
حسرت: در ستایش زندگی نازیسته by Adam Phillips

carlycuje's review against another edition

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If you’re into psychology— particularly psychoanalysis— this book is super interesting! I read it paired with my class on Breaking Bad, so thinking about the characters from that show (or similar characters, or even real people) in connection to what Phillips talks about makes it even more interesting.

gingerliss's review against another edition

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I've been having a few of these lately. Books that I find difficult to give a fair rating to. So once for I've had to go for the neutral three out of five stars. I think with this book it's so hard to give a rating because i think it's a difficult book to fully grasp on the first read through. It's a book I will definitely have to read again and I will read it in a very different way the second time. Phillips talks about a lot of concepts which all eventually fit into the idea that are unlived lives (for example plans we make, or those past moments where you wonder what if?) have a big impact on the lives we actually live, and are perhaps, even, more important. I was drawn into each and every chapter, Phillips seems to do that very well, he will introduce a concept and even if a difficult concept to grasp will talk about it in such a way that you will understand what he is saying. I think this is because he doesn't use layman's terms to much, and everything he is explaining is explained in terms that most people would understand. He does lay emphasis on some literature, using literature often as examples to prove his points. For me as a literature student, even though I haven't yet read some of the works he discusses, this was no problem to understand. Whereas someone who is perhaps less familiar with literature and the study thereof, sometimes Phillips may be a little harder to understand. I was able to immerse myself into each chapter quite deeply, and each chapter left me thinking on it for a while afterwards. What I would do differently next time, is first of all read the book more slowly, and secondly have notepad and pen to hand, so that I can write things down as I go along. That way I would find it easier to connect all the concepts and help form a better picture and understanding of the whole, rather than just its parts.

For first readers I would say either prepare fro reading the book more than once, or start off your first read with pen and paper, and perhaps dictionary, in hand.

What I love about these kind of books is that I always go away with a list of other books I want to read. As long as a book is inspiring me to read more books, and keep on reading, its doing its job!

mahir007's review against another edition

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‏«بالطبع علينا أن نشبع رغباتنا بجعل الناس يساعدوننا في تلبية تلك الرغبات . إننا نمارس الضغط على العالم كي تسير الأمور لصالحنا . مع ذلك ، سرعان ما نلاحظ ومنذ الطفولة - إذ ربما يكون هذا أول شيء نلاحظه - أن تلبية احتياجاتنا ، وكذلك تحقيق أمنياتنا ، أمر لا يتحقق دائماً»

آدم فيليبس

naju's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective slow-paced


The first essay is a showstopper, the following ones don’t match up in differing degrees (some are good, others are repetitive). 

A curious case of a book - I can’t recall being recommended it by anyone, but somehow I found it in my downloads. The premise compelled me enough at the right time in my life and I think I’ll be revisiting passages I highlighted many times over. 

gamecock's review against another edition

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sl0w_reader's review against another edition

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Although too clever for his shirt, Adam Phillips is undoubtedly a keen observer of human behaviour and emotions seen through the lens of Freudian mythology. Polishing his turns of phrase to an impressive shine, he turns the leaden assumptions of psychoanalysis into golden aphorisms on the nature of frustration and satisfaction in our lives and minds.

And if you enjoy the frustration of being teased with implication, without the satisfaction of being fed with understanding, then this is the book for you. However, while the language sparkles, there's something missing - an original idea? significance? integrity? lived experience? It's hard to tell when you're blinded with so much rhetorical bling.

Still, there are useful nuggets here, albeit some sifted from other authors. Take for example his quotation of Franz Kafka's striking observation from Zurau Aphorisms:

'You can withdraw from the sufferings of the world - that possibility is open to you and accords with your nature - but perhaps that withdrawal is the only suffering you might be able to avoid.'

