
With the Flowers Anthology by C.A. Baron

angelahayes's review

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4 Stars

With the Flowers is a charity Anthology in aid of The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. It is a collaboration by 10 talented authors who have each contributed an original story- each one unique and individual to the author, and using several different genres, but each using the same inspiration to create the story- that being spring, renewal, rebirth, and blossoming in some way. As the old saying goes- With the Flowers, comes spring.
I enjoyed each author’s contribution, they were individual, while also complimenting each another. Some of the authors I am familiar with, while others are new to me, a real win-win situation, because I knew I would love the stories from the authors whose work I know, but also exciting to explore new horizons in the works of the other authors, giving me the opportunity to get a taste of what they are capable of and find new authors to add to my TBR list.
This anthology has so many different takes on the theme- from new adult romance, to fantasy, paranormal, mystery, new beginnings, enemies to lovers, contemporary romance, erotic moments, sweet stories, and moments that inspire- there’s something here to please everyone.

The anthology contains:

Marabeth’s Spring By: C.A Barron
This story made me think about family, bonds, friendship, relationships, heartache, grief, and so much more. Marabeth takes us on an emotional journey through one of the most difficult ‘seasons’ of her life. The poem that is included in the story really grabbed me, and made me reflect on life. This seems to be C.A Barron’s debut novel- so I am looking forward to more from this author in the future.

The Bunnies Adventure By: AnnaMarie Gardner
“So, the first thing you must know about Easter is that bunnies and fairies have been working together for thousands of years to make it a success. It takes both the bunnies and the fairies to make it work. Each has their own role and its vital in the process. The fairies first job is to get the list of kids assigned to their bunny along with the area map, so that they can help the bunny plan the route.”
This was such a cute, sweet story- a fantasy with a fairytale/fable feel to it. Follow Oscar and his friends on their adventure as they make their Easter deliveries. An original story, with a feel good tone and message.

Wynter’s Golden Spring By: Harmony Joy
What I took away from this interesting story is that we need to walk our own paths, and choose who we want to bring or be with on the journey. It’s also about assumptions, and how they can be real obstacles in our lives. Tres and Wynter took me along as their story unfolded. It was intriguing, with just a sprinkle of drama to keep things interesting. This appears to be Harmony Joy’s debut novel, as I couldn’t find any more of her work when I stalked, I mean inquired about her online. So, another author to keep my eye out for in the future.

The Spring Thaw By: JA Lafrance
This is about secrets, discoveries, chance encounters, and finding love unexpectedly. The alternating, duel point of view from Karen and Javier, gives us a great perspective of what’s happening and what the characters are thinking. I really enjoyed this story, as there’s enough mystery and suspense to make me wonder and need to turn the pages to discover how everything would play out. Well done.

A Brilliant Spring By: C.M Lehsten
A Brilliant Spring is quite an original and intriguing story with some sci-fi, paranormal, drama, and mystery aspects to it. I really liked this story, it really kept me guessing as to what would happen. The characters were all quite well developed, especially for such a short story. This would make a great TV series, or television movie.

A New Beginning By: E.S McMillan
Rose and Leif have to pick up the pieces and try to find their way, when their 16 year old daughter runs away from home. This story has an emotional factor to it and even though it is quite a short story, I became invested in the characters and the outcome of their story. There was a bit of a twist at the end, that really added an extra element of interest, and emotion, to the story. This is about family, turmoil, changes, relationships, and new beginnings.

The Black Dress By: Tiffany Pennywell
We are taken on an unexpected adventure, that centres around a black dress. The story is about fate, curve-balls, adventure, and much more. There was quite a lot packed into this short story. It was well written, and held my attention the whole way through. I will definitely read more form this author in the future.

The First Time By: K. Ries
Hot Tamales!!! This story certainly spices things up- a lot! This is a wonderful, sweet n spicy, and tender contemporary romance. It’s about finding ‘the one’, patience, the first time, self-worth/self-esteem/ confidence/body image issues, love, passion, romance and so much more. Ms. Ries never disappoints with her well written stories and endearing, fully realised characters! One of my top two in this anthology! 5 Stars!

The Beginning By: Lela Robichaux
We follow as two children discover much about the world they thought they knew. History holds frightening details and they soon find themselves on an adventure facing unbelievable creatures, in a fight for their lives. An enthralling fantasy from beginning to end. A real surprise package! I would love to read a longer, more detailed and expanded version of this story.

Spring Fling By: Lissa Lynn Thomas
Another of my favourites in this anthology. I was hooked right from the start. This is a paranormal mystery, with demons, magic, fantasy, spells, action, adventure, and so much more. This is the first book I have read from Lissa Lynn Thomas, but it certainly won’t be the last. I am looking forward to exploring more of her work ASAP. Well worth the read!

If you are looking for something a little different, that has emotion, and something that is sure to please everyone- then look no further, this is the book for you. Ten books for the price of one, now that’s a win-win situation for sure. Plus, your purchase will also support a well deserving charity in the process. So, go ahead and grab yourself a copy, you are sure to enjoy it as much as I have!

Thank you to all the contributing authors!!

“The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is a global non-profit organization focused on improving the understanding, prevention and treatment of psychiatric and mental illnesses. Their vision is to dramatically improve the lives of those with mental illness and ultimately enable people to live full, happy, and productive lives. In 1987, the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation was providing seed money to neuroscientists to invest in “out of the box” research that the government and other sources weren’t willing to fund. Today, they are the nation’s top non-governmental funder of mental health research grants. The Foundation funds the most innovative ideas in neuroscience and psychiatry to better understand the causes and develop new ways to treat brain and behavior disorders. These illnesses include: •addiction •attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) •anxiety •autism •bipolar disorder •borderline personality disorder (BPD) •depression •eating disorders •obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) •post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) •schizophrenia To learn more, visit”