
Project Prometheus by Aden Polydoros

lisaluvsliterature's review

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This second book was pretty close to as good as the first book. In book one you really felt the connection between Hades and Elizabeth, and you got to seeing him as a character that you had sympathy for and could definitely begin to like. By the end of this story, after all that happened, I felt even more sympathy for him, and really began to think of him as a favorite. Even with his attitude and ease toward killing, you feel it is all understandable. And then there is Apollo/Tyler and Artemis/Shannon. In their quest to find who was behind Project Pandora and make them responsible for what was done as well as exposing them to the public, they end up in more trouble. Tyler's injury leads to more details of their past, things they didn't remember. Things that bring even more trouble into their lives. We find out who Hades' real parent was, and when he learns things that he didn't know about Persephone/Elizabeth, he is set off and his need for revenge overcomes any hopes he ever even entertained for being a normal human some day.

There are more adults in this story. Dr. Miller is one of the first ones, and she has connections that take the story into the current title, Project Prometheus. So many new people to meet in this story, and so many that we have to wonder whether they are on "our" side, that of our Academy escapees, or if they are going to be there to bring them back into the fold, or maybe back into even worse scenarios. This was another easy, page-turning read, like the first book. And definitely we have left it open for a third book, which I will be eager to read and find out just where all of this will lead, and how will Hades fare in his quest for revenge. Another book I'll be adding to my school library for my students to read and enjoy.

theestherhadassah's review against another edition

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Really enjoyed this one. Dont know why it took me so long to leave my feedback, but long made short, this is a book that should not be passed over. Get it. Read it. You'll love it!

hollymbryan's review against another edition

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I absolutely LOVED the first book in this series, Project Pandora, which amazingly enough was Aden’s debut (a fact that still shocks me considering how well it was written and how much it affected me). I talked in my review for that book how much I ached for Hades, how I wanted to just hold him and tell him he meant something. I went back and re-read the first book before diving in to Project Prometheus, and I was amazed at how I still had butterflies about what was going to happen, how I still ached so badly for Hades–and that, to me, is definitely a sign of a great writer! Even though I knew what was coming, I was so caught up in the propulsive action and felt the same energy, nerves, and pain as I did the first time I read it. I still bawled like a baby at the end!

After re-reading book one, I dove into the prequel novella, Hades Rising, which tells the story of how Hades went from being A-02/Two to Hades, i.e., exactly what happened to him at the Academy. This story was referenced in Project Pandora, but Hades Rising gave it to us as it happened. I won’t lie, it was difficult to read, because of how much I care for Hades, and it may be a trigger for some folks (child abuse). But it’s definitely worth the read, to get inside both Hades and Elizabeth’s heads more. I found it just drew me to Hades even more, and that motherly ache I felt was even stronger.

Okay, on to Project Prometheus! As with the first book, I LOVED. This. Book! As mentioned, I bawled at the end of book one, and those of you who’ve read it will understand why. AND YET! I still held out some Pollyanna-ish hope that what happened didn’t *really* happen…I mean, it’s a novel after all! Sometimes what we think happens isn’t what really happens and then it’s revealed in the next installment, right? Well, that dream was dashed on the first page of Project Prometheus! No sooner had I started the book then I was crying all over again. Phew! After that, it was nonstop action, and I devoured the book in a day. Just like with Pandora, in Prometheus, Aden barely gives the reader a chance to breathe (much less his poor characters, ha!). He is truly a master of writing thrillers that absolutely compel you to keep reading. It was so hard to put my Kindle down while reading! And just when you think your characters have caught a break, something else happens to throw them (and you) right back into action. It’s incredible!

I don’t want to say anything about the actual plot, so as to avoid spoilers, but, in my humble opinion, if you read Pandora (especially if you loved it), you absolutely must read Prometheus! Tyler, Shannon, and Hades are on a mission to expose Project Pandora and the evil people in charge and, in the case of Hades, to exact revenge. They make an uneasy alliance, both among themselves and with other, unexpected characters. They discover new truths about themselves, try to take back control of their own lives, and just might even become friends. Through it all, your heart will beat faster and you’ll be flipping pages like a person possessed!

