
The Forever of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen

grandpas_farts's review against another edition

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It had been about a year since I read the last book in the series so I forgot a lot about what happened.

Ella and Micha are still together but not for long. Ella believes Micha deserves more than her and her unstable behavior and Micha feels that she is everything that he needs and more. Ella tells Micha a lie that could ruin everything that they've ever had. With his band on the road and Ella still in school, only time will tell if their relationship will last the end of time and all situations. Ella still has to deal with her recovering father and rude older brother during his wedding. Micha has to deal with his conscious and possibly holding the key to saving his father who walked out of his life at 5.

SpoilerSomething I love about Jessica Sorensen is that she does not write HEA. Yeah Ella and Micha end up together but she does not make it where the family makes up, the father says I love you Ella you're the best I'm never drinking again. Her brother walks over and says I'm sorry I've been such an ass all these years, here's a hug, we're going to rebuild our relationship. Micha's father says I'm sorry for being nonexistent all these years, here's a beer, let's toast to our new relationship! She paints a real view of life. Ella and Micha end up together but their family relationships stay the same because in reality you don't start fresh and new and everyone cuddles together and love one another after years of turmoil.

readingwithemmett's review against another edition

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"You left me, ripped out my heart, and then came back acting like a robot, and you know what? We made it through. You and I, good or bad, belong together. We make each other whole."

3.5 stars

The story picks up where [b:The Secret of Ella and Micha|15717876|The Secret of Ella and Micha (The Secret, #1)|Jessica Sorensen||21388954] left off, Micha is on the road with a band, and Ella is at college in Vegas. The book dives into Ella's problems regarding her past, and her and Micha's relationship.

I thought the story was written well, and I enjoyed reading it. I think my biggest problem was that I was done with Ella and Micha's story, and I just wanted to read about Lila and Ethan. In that aspect, the story just seemed to drag on, and I was just waiting to get to the end.

Overall, the story was well written, and it kept my interest, however, it was predictable. I would recommend this book if you enjoyed the first one, but, I have enjoyed The Coincidence series more than this one so far.

"I think the people who go through more can end up stronger in the long run. They have insight in to what a lot of people don't have and a better understanding--they can be more open-minded."

greylandreviews's review against another edition

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Here's the review->Greyland Reviews Also 2.5 stars

yepitsjen22's review against another edition

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Ella and Micha kill me.

Never in a million years did I think I would find a book that I connect the characters on so many levels.

chelseammg's review against another edition

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I am SO glad I read this book. I was a bit hesitant after the conclusion of The Secret of Ella and Micha. I was worried about their relationship going over the top, or even worse...being ruined (NO!!)

Jessica Sorenson did not disappoint me! This book was all about Ella and Micha working out their internal demons so they could be whole enough to be together. Especially Ella. Poor bug, she really had a crap life! Thank goodness she had Micha with her the whole way to show her that not everyone was crazy/jerkish/selfish. He was her rock, her love, her life. You just knew they they were meant to be together. Their struggles really cemented their relationship.

What I loved was that even though there were trials they had to face in this book, it wasn't drama for drama's sake. It was true to who they are and the life they lead. It didn't feel manufactured in any way.

Quote of the book:

"Because most people go into this blind. They don't know the bad side of the person they're with. But we know each other's flaws and cracks--we know what we're getting into and it makes us stronger."

That sums it up, folks!

Bravo Ms. Sorenson, Bravo!

missb2063's review against another edition

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This book was well worth the wait!! Jessica, like I always say, you never cease to amaze me with your amazing talent!!! Another amazing story!! This story picks up right where The Secret left off. I was emotional while I read this one. I cried several times, which just shows how Jessica can draw the reader in with her words. I think that is extremely important when reading and Jessica does that every time!! :)

Characters are still perfect together!! Micha is dreamy....I do adore him and I need him in my life!!! I know I've heard people say he isn't tough enough, but I think he is perfect. The way he loves Ella is amazing and I'd love to find a man like that!! Family interaction was important in this story and it was interesting to see family background. Father interaction was spotlighted for both characters and the way things turn out for each is what makes my emotions go wild.