There's a writer with a life, not just a keyboard.

gemstixs's review against another edition

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read for class; very interesting! we should all care about each other a lot more.

homs_dream's review against another edition

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والله الكتاب حلو والمعاني التي فيه رائعة، وأحياناً قد تقع منه على سطر فيه فكرة ذكية يغنيك عن شرح طويل.
لا أدري لو كان ينفع تصنيفه تحت كتب علم النفس أو علم الاجتماع أو علم فقه اللغة، لأني رأيته مشتملاً على هذه المواضيع في طيّات الكتاب، وبعض الأفكار فيه لدرجة بساطتها وعمقها غابت عن كثيرين ( كتحليل النكتة، وكيف أن الحسد أحياناً يكون ضرورياً لفهم سياقات أخرى من النفس البشرية).
لا أزعم أني فهمتُه كله، واظن الترجمة العربية ظلمته قليلاً فقد كانت شاقة عليّ.
شكراً حنان على الترشيح وشكراً خلود لقد قرأته بنسختك المصوّرة.

yasemin2's review against another edition

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Önce kitapla ilgili düşüncelerimi toparlayabilmem için biraz bekleyip kafamdaki toz bulutunun yerleşmesi gerektiğini düşündüm, fakat sonra bunun zamanla ilgili bir durum olmadığına karar verdim.

Adam Philips’ın Hüsran, Kavrayamamak, Yanına Kâr Kalmak, Çıkıp Gitmek ve Tatmin Üzerine 5 Ana konu başlıkları ve 1 ek başlık ( Deli Rolü Üzerine) hakkındaki düşünceleri üzerine olan bu kitapla ilgili karışık duygu ve düşüncelerdeyim. Kitap Hüsran Üzerine adlı bölümle başlıyor, çok sevdiğim bir bölüm olmasına rağmen yazarın diline aşina olana kadar kitabın içine girmekte zorlandım. Kesinlikle oyunbaz olan bu dili sonra çok da sevdim. Kitabın belli özgün bir ritmi var ve akamedik bir metinde bunu sonuna kadar korumayı başarmış. Yazar bütün konu başlıklarını hep gözümüzün önünde durduğu için başka açılardan bakmayı kaçırdığımız bir objeyi tüm parçalarına ayırır gibi incelemiş. Sözcüklerin sözlükteki karşılıklarından başlayıp Freud’a vararak yaptığı tümevarımlara sıkça karşılaşıyoruz.

Konu başlıklarına ve kitap arkasına bakarak klasik kişisel gelişim türünde tavsiyeleri de içeriyordur beklentisine girenleri hayal kırıklığına uğratacaktır. Yazar herbir konu başlığında sorulmayanları sorup cevapları hakkında ahkam kesmediği tavrını da koruyor. Bana göre tam da böyle sorgulatarak okurun “ kişisel gelişimine” katkıda bulunuyor. Buna en iyi örneklerden birinin delilik üzerine adlı bölümden şu alıntı olduğunu düşünüyorum: “ Birinin deli olduğunu ne düşündürür bize? Aklımıza bu kelimenin gelmesine sebebiyet verecek ne tür bir kimlik performansı sergilerler? Neden ‘gaddar’ , ‘gürültücü’ , ‘ rezil’ , ‘ vahşi’ , ‘eksantrik’ , ‘ mütehakkim’ , ‘ tuhaf’ , ‘ suskun’, ‘istismarcı’ , ‘heyecanlı’ , değil de ‘deli’? En bariz soruyu soracak olursak, deliler kiminle karşılaştırılır? Bu yargıyı, bu özgül kelimeyi kullanmamıza neden olan standartlar nelerdir?”

Bununla birlikte, Yanına kâr kalma bölümünü devlet otoritesi üzerinden anlatmasına bayıldım. Düşünürken eğlendiren bir bölümdü.

Kitaptan genel olarak keyif alsam da yer yer anlatımın yarıda kaldığını yazarın düşüncelerini net bir şekilde aktaramadığını ve metnin boğulduğunu düşünüyorum. Bu kadar karmaşık düşüncelerle, kelime oyunlarıyla ve yer yer muğlak olan bir metnin çevirisi ise çok başarılı. Çevirmen Selin Siral enfes bir iş çıkarmış.

rhubee's review against another edition

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