
Amnesia by Cambria Hebert

sweetcreature89's review against another edition

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I was curious of what Cambria had up her sleeve when she first announced her newest book. Knowing she completely set aside her work in progress at the time to start -and ultimately finish- this book automatically made me when to learn more about it. When a story takes hold of a writer's brain that hardcore, it must be a good one. Especially coming from Cambria's wonderfully talented mind.

Okay, so let's get the one tiny little bad thing I have to say about this book out of the way before we continue. This is one of those moments that makes being a book reviewer hard, when you have something negative to say about a book written by an author you absolutely love. It completely hurts my heart, but to be fair, these things have to be mentioned. There editing wasn't 100%. There were a few wrong words here and there, a couple misspellings if I remember correctly. For the sake of the story, it wasn't a big deal. But for me, a person that pretty much unintentionally proofreads EVERYTHING I'm reading, it was a bit frustrating at times.

So, that bit aside... this book was freaking amazing. I was hooked as soon as I began reading and found myself eager to read one chapter after the next in search of Amnesia's memories and all the seemingly horrible things that happened to her. I quickly fell into a groove while reading this book and truly didn't want to put it down. I've always loved Cambria's stories but there's just something about this one that drew me in even more so than my favorites of hers.

While completely different than the last two worlds we found ourselves in with Hebert, it is no less amazing. The curiosity the story invokes is real and takes you on a journey to learn more. A girl wakes up in a hospital with no idea who she is or what she's been through, just with the knowledge that, whatever has happened to her, it isn't particularly something she will want to remember and that is a truly interesting concept. Enter in the guy who saved her who is seemingly obsessed with her, a town full of secrets, and a lake that holds something a lot scarier than the Loch Ness Monster, Amnesia is a wild ride.

For whatever reason, I've always felt drawn to certain places and the New England states are among them. So I really enjoyed the setting of this story and I couldn't get enough of the quaint little lake town or the people who lived there.

Overall, I seriously enjoyed this book. This may possibly be my favorite Cambria Hebert book to date. In the author's note of the book she hinted that there may possibly be future stories involving the town of Lake Lochlain and it's residents and I honestly hope that she really does venture back into it. I want to know more and I'm so happy that this is a duet. I can't wait for book number two, Amnesty. I have to find out what happens next!

Rating: 4 Stars.

stephsromancebooktalk's review against another edition

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Okay where do I even start....So sad that it seem to take me forever to read this book but summer is a very busy time for me.

This is definitely not a flat 4 star read it is more of a 4.5 almost 5 star read. I think it is a bordering star rating because I was somewhat spoiled for some things that happen in the book (thanks internet, lol). When I was asked to read this book I was super excited and honored, this was my first Cambria book and I was not disappointed at all. Eddy and Amnesia's story is a different, intriguing, and strange relationship development and I was totally drawn into their story in this little town. I am excited to read more by Cambria Hebert!!

Provided as an ARC for an honest and voluntary review.

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foksha_1996's review against another edition

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So I forced myself to finish this book, just to know who the heck this girl is...and now I found out the answer is in the next book??? What the heck?

kimster82's review against another edition

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Eddie was too sweet for my taste but I get why he is how he is. I still would have liked it if he didn't agree with everything and anything Amnesia said or did.

I've read worse but also a lot better.

bronsbooks's review against another edition

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DNF @ 43%. I waited over 2 months to read this book as it is part of a duet and couldn't wait to start reading, it started out really strong but after a few chapters I started getting bored. It was a little too insta love / sickly sweet romance and not enough mystery/suspense. There is def suspense but for me not enough to keep me reading. I usually love this kind of book so I am pretty bummed I just couldn't get into it. I tried I really did but when you are falling asleep while reading a book multiple nights in a row I think it's time to give up. Maybe I will come back to it one day...

lenoreo's review against another edition

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3.5 stars — Hmmm…in general, I enjoyed myself. But there was something that kept me from being fully sucked in, and I’m not sure I’m going to be able to pinpoint it.

I don’t read a lot of mystery and suspense and thriller type books…and this was definitely that. I think in the end I’m kind of picky with them, and sometimes I have a harder time suspending my disbelief for some reason. I tried explaining it to my husband, and he counterargued me, so I still don’t know why little things bothered me in this one…but they did. I think it’s a personal taste thing, so that helps no one.

One of the things I *know* I’m not as much a fan of is when a main character (and in this case most secondary characters) know something that they’re always alluding to, but the reader doesn’t know. I honestly don’t know why I don’t like it, but I don’t. In the end this wasn’t the worst…after awhile I just let it go and let the story tell me when it wanted to tell me.

Eddie was sweet and caring, but exactly as he is described: very overwhelming in his attention for Amnesia. I kind of got it, I don’t always hate that, but I was kind of neither here nor there with him in that respect. It didn’t make me swoon as I’m sure was the intention anyways.

Amnesia was okay…I truly felt for what she was going through, and the times where she wasn’t believed. I loved when she had small victories, and hated when things got away from her.

As for the mystery? I don’t know. I got impatient. I have my theories, and while we got a bone on one mystery, there are still others. So I made the mistake of looking at reviews for the next book to try to decide whether I was invested enough, and some really annoying reviewers had spoilers…they may not have thought they were spoilers, but they were. So I highly recommend NOT looking at the reviews for the next book if you hate spoilers. One thing that I did see mentioned was that not all answers were given…in particular there was one mystery not solved. And as I am the kind of person that HATES that, it made my decision easier. While I’m sure the conclusion has lots of fun twists and turns, if I’m not going to get that one major answer, then I’m going to move on to something else.

izziede's review against another edition

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I found the writing style a bit odd to be honest.
It ends on a cliffhanger, I hate it when this happens, there was no warning in the blurb that this was not a complete story.

bribookish's review against another edition

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I mean seriously!? This lady can write it all! Since I started reading Hashtag, I've been obsessed with her writing and the stories she tells. But wow, this book!!! I couldn't put it down!!! And what stinks is it ends in a cliffhanger and I HAVE TO KNOW what happens next!
Seriously, it's hard to write a good review of any of Cambria's books because I just end up gushing and just mentioning how much I love it. (But let's be honest, 9/10 that's how my reviews always are).
This book was totally nothing like I expected it to be. I'm a reader that likes to go in blind with knowing very few details. So, I knew our main character doesn't remember anything, but other than that I didn't expect anything else. This book seriously shocked me because it's a lot more darker than what I'm used to. Yes, Hashtag does get crazy, but I feel this one takes on another level or 2.
I can't wait for the sequel and I'll be internally dying from wanting to know until then...

giddypony's review against another edition

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I didn't actually read this but a long form fan fic (30 chapters. ) and dammit it counts.

stephsromancebooktalk's review

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Okay where do I even start....So sad that it seem to take me forever to read this book but summer is a very busy time for me.

This is definitely not a flat 4 star read it is more of a 4.5 almost 5 star read. I think it is a bordering star rating because I was somewhat spoiled for some things that happen in the book (thanks internet, lol). When I was asked to read this book I was super excited and honored, this was my first Cambria book and I was not disappointed at all. Eddy and Amnesia's story is a different, intriguing, and strange relationship development and I was totally drawn into their story in this little town. I am excited to read more by Cambria Hebert!!

Provided as an ARC for an honest and voluntary review.

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For other video reviews check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Rom Book Talk