I really liked the story progression and the ending gave me butterflies!!! I was extremely happy!! :) I can't wait to see what Jessica has coming next in The Secret Series!!

gabookaholics's review against another edition

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This was a 3.5. I really enjoyed the first book in this series. I enjoyed reading more about Ella and Micha in this book as well, but I just wasn't thrilled with the 2nd half of the book or the ending. I felt like as a reader I was waiting and waiting for the last parts of the book to happen and it just wasn't developed or as detailed as I would've preferred. I still love Jessica Sorensons writing and these characters, just would've liked this book to be a little longer, go into a little more detail at the end.

i_dont_read_blurbs's review against another edition

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“It isn’t as important to feel great about all the things we do,” I say softly. “But how we feel toward the end when we look back at everything we’ve done.” ~ Micah (Grady)

The Forever of Ella and Micha told a much deeper story than the first book. I was able to connect with all of the characters more in this book. You really get a dive into what makes them who they are and you get to see just how messed up they are inside. Ella in particular struggles with fears of becoming like her mother and carries so much guilt from her mother’s death. She suffers from anxiety and depression issues and this book really gives you a view into that daily struggle.

“It feels like we’re slipping away from each other, and he was the one thing that brought me back out of my dark place. If he leaves me, I’m not sure I can hold onto the light.” ~ Ella

“I want him to hate me, just as much as I hate myself. That way I can’t bring him down with me.”~ Ella

“It’s like I’m back in high school again, searching for something to fill the void in my heart. Only the hole is twice as wide and the person who made it bigger is the only person who can fix it.”~Micah

As much as I wanted them to just be together and stop all the nonsense, I appreciated the story for what it was. It felt real and I imagine that people with this disease have the worries expressed in the book. With that being said, you could get emotional whiplash from this book. I mean the way that Micah loves her is so incredible. I don’t know if selfless love like that can really exist. Their connection is undeniable and so strong that you can feel it. I loved it when he finally had enough and told her off, granted it only lasted for a hot minute, but damn that girl is frustrating sometimes and that moment was real.

Then, there’s Micah….

“I brush strands of her auburn hair out her face. “No, I miss everything. Your laugh, your smile, the way you pretend to be mad at me when really you think I’m funny.” I kiss her cheek softly. “I miss the way you taste.” I press my lips to her jawline and her neck arches. “The way you smell.” I suck on her neck, rolling my tongue along her skin as my hand glides up her thigh and to the edge of her panties. “The way you feel.” I slip my fingers inside her and a moan falters her lips as her body bows up.” ~Micah

Ethan and Lila are the best friends anyone could ask for. They keep everyone in line and give the best little nuggets of advice ever!!!

“She sighs heavy-heartedly. “Ella, when are you going to realize that you two belong together? Everyone who lays eyes on you can see it and is envious of it because that kind of love isn’t supposed to exist.”
I wipe some water from my face. “What kind of love are you talking about?” “The kind of love that owns you.” She gets up, gives a quick look in the mirror, and combs her fingers through her damp hair. “The kind where you know the other person inside and out. Where you can go through hell and back and still make it out okay.” ~Lila

I can’t wait for more of Ethan and Lila’s story. I want to know what those two are up to… like YESTERDAY!!!!

“You’re so blind.”~ Lila
“And sometimes you see too much.” ~ Ella

Although this read is heavier than the first one, it is a great book. If you felt like you were missing the connection to Ella and Micah in the first book, then hopefully, this is the one for you. If not, just read it for Micha because gosh darn it, he’s worth it!!!!!!

“I’ll always be with you, inside and out,” she reads. “Through hard times and helpless ones, through love, through doubt.”

smittyj's review against another edition

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Great ending to the series :)

janiceashley's review against another edition

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3.75 stars