
The Iron Dragon's Mother by Michael Swanwick

brianrenaud's review

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Again, Swanwick baffles me in a strangely pleasing way.

davidscrimshaw's review

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I was lucky enough to get this from the library just before the lockdown started.

This is the third Iron Dragon book from Mr. Swanwick and it is a good fast-paced read with lots to think about.

I feel fine in saying you don't have to read the other Iron Dragon books first. I did. But so long ago that I only remember that I loved them. I want to read them again now.

nigellicus's review

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Returning from a soul raiding mission, Caitlin, a half-elvish dragon-pilot picks up an unexepected guest in her head, the dying human Helen. In short order she is framed for her brother's murder and on the run with only the woman in her head and an ageless waif she picks up alng the way for company. There's a massive, somewhat top-heavy and incorporated conspiracy at work, and Caitlin travels through a modernosed but perilous Faerie in search of answers and her brother and her lost commission.

Witty, sly, savage, wildly imaginative in places, constantly turning down unexpected but delightful narrative branches, this is Swanwick in absolutely top, and somewhat gleeful, form.