
Say Something by Lea Lyon, Peggy Moss

annabannana's review

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Project Cornerstone Asset Year 1 Book 3

zelma's review

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Course evaluation:

Personal Response: This is a simple yet important book on a major issue in schools. I think this would be a great addition to a classroom in order to broach the topic with young children and show them that their complacency can be just as hurtful as bullying.

Evaluation: Moss’ plot and text are simple and straightforward, which will appeal to the short attention spans of this age group. The narrator spends most the story avoiding the bullying she witnesses; this is apparent by her short comments throughout the book as well as her placement at the edge of each illustration. However, the text becomes more emotional and detailed as the narrator experiences bullying firsthand. The watercolor illustrations also soften the harshness of the topic, while still showing the facial pain and body language of each bullied character. The illustrations show an authenticity of the children’s reaction and attitudes toward the school bullies and those are harassed.

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Children's - 2006

cweichel's review

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A girl watches other children being bullied but does nothing. It’s only when she herself is bullied that she starts to realize how it feels. This motivates her to sit beside a girl who is being excluded.
The back of the book has two pages of suggestions for what you can do to stop bullying. Lea Lyon’s artwork is beautiful.