
Judy Moody, Mood Martian by

annabranson's review against another edition

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This (in my opinion) is the best Judy Moody book Megan McDonald has written! It is about Judy trying to not get moody for a whole week! Can she do it?

whimsicallymeghan's review against another edition

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It’s Backwards Day and Judy decides that she’s not going to get into a mood at all; she’s going to be good, clean and tidy. After one day of it she decides to challenge herself to go a whole week without getting into a mood. Once she sets her goal in motion her friends and brother start to think she’s an alien. This novel was fun, and really made learning fun. No matter what Judy seems to get herself into, it’s always super pleasant to read. McDonald has really created a character that has so many sides and she just walks off the page. Not only is she relatable to her younger audience, but her older audience too. The plots also never get old; even though it’s the same characters each book McDonald has a way to make every novel fresh and exciting that it feels like readers will never get tired of reading her stories.

thisgrrlreads's review against another edition

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Judy Moody works on self-regulation, which is not presented in a preachy way. Fun tie-in to finger knitting for librarians!

rozhansadeghi's review against another edition

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حالا چندین سال میگذره و من همچنان به کتاب خوندنم(حالا کتابای آدم بزرگا)ادامه میدم ولی همیشه یه علاقه خاصی به کتاب های جودی دمدمی دارم
وقتی این کتاب و تو کتابخونه برادرم پیدا کردم بی وقفه شروع کردم به خوندنش و دوباره شدم همون روژان کوچولو که آرزو داشت شبیه جودی باشه!
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