
Abyss by Darren Gallagher

michael_benavidez's review against another edition

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Abyss by Darren Gallagher aka @dubhdara is a collection of short stories that run the wide spectrum of horror.
There's the silly, the dark, the intense, the b-movie horror camp, there's basically everything crammed into one book.
And honestly it works. Some stories do fall into the trap of needing a bit more space to breathe, maybe a bit longer would have been better, others I'm just greedy for more. There were some editing issues throughout (missing words punctuation etc.) But nothing that may be throw down the book and tell fuck you at it til I was done.
But all that aside the stories are genuinely enjoyable. It's a pretty light read that I was able to take my time with as I read some other heavy shit.

hannahmaybookreviews's review against another edition

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Author: Darren Gallagher


Abyss is a collection of thirteen short stories with a supernatural/horror genre. These stories are varied and not one is remotely the same as the other, therefore there is something for everyone!


Despite the fact I struggle to watch some supernatural and I definatley can't handle horror- I am a big fan of these genre books and therefore I was very excited when asked to review this book.
There are thirteen stories in total and each has a different setting, feel and every character is different and believable. I loved that all the stories had a total different theme running through them and not one was similar to the other. I found that the stories were easy reads and each one was a perfect length. I really enjoyed the fact that amongst the stories we had ghosts, demons, cults, magic and creatures, a real mixed bag of stories.

Unfortunately I did struggle with the writing style in places and at times I felt the writing was a little rushed due to the generous amount of action in each one. I also found that the stories in places were a little unbelievable but I generally feel this is due to my way of thinking- not the story itself. The stories were however straight to the point and the action kicked off straight away which I liked.

I had mixed views about the stories some I found I really connected with and felt drawn in but others I did struggle to get through. I loved the fairy tale theme in 'The Other Fountain' and I have to say 'The Devil's Queen' was one of my favourites in the whole book. I have a soft spot for mythical creatures and Darren brought all my favourites together for this story- not to mention the theme of women power too! 'Survival of the Fittest' was another favourite of mine it had the perfect amount of gore and the creatures Darren had created were definatley interesting! Finally the last story in the book ('Only Place to Die') was perfect closure for Abyss.

I generally feel that some of these short stories would have made perfect novels on their own- especially my favourites that I picked out! Despite my mixed feelings throughout it is evident that Darren Gallagher is a very imaginative writer. He is a real descriptive writer who can really set the scene and create weird and wonderful creatures. Unfortunately I don't scare easily and I found that Abyss generally did not leave me feeling spooked which is a shame because I'd have loved to have felt on edge throughout. However, Darren is definatley a creative author and I hope he manages to freak me out in the future!

pavi_fictionalworm's review against another edition

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Also Posted on For The Love of Fictional Worlds

Disclaimer: An eARC was provided via the Authorin exchange for ana honest review. The Thoughts, opinions & feelings expressed in the review are therefore, my own.

I adore Darren Gallagher’s work – his collection of short horror stories was one of the first books I had reviewed on the blog - Strings (Read My Review).

Abyss is the second book from Mr. Gallagher and one that I certainly enjoyed – Abyss is also a collection of horror stories & before I talk about exactly what I have learnt from these stories; can I just say that I love that he has expanded into the territory of fantasy and a little bit of dystopia as well? Well I am, and it just makes me anxious to see what else he comes up with!

So here’s what I have learnt, again from this collection:

1. You know how the 90s teenagers loved boomboxes at night for the declaration of their love? Yeah no. My husband does that, I am running away right in the opposite direction.

2. Let’s come to fishing – I have heard that its quite the relaxing; but yeah I am keeping away from those carnivores fishes forever and ever!

3. Let’s talk ex’s – break up in a public place, trust me – do not ever, in any circumstances go back to their place. NO MATTER WHAT!

4.Lastly, but definitely not the least, I need to get enrolled in Krav Maga classes, like STAT! Or I wouldn't survive an apocalypse.

This is a collection from Darren Gallagher are some that would be wonderful scare the pants of that one friend who scares at the slightest sound - and I plan on doing exactly that to my husband ;)

For more reviews visit For The Love of Fictional Worlds :)
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0hfortheloveofbooks's review against another edition

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3.5 stars
First, I want to thank the author, Darren Gallagher, for a copy of Abyss in exchange for an honest review. I'm not going to lie, I was tentative about reading this short story collection because I never thought I cared much for them but I've really found my groove with short stories recently. I've been enjoying them a lot more than I ever thought I would. The thought of short stories left me thinking where's the characterization? Where's the world building? I still do really enjoy those in a big old chunky novel but I'm also beginning to appreciate the little snippets of life that we get in a short story.

I really enjoyed the uniqueness of the stories in Abyss. They were not purely horror (although some were horrifying), we get horror, thrillers, sci fi, and even one that was something of a fairytale. Some stories worked better than others but that is to be expected with any short story collection (you can't please everyone all the time). At points, I did feel some of the dialogue to be rushed or choppy which detracted from my overall enjoyment of a story. I also felt that there were too many fight scenes within various stories and I just don't care for them. I do realize and appreciate the time and energy devoted to crafting an intricate fight scene but personally, I can do without the level of detail. However, that very well could be a positive for someone else!

A few of my favorite stories included: I'm Sorry, it was such an interesting concept! The Visitor, this one just goes to show how wonderful dogs are. Christmas Eve and the Little Girl, if I could get a full novel on just the backstory of the little girl in red I'd be happy! That may be my favorite from the collection; it was perfect in its simplicity. And finally, The Only Place to Die, this story was haunting, melancholy, and the perfect ending to the collection.

fortheloveoffictionalworlds's review

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Also Posted on For The Love of Fictional Worlds

Disclaimer: An eARC was provided via the Authorin exchange for ana honest review. The Thoughts, opinions & feelings expressed in the review are therefore, my own.

I adore Darren Gallagher’s work – his collection of short horror stories was one of the first books I had reviewed on the blog - Strings (Read My Review).

Abyss is the second book from Mr. Gallagher and one that I certainly enjoyed – Abyss is also a collection of horror stories & before I talk about exactly what I have learnt from these stories; can I just say that I love that he has expanded into the territory of fantasy and a little bit of dystopia as well? Well I am, and it just makes me anxious to see what else he comes up with!

So here’s what I have learnt, again from this collection:

1. You know how the 90s teenagers loved boomboxes at night for the declaration of their love? Yeah no. My husband does that, I am running away right in the opposite direction.

2. Let’s come to fishing – I have heard that its quite the relaxing; but yeah I am keeping away from those carnivores fishes forever and ever!

3. Let’s talk ex’s – break up in a public place, trust me – do not ever, in any circumstances go back to their place. NO MATTER WHAT!

4.Lastly, but definitely not the least, I need to get enrolled in Krav Maga classes, like STAT! Or I wouldn't survive an apocalypse.

This is a collection from Darren Gallagher are some that would be wonderful scare the pants of that one friend who scares at the slightest sound - and I plan on doing exactly that to my husband ;)

For more reviews visit For The Love of Fictional Worlds :)
Do come join us at For The Fictional Worlds Facebook Page
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patsonfire's review

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Thanks to the author for sending me this in exchange for an honest review.

I might not have loved Abyss, but I noticed that the author, Darren Gallagher, had a great imagination - which was the strongest point of this collection -, and I really enjoyed his writing too.
Unfortunately, most of the short stories had aspects that could have been more worked on, in my opinion - most of them would have been better if they had been longer or had taken more time to be developed, which would have made it easier for us to connect with the characters, and they wouldn't have felt rushed. I also wasn't a fan of the frequent head popping moments.
Something I love in horror is stories with unhappy endings and Abyss had them, but I wouldn't want all horror books to have unhappy endings, yet nearly every story in this collection had one, which made them a bit predictable.

My ratings of the short stories:
-The Silence of Music - 3/5
-The Man in the Mist - 4,5/5
-Coming Home is Never the Same - 3,5/5
-I'm Sorry - 3/5
-The Foyle - 3/5
-The Other Fountain - 3/5
-The Visitor - 3/5
-The Devil's Queen - 3/5
-Hell on Earth - 3/5
-Survival of the Fittest - 3,5/5
-Christmas Eve and the Little Girl - 3/5
-The Darkside of Avenus - 3/5
-The Only Place to Die - 4/5