devansbooklife's review against another edition

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Fun and different. Was hooked and couldn't stop

jpaul7383's review against another edition

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I didn't realize these were such short stories. I got volumes 1-4 on Amazon a week or so ago for free so I thought I'd give it a chance. It's a little weird but I'm curious to see where this goes so I'll pick up the next volume and see what happens to Snow next.

angelic712's review against another edition

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The characters were ridiculous. No one would make the choices they make. And the whole magical rem that shows up spontaneously without explanation, even by those who are supposed to know what is going on? This story has gaping holes in it. I won’t be reading more of the series.

amethystbookwyrm's review against another edition

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This and my other reviews can be found at

Thanks to Netgalley and All Night Reads for giving me this book to review.

Snow White always thought she was a normal, if a bit clumsy, girl with a father and step-mother who are hardly around and seven best friends who are brothers. That is until the Vampire Queen chooses Snow for her next body. After being bitten by her Hunter, Christopher, and turned into a revenant, Snow has to deal with both her thirst for both humans and her hunter’s blood, whilst figuring out who she likes, a person who she has known most of her life or the person who is turning her into a vampire. But will Snow complete her destiny to use the Seal of Gabriel, created by the Vampire Queen’s twin, to restore the balance between all magical creatures.

Blood and Snow is an OK paranormal retelling of Snow White, however, while the idea of the story was enjoyable it was let down by the characters and the pacing. Another reason I struggled to connect with the story was because so many people had unbelievable names such as Snow White, Chace Charming, Mulan and Ariel, and it got annoying.

Snow irritated me as she did not act realistically because, when she found out about vampires, different creatures and her future she just accepted it instead of freaking out or not believing it. Another thing is that she kept on flitting between guys, saying she loved one, then the other, back and forth throughout the book. I would have also liked to get to know more about some of the brothers as apart from Gabe and Dorian, I did not feel like I knew them that well.

Blood and Snow is an OK Paranormal Snow White retelling, however, I feel that Alyxandra Harvey did it better in My Love Lies Bleeding/Hearts at Stake.

aoibhrua's review against another edition

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Review Originally Posted Here



Snow White is living in our modern world in Salem. She has her cat Gatsby and is best friends with 7 guys. Resembling the fairy-tale Snow White, with her pale skin and dark hair, she is being forever teased, and when she meets dashing Chase Charming, he understands her pain.

Just before she turns 16, she falls unconscious, only to wake-up changed. Snow is no longer human, but also not a full vampire. She was bitten by The Hunter who was sent to change her into a revenant.

My Thoughts:

Ohhhhhhh dear. I was quite excited to read this as I really love the modern takes on fairy-tales and sadly I've to admit that whilst I completed the first novella, I failed to finish the volume of them- which is quite rare for me.

To kick this off-

Insta-Love. My pet hate so I'll say no more.

Girl character that doesn't realise everyone likes her and how pretty she is.

Has 7 gorgeous guys as best friends, who all fancy her, but she's clueless.

Her best friend is sooooo much prettier than her and into makeup etc.

These things are all present quite early on which just put me in a bad mood with the novel before it even had a chance. I DESPISE these aspects in YA novels- they're in everything and not interesting or endearing. Just no! Please authors- STOP!

As I didn't complete this I've no idea how great it ended up being but the whole vampire/fantasy stuff started off pretty suddenly. It seemed bearable to begin with and I was looking forward to how the vampire story would be integrated into everything... Didn't expect it to hit like a 12 tonne freight lorry.

It was made worse by everyone's reactions to it; those who knew and those who'd no idea and how "special" Snow was meant to be.

The writing was all over the place as if words were thrown on a page to fill space. Describing an action like the following:

"He grabbed a set of keys off a hook on the wall that said, coincidentally, KEYS."


Random actions of romance or flirtation thrown in to "hint" at feelings:

"Pressing me closer, he said, 'You aren't always going to think of me as a brother. Someday, Snow. You'll see me the way I see you."

Just no. Not even going to begin with the punctuation but no guy would ever say that to a girl with no prompting and Snow must be so thick if she can't comprehend what he means. It all just appeared fake and as if written by a clueless child trying their hand at writing.

The first "book" ended so randomly, it all could've just been an introduction. It was too choppy between subtle romance, new guy, vampires etc.


As I didn't manage to complete all the stories, I can't really give much feedback, other to not enjoying what I did read. Maybe I'll give it another shot in the future but for the moment it's remaining unfinished. Cliché after cliché.

laughlinesandliterature's review against another edition

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So I’m going to review this entire set all together because really each installment was just too short to stop and write a review. I don’t think I would’ve made it all the way through if I had done that. That being said, I enjoyed this series for it’s straightforwardness. There were times that Snow went back and forth between men, but I think it was always pretty clear that her true love was going to be Dorian. I picked up on it by the time I hit Revenant in Training. So much happens in the series, but I will say that there was great character building especially for everything being set up in such short novellas. For being so many installments it was a surprisingly quick read, and I did enjoy reading them. I would recommend just buying the complete set instead of buying each one individually especially because it was obnoxious having to keep moving to the next one. I just wanted to be able flip the page! Overall, I would give the series 3 stars. It wasn’t spectacularly amazing, but it was a good quick read that I did enjoy overall despite it being a bit juvenile.

trisha_thomas's review against another edition

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I'm still not 100% sure what I thought about this.
it's just an intro book, so it doesn't have a lot of information about it.
And it was short, so Snow was just mildly annoying.....
it's interesting....

reasonpassion's review against another edition

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Definitely a fun twist on Snow White. Will be interesting to see where it all goes.

mary_r_m's review against another edition

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*** Many thanks to All Night Reads and NetGalley for allowing me access to this title. ***

Vampires and retold fairy tales, a fantastic combination.

While the Snow White fairy tale is not one most dear to me variations of the tale are growing on me. The part I loved most was Snow's discovery of herself in her new vampire state. The "family" relations with the Henry family seemed a little over bearing, but I liked it all the same.

Fun read, and while I am not dying to add it to my collection, I will pick it up if the price is right.

edarcys's review against another edition

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For the 1st three books:

Life is too short to read bad books. And yet I slogged through the first three, hoping the storytelling would develop; sometimes writers become more mature in their storytelling. And honestly, there was some improvement, just not enough to make it worth even finishing the book. I got this as part of the complete omnibus, and man, was that a waste of $1.99 or whatever the deal was.

Premise, great. I'm so all over retold fairy tales, and especially when they're in a totally different world. Vampires, dragons, knight angels, all fantastic fairytale fodder.

Writing, not my cup of tea. Lots of short choppy sentences, and honestly, my own personal quirk of chopping off unnecessary "There are" or "I was" from the beginning of sentences. Sometime sentence fragments do the job. Sometimes, sentences should be more fleshed out. This story definitely needed more flesh, and not in a nsfw way.

But just zero character development. Leaps in relationships without any interaction. Manufactured and repetitive angst and affirmation stated by the characters rather than experienced.

By the middle of the 1st book, I had serious doubts. By the middle of the 2nd book, I was dreading picking it up. By the middle of the 3rd book, I was hoping for the end so I could at least get goodreads credit for a completed book. But when the relationship went from true love epiphany from a kiss and a few loving words while both characters were being stabbed on an altar by some mysterious being for some vaguely described purpose, to marrage with almost no exposition, then suddenly an adoring (adopted/precocious?) child appears, again with a vague "a year passed" description? I put the book down and composed a scathing review before moving on to something that actually deserved to be read.