
Essays in Comparative Sociology by André Béteille

mveldeivendran1's review

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André Béteille is obviously one of the leading erudite scholars from the Indian front of social sciences. Initially published as 'Six Essays in Comparative Sociology' later expanded with two more essays, this anthology covers a lot on the intellectual traditions and practice of Sociology, Social Anthropology, Marxism, Studies of Peasants, Workers, and Tribal communities in Indian Context and its relevance filtering all those western biases and conceptions. Béteille here asks serious questions on how to demarcate certain field studies as a 'discipline' and how it works against its own Indian Intellectual Tradition or better even goes on to ask whether we do really have had one in the first place.

Highly recommended for the scholars and practitioners of Sociology/ Anthropology/ Marxism. Such a shame it went out of print.