
What Happened to Evie Del Rio? by Sarah Watts

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Thank you to @cahilldavispublishing for the advance copy of this book and for having me as part of the blog tour. Evie del Rio is convinced Ed Nash, who is part of a band, is the one for her. They along with their group of friends get into the usual sorts of mischief teenagers do and have loads of fun. The fun abruptly ends when Evie disappears. She doesn’t tell Ed or her best friend, Ginny, goodbye, she just leaves. The band’s song “Used to Be” is chosen for a television series and Ed is suddenly in the spotlight again. All of the attention brings up memories from the past for all involved as well as answers to long held questions. This book is broken into short chapters that alternate between various characters and their perspective. We get to see how all of this media attention affects everyone as well as waking back through the days when Ed and Evie were together. It is great to see how the characters changed over time and how life has been for everyone. I really enjoyed that part of the novel, getting to know each character as it is their turn to tell part of the story. This book is easy to read and get caught up in as we discover why Evie left and any consequences that decision has on everyone present-day. The nostalgia of once being a teenager is a great thing to remember while reading this book. I enjoyed the story and look forward to what @sarahwattswrites writes next.