
Casting Spells by Barbara Bretton

carenz's review

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Cute, but a little contrived.

dmtcer's review

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I needed something very light and non-educational to read; this fit the bill! It was fun and entertaining.

emilyn's review

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This was more paranormal romance than cozy. From seeing the cover, I was expecting it to be more cozy than paranormal romance. Not too much sex or swearing, but there was some violence. Maybe for fans of Patricia Briggs.
Also, I don't knit, so lots of the knitting references made no sense.

fromjesstoyou's review

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"4 out of 5 stars. The story was written in a diary kinda form from both Luke and Chloe's sides. It kept me rapt in what was going on and I couldn't put it down!"

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bookertsfarm's review

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Cute book, and since my library has the rest of the series, I can see myself continuing it at some point in the future.

threadpanda's review

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An enjoyable knitting- and witchcraft-related story with a little bit of a hint of romance. Really fun and quick to read, but probably not one that's going to stick around in my head for a while. :)

ashleu's review

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Originally posted at Nose in a Book

Ashley, reading an adult book again? Shocking. I know. This book was kind of perfect (for me.) There was a fairly exciting mystery and two people who I wanted to smish together and force to be happy.

Of course the book didn’t work that easily! But so close!

This is the story of a girl named Chloe. Chloe Hobbs is the only human is her small town of Sugar Maple, VT. Sugar Maple is a unique town in the fact it is full of vampires, warlocks, and witches, most of whom are super nice no less. Chloe owns the local yarn and knit shop that begins to get a tad famous in the blogworld and then in person. Chloe’s little town has a spell put on it so nothing bad happens in the town’s boundaries. The spell stays alive through one person in the town. Of course this one person is Chloe, whose mother happens to be a witch. Chloe would herself be a full blood witch if her mother didn’t fall in love with a human. This makes Chloe a half witch who hasn’t comes into her powers yet.

In the book Chloe does start to come into her powers with the help of a cop named Luke. Luke has come to down to investigate the death of his childhood friend. Of course the problem is the fact that Luke is human, and to be honest no one is supposed to die in Sugar Maple because of the spell. This human death means that the spell is weakening and with it weakening the town is concerned what it means for the future of the town. The spell begins to fix itself when Chloe and Luke begin to fall in love.

When they kiss there are sparks. Literally. Sparks. It of course creeps them out at first, but they begin to get used to it. When they begin to get used to it, Chloe’s powers begin to come in. This shocks the town of Sugar Maple because for 30 years Chloe hasn’t had a single spark of powers. But at the same time as Chloe is getting her powers the town is worried because Luke is a human. The town, although welcoming to humans doesn’t want them to live there forever.

Back to the point of Luke being in town, his friend died mysteriously and he is trying to figure out by whose hand. The hand is of course a magical hand, someone that Chloe actually knows. Of course she does not know this at the time. Luke and Chloe work together to solve the mystery, and another mystery, and they figure out each other along the way.

The ending also through me for a bit. I don’t want to say much and give it away but it is a good one. Left me wanting more: in a good way.

mandcmom's review

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I had read this once before and was happy to see it is now a series! I re-read this one and enjoyed it as much this time as the first time. Chloe is intriguing to me and I'm on to book 2 to see what Isadora cooks up this time!

mvt2003's review

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I really enjoyed this light fantasy, especially for its knitting elements. A very fast read, I read it all in one sitting while I was waiting in my empty office for the copy machine company to come to move it to Raynham. It is setting up a series, and as such needed a lot of exposition in order to create the world of Sugar Maple. But once I was in the world, I liked it. I look forward to the next book. This series is shaping up to be one I will continue to read.