
The Beast In Me by D.S. Wrights

suzangilly's review

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Sadly the second book in this series fell dramatically flat for me (which is a shame because I was hoping it would be amazing since it would be from Jay's point of view). The few things that made me decide on the two star rating (instead of a much lower rating) are: 1.) the authors writing and way she describes scenes in this books. 2.) The very few and short scenes of Jay thinking or looking at Meg. And 3.) some of the back story of Jay

Aside from these I wasn't a huge fan of the lack of information about what exactly is going on in the book (why is Meg in the coma and what exactly is going on here). Also I'm not a huge fan of how Meg and Jay know personally know each other (a big reason why I decided to read the second novel). As adorable as it sound that they knew each other at a very very young age, my brain just didn't want to accept this as how they know each other (its a miracle if i remember someone I knew right middle school or high school). Lastly, it just lack action for me compared to the first book why felt action pack compared to this book. At times I felt Jay was just going in circle with going on about what he had done bring Meg into this and his guilt over everything.

But aside from this, i still have this hanging fascination about what is going in the story. I want to know what the heck is going on and is Meg really pregnant, along with what will happen in the end. These factors are what will probably get me into reading the next book.

dizzy1987's review

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The second installment in this series takes a slightly different