
The Bully Book by Eric Kahn Gale

heyshay07's review

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Overall, The Bully Book is just a really well written, interesting story with some surprise twists and an amazing ending. I read it all in one sitting because I couldn't put it down. I work with K-8 students and I'm a little on the fence about using this book in a book group or a counseling lesson. I think the discussions it could inspire would be amazing but I really hate to give the kids any more ammunition than they already have against each other since they are already so dang mean to each other! I think as a whole class study it would be awesome for a reading teacher to do because everyone would be on the same page. Eric, the protagonist of the story and the target of the bullying, is a 6th grade boy but I think it could resonate with any grade and girls because it really involves the relational aggression bullying that girls are so apt to use. What impressed me the most about the book was that it was interesting to read and you really get captured with the author's struggle emotionally which a lot of teen fiction bully books I've read seem to miss. Also, the ending is very powerful and not corny which is again something that a lot of the books of this genre miss. Wonderful read!

kariadams's review

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Probably one of the most honest books about bullying written for the children going through it as well as children who are bullies.

majoalas's review against another edition

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La verdad este libro lo leí cuando era chica y no me acuerdo de nada de lo que pasaba. Solo recuerdo que no me gusto y que estaba aburrido.

tami_provencher's review

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Eric Haskins is starting 6th Grade. He has always seen himself as: "exceedingly normal. I prided myself on it, nothing weird about me at all." Everything changes for him at the beginning of the new school year. Eric discovers the existence of "The Book." The Book is passed down from each graduating 6th Grade class. It gives very specific details about "How to Make Trouble Without Getting in Trouble, Rule the School and Be the Man". Within its pages are instructions to single out one classmate to be the "Grunt.' The Grunt will be the person on whom all others with gang up--mentally, verbally and physically if it is deemed necessary.

Without understanding how or what has happened, Eric finds himself branded 'The Grunt.' Desperate to change the situation, Eric sets out on a personal quest to find The Book, read it and thus rob It and Its followers of their power over him.

The Bully Book is masterfully constructed, alternating between the journal entries/notes of Eric and actual pages from The Book, itself. Eric's growing desperation is heartbreaking and genuine. Every reader who has ever been made to feel as if or she is not good enough will feel an instant connection with Eric. The Bully Book presents relational bullying--the most prominent form found in schools. Eric defines it perfectly and identifies part of the problem when he is trying to have a conversation with his father:

I felt queasy. My dad doesn't understand how it works, I thought, You don't get locked into lockers and robbed of your lunch money. It's nothing like on TV. It's a lot worse and a lot harder to explain to somebody who has obviously never experienced it. Because that's the only way you could laugh at that kind of stuff, Dad.

One of the most poignant entries is the following, where we truly see the effects relational bullying has at the deepest levels for the individual on the receiving end of such cruelty:

I don't like being me anymore....I never thought about liking myself or not.

I always considered myself normal. Nothing bad, nothing good.

But now, it's clear to me. I don't like myself. Not my face, my hair, my nose, the dark circles under my eyes, the bushy eyebrows. I've got thick thighs, skinny arms and a big round butt. I hate my voice, the way that I talk, the things I say. I hate the thoughts I think. I'm not really good at anything....

I wanna change myself. I don't wanna keep on being this person. I don't want to be the Grunt.

Eric's story doesn't tie everything up with a ribbon at the end. But he does gain insight into how he can reclaim his power when he realizes the ways in which he has given it away. This one is a must-read!

yesica's review

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I LOVED this book.

sanctuarylover's review

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I read it when it was first published. I read it the day it arrived.

I will admit I cried through the book.

You will feel for these children as the main wonders why he was chosen to be the 'Grunt' what did he do to deserve it?

themagic8's review

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This book changed my life.

littlemissbookworm's review

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Eric Kahn Gale, a proud member of the worldwide YouTube-sensation "Team Starkid" who, among other things, made up "A Very Potter Musical", has now published his first novel.

"The Bully Book" is somewhat autobiographical since the author, like the main character, used to get bullied at school.

This book is an entertaining read for children and yet also makes you think about the omnipresent issue that is bullying.

I think "The Bully Book" is a great book and maybe, just maybe, it will make you think twice before harassing someone.

awexis's review

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Wow. I honestly don't know why I like reading stories about bullies. No, I am not a bully, I mean the worse kind of bully. I am a playful bully, the person/s I am bullying knew I was just joking so they don't let it hurt them. I even let them bully me back. LOL. That's how we show our love. :p

But the stories in a book like this one is something that is real, happening to a kid or kids in all over the world. There would be a bully in different country, cities, schools. There're lots of bullies and bullied in every corner of our different countries. This is an insight on how they work, how the bullies affect their targets, how they cope up, how they try to make it better.

This is a way of letting everyone all over the world that bullying needs to STOP. And by bullying, I mean excessive name calling, physical abuse, verbal abuse, emotional abuse. Bullies, you could still enjoy your school, classmates or have fun WITHOUT making fun of someone else. You need to put yourselves in their shoes first. Don't give us a reason that because he/she is lame you are doing bad things to this kid.

The Bully Book gave us insight on how Bully Bookers made Eric's life miserable and HOW he LET them. You'll know after you read this book the reason how they choose you to be the GRUNT. The reason is somewhat helpful to the said Grunt, but the way the Bully Bookers do it is NOT.

I feel that everyone should read this book. And please stop bullying. Some people couldn't cope with bullies so sometimes they end up taking their own lives. America got the worst of it. They got bullies too many to mentioned. And the rate of their suicides because they are being bullied at schools are high. Please know that you are not alone and you should talk to someone.

It's hard and adults may not listen to you, but there is someone out there who definitely will listen and help you. Don't give up.

meganfinan's review

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The premise of a conspiracy of students who pick on one student to bully is is really original, and I was compelled to continue reading by the mystery element. I didn’t think the author would be able to wrap all the loose threads up at the end, but I was pleasantly surprised. It had a great lesson and it is an inspiring read for everyone, even if you are not in middle school.