
Go, Grandma, Go! by Lynn Plourde

rluczyns's review

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This is a lovely book with gorgeous illustrations about the many things a grandkid can do with a grandmother. There are lots of onomatopoeias in the book (e.g. beep! bop!) with a simple rhyming scheme throughout. It portrays grandma and grandkid playing together - being pushed in a car, going down a slide together, playing musical instruments, flying a kite, going shopping, sledding in the snow, playing at the beach, hiking, resting in a hammock. I love that these are not stereotypical "female" things to do but something anyone can go regardless of gender. Additionally, the grandmothers portrayed in the illustrations are many different ages and races (as are the grandkids) but I also would have like to have seen some grandmothers of different abilities. I would hate for a child to think they can't play with grandma because she's hard of hearing or in a wheelchair.

Age: Infant-Toddler
Companion book: Go, Grandpa, Go!