In going back to Project Pandora, I realized/remembered that I had over 100 notes on my Kindle for that book (I’m not kidding)! And with Project Prometheus, I had more than 50, many of them to the effect of, “Oh god…” and “Oh, Hades, my baby” and “Oh, my heart!” Again, I think this is a sign of a great writer, one who can make me feel so intensely, so many times while reading. Project Prometheus was perfect, and I am now hating the fact that I have to wait another year for the next installment! With Project Prometheus, Aden has delivered an incredible follow-up to his incredible debut, and I cannot recommend it highly enough. If you’re a fan of thrillers, you simply must pick up this series!

Rating: 5 action-packed stars!

**Disclosure: I received an e-ARC of this book from the publisher as part of this tour. This review reflects my honest thoughts and rating of the book, and is voluntary on my part.

chymerra's review against another edition

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Excited didn’t even begin to come close to what I was feeling when I saw that book 2 in the Assassin Fall series was up for review. I had read and reviewed Project Pandora and was sucked right into the world that was created. A world that was intense and surreal. A world where teenagers were trained to be the perfect assassins. A world that was flawlessly carried over to Project Prometheus. So, yes, I was excited.

Project Prometheus starts off shortly after the end events of Project Pandora. Hades was taken from the hospital and is being held in the basement of Six’s father’s house. Tyler and Shannon are tracking down the scientists that worked for The Academy. After Hades takes care of business with Six’s father, he tracks down the other scientists to get answers. Will they get the answers that they want? Will Hades get his revenge? You need to read the book to find out.

Hades is one of the most charismatic characters that I have read to date. His personality came off the page. I wondered as I read the book if Six hadn’t been killed if he would have been as focused on revenge. Part of me says “No” but a big part of me says “yes“. He loved Six and would have done anything for her. His reaction to her death was exactly what I thought it would be. He became cold-hearted. But, underneath that cold exterior, you could see peaks of a decent person coming through. Just a peak, here and there. It gave me hope.

Tyler was an enigma. After he was shot, I was expecting him to die. Instead, he defied the odds and lived. His memories of that white room peaked my interest. And his terror at that one Dr chilled me to the bone. Out of the 3 teenagers, Tyler was the more relatable to me. He connected with Caroline, even protecting her when the gunfight happened. I wish that more information was given about the white room and Project Prometheus. I have a feeling that he is going to be even more dangerous than Hades.

Shannon was a loyal friend (or is it girlfriend??) to Tyler. She had some interesting flashbacks too. Makes me wonder if she is part of another project. Her loyalty to Tyler was insane. She went out of her way to make sure he got medical attention when she could have dumped him at a hospital. She found Dr. Miller, a scientist who worked at The Academy and forced her to administer aid to him. I can’t wait to see where the 3rd book goes with her.

Dr. Miller shocked me. I was not expecting the two major bombshells that went along with her plotline. One, I should have seen coming. Because of the hints that were given in both books. But the other one blew my mind away. It actually made me a little sad to see her go down that road. Only because I got a glimpse at a different person than what was exposed.

The end of the book was a whirlwind of activity. I am not going to go into the ending but I will say that there was a huge twist. A twist that I am not too sure if I am completely happy with it. Guess, I’ll have to read book 3 to find out what is going to happen.

What I liked about Project Prometheus:

A) Hades. I kinda had a crush on him

B) Tyler.

C) Shannon

What I disliked about Project Prometheus:

A) Just base information is given about the white room

B) Couldn’t figure out if Shannon was part of yet another project

C) Dr. Miller. Was NOT expecting what happened with her storyline

I would give Project Prometheus an Older Teen rating. There is no sex but there are sexual situations. There is language. There is violence, some of it graphic.

I would reread Project Prometheus. I would also recommend it to family and friends.

I would like to thank Entangled Publishing, Entangled Teen, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review Project Prometheus.

All opinions stated in this review of Project Prometheus are mine.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**