
All That Mullarkey by Sue Moorcroft

leoracc's review

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blodeuedd's review

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Moorcroft did again and delivered another honest and lovely book. And she also gives us another ass who breaks it off in such an evil way. This time our heroine comes home and in the bedroom her ass of a husband has written on the bedroom wall, the marriage is over.

That is how the book starts, and Cleo goes out. There she meets hottie Justin who takes her home, and she is loving it. But as the dust settles the next day she goes home to find a husband who regrets his outburst. She tries to save her marriage, but in the end, is it worth saving?

Let me start with saying that Gav was an ass, not just cos of his little message, but because of so many other things. He controls her, and as I read on I come to realise just as she does that this marriage is not as perfect as everyone thought.

Cleo is great, she tries to work things out with Gav. And she finds her own strength. She is honest. And then there is hottie Justin, such a hottie and he has it bad for her. He was a great guy, and I am sure most women will think so too.

An honest book about a real marriage that has cracks under the surface. A book about people making mistakes, people trying their best, and falling in love. And no 2 week romances here, no, they take their time to fall in love, and when they do you just lean back and smile, and think, this is the real deal.

There is a lovely romantic story evolving in this book, and they are so meant for each other, even if the road there is long. An honest, romantic story about a woman torn between two men. I liked it, and I especially like the second half cos there is gets kind of exciting, and it kept me wondering how that would end.

It's always nice to read about real people because it does make me think, what would I do?

kels434's review

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Loved it from start to finish!

bananatricky's review

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Gav and Cleo have a screaming row about Cleo attending a class reunion which culminates in him issuing a command, her defying him and him uttering the unforgivable words "Fuck you. If you go to the reunion, I won’t be here when you come back. There will be no marriage". Cleo goes and her leaving precipitates pretty much everything in the book.

Cleo returns shortly after she had left, only to find that Gav has scrawled "THIS MARRIAGE IS OVER. Love Gav" on the wallpaper in thick marker pen.

The book is about Cleo starting over and choosing between Gav and their perfect life and something new with Justin, a guy she meets while she and Gav are separated.

I loved this book, the second I have read by this author in the series, although something about Gav's actions reminded me of something similar I had read (can't think what). There was also some similarity
Spoilerunexpected pregnancy
with the first book which jarred me - if it happens in the third book I will be disappointed.

angrygreycatreads's review

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Very light romantic read. Interesting characters and a nice happily ever after ending. The plot “twist” was very obvious to me early on and that took away from some of the enjoyment of the book. I simply couldn’t understand how seemingly intelligent characters couldn’t see what was happening.

Overall, well written with enjoyable characters.

gemmiejewel's review

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Cute but not overwhelming

A nice easy read with the typical will they won’t they romance/affair thrown in. Not a love but enjoyed nonetheless

jkh107's review

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When her husband writes "this marriage is over" on the bedroom wall and walks out, a young corporate trainer heads out to the bar and ends up in a one-night stand with a very attractive someone else. Then her husband returns, trying for reconciliation. What could be more fraught, except her ending up pregnant? Which, of course, she does. Who is the father? Which relationship will work out? Who is stalking this very attractive someone else? All done delightfully with well-drawn characters and (as far as I can tell) a realistic slice of modern English life.

milkamilka's review

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Cleo and Gav. Gav and Cleo. In the eyes of their friends, they are the perfect couple with a perfect marriage. And that is what they both also believed. When Cleo finds the writing from their bedroom wall, everything changes. "This marriage is over". The writing on the wall drives hurt Cleo into a one night stand with Justin. Will Justin remain as a one night stand, or will he become something more?

Justin, good looking and charming. He meets up with Cleo at the local night club. A night of chatting and dancing turns up into a night at him bedroom. Right after the action he notices that they forgot something important. Protection.

Gav. He has a secret of his own he tries to hide from his wife. Cleo, the love of his life. At least he believes so. The worries he hides from his wife changes him. After confessing his secret for Cleo, he hears that the wife he thought was so perfect, has a secret of her own, a secret which changes their life. Can their marriage survive what has happened? Will they get a second chance?

Hearts are broken, secrets are revealed, and lifes change. With will Cleo do when she has to face the consequences of the one night stand? How far is Gav ready to go in order to get her wife back? And will Justin turn out to be something more than just a one night stand?

I read 'Starting Over' by Sue Moorcroft a while ago and enjoyed it a lot. This book did not turn out to be a disappointment either. All the way from the beginning I started to like Cleo. She is independent and she does not hesitate to say what she thinks. He is compassionate and caring and calm, but she also has a wild side. Justin, a bit of a bad boy, has a one night stand with her, which eventually turns out to something more complex.

All and all, All That Mullarkey was a enjoyable, fast read. Moorcroft's characters are interesting, and the plot keeps moving smoothly. After reading 'All That Mullarkey' and 'Starting Over', I must say that Sue Moorcroft has definitely become one of my favorite authors. Her writing style is very engaging, you just have to keep goin