies either. Eventually, maybe.


I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

micrummey's review against another edition

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I haven't read a book with the Protagonist Alexandra Cooper before now and this is apparently different in that for the most part she goes missing and it is told from the Point of View of her detective boyfriend, Mike Chapman.
It took a staggering 100 pages to get to the inciting incident, most of which is taken up with boring conversations with characters who are always trying to out do each other with sarcasm, jokey puns and put you downs.
This doesn't stop when the Point of View changes but then we got information dumps and amazing facts about New York that the author imparts through Chapman.
As for a plot it wasn't too bad but there's plenty of padding and waffle, basically overwritten. I didn't know before I read this book the folk story of a Devil's Bridge. At least I learnt something.

babs83's review against another edition

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I really enjoy this series and I thought this book was one of the best.

sariggs's review against another edition

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I stopped reading this series because it became utterly forgettable.

Now I’m just giving it 1 star to influence others. I cannot separate the artist from the art, and this author defended Harvey Weinstein and is largely held responsible for prosecuting and convicting the children known at the Central Park Five for a rape they didn’t commit.

beckmank's review against another edition

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This is the first book I've read in this series. Overall, I liked it. Some of the things worked for me, but some didn't. It feels like a lot to include in a Goodreads review, so I welcome you to read my full review at Hidden Staircase.

Thanks to First to Read for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

skinnypenguin's review against another edition

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Alex Cooper has a bad day in court and that is just the beginning of her problems. She finds out a woman impersonated a person to get access to her files at work. She does get some good news when the man who has been trying to kill her is caught. The unit is celebrating at their favorite haunt and she is getting some serious ribbing for being a bit touchy. She leaves the gathering and while getting into what she thinks is the Uber ride she has arranged she is kidnapped. No one notices until late the next day.
Alex has recently started an affair with long time friend, cop, Mike Chapman, and he goes on the hunt to find her. The story is told mostly from his point of view which is a bit of a switch for this author. I liked it. Mike is having a hard time reining in his emotions as he looks for Alex. He was working a murder during the night when she was taken and he thinks the two cases might be linked. He had a run in with a corrupt minister who has links to City Hall. Mercer aids Mike in his search and they eventually find that it is linked to something that happened in Mike's past and not Alex's. Several of his commanders are not very helpful to him and actually very derogatory about his relationship with Alex. They bring in a psychiatrist to help sort things out and she is also a bit unfeeling and not too nice to him.
Like how the author puts in so much history about the city of New York and surrounding area.

martha662's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book and would recommend it. I liked the fact that the story was told from Mike Chapman's perspective.

1tolkienfan's review against another edition

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Fairstein states she always wanted to write in Mike's voice and i think she did a darn fine job!
Hard to believe that i only have two more books to go until i am caught up.