
The Wild Woman's Guide to Traveling the World by Kristin Rockaway

yodamom's review against another edition

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Travel, love, happiness, dreams and real life.
Sophie did everything right, college, career, savings, her plan set and followed. She works at one of the top businesses in NY and gets to travel, her dream. She take a semi vacation with a childhood friend where everything starts crumbling in her oh so ordered and controlled life. She is dumped, found and released for some deep soul searching and adventures that will lead her to a HEA ? yes there is one, this is not a downer read.
I enjoy my wanderlust and I love reading about other's travels nearly as much as my own. This novel was so well written it read almost like a travel memoir in parts it was so vivid and alive in the descriptions. I was surprised to find it held a message, a lesson for living a wonderful life. The romance was toe curling, the jerks were class A jerks, the side characters all well developed. I admit to be a bit disappointed int he beginning by some choices being made, but, well read it for the but, you'll see. Overall a really enjoyable read, a great summer vacation book.

bookswritingandmore's review against another edition

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Sophie has everything she has ever wanted in life. She has a great job that lets her travel the world on their dime. She has a great apartment in Manhattan. She has freedom from her loving but over protective Grandmother. But most of all Sophie has her five year plan on track and she's heading for success. That is until her best friend leaves her in China by herself on their first girls getaway. That's is when Sophie's life takes a drastic turn.
She meets Chase a traveler just wandering through China with out a care in the world. He is traveling on his trust fund and is the total opposite of Sophie. He lives for today and definitely doesn't have a five year plan. That doesn't stop them from falling for each other though.
Sophie is intelligent, adventurous and just an all around likeable protagonist. I fell in love with her quickly and found myself routing for her all through the story. Chase is a dreamer but the reader can tell he's fun, sexy and a great person inside.
I really enjoyed this read and was so disappointed when I read the last page. I didn't want it to end!! I want more Sophie. This was easily one of my favorite books this year.

shianagans's review against another edition

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I finished this book in a week! It was a perfect book to indulge in over break and reminded me of some fond study abroad memories :) totally recommend to anyone looking for a light read

vanessa_issa's review against another edition

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Reading Challenge 2017: a book involving travel
Many thanks to Center Street for the ARC via NetGalley!

It was a very fun, light and inspiring read. I didn't know Kristin Rockaway's work before, but I really enjoyed her writing style. I'm only giving it 3 stars because the story is a little too predictable, but not bad.

kerrylonsdale's review against another edition

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The Wild Woman’s Guide to Traveling the World is a stunning debut that indulges the wanderlust in all of us. Kristin Rockaway brilliantly navigates one woman’s quest to let go of what is practical to pursue her passion and surrender to her inner dreamer. Irresistible and captivating, Rockaway crafts a vibrant story about love and the true-meaning of success, because those two things aren’t necessarily found along the beaten path.

kathryndodson's review against another edition

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This was a fun read about a woman who loves to travel and is afraid of romantic love tying her down. Of course, she falls in love while traveling and is forced to re-examine her views on love, life and travel. This is definitely a great book to stuff in your beach bag.

blmonahan's review against another edition

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This was a fun read and a great reminder to follow one’s dreams instead of getting bogged down in a job you can’t stand. can change your perspective.

laclos's review against another edition

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What better way to read this book than on a plane? I started this on my way down to Florida and turned the last page as my return flight touched ground back home. This was such a fun romantic escape, and Sophie and Carson were wonderful travel companions. I loved their relationship, their chemistry, and how they played off each other to bring out each other's strengths. The settings were incredible, right down to the taste of the food. Their trek through Hong Kong made me want to hop on a plane myself. This book sucked me in and pulled me straight through. Loved.

delise's review against another edition

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A great story about facing our fears and chasing our dreams. Recommended for fans of romance, travel, and stories about finding your passion in life.

Although the ending of this novel could be considered predictable (it is a romance, after all), the journey to get there was not, and I was constantly surprised by the plot. I found the relationship between Sophie and Carson to be well-developed and organic, and I believed they were in love. The characterization was also well-done with Sophie undergoing a huge change from the beginning of the story. I loved all the details about Hong Kong and New York and how the subplots were integrated and woven throughout the story. I will definitely read more from this author.

stephs_bookshelf's review against another edition

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This was a super fun read that I picked off the shelf at the library on a whim. Very glad I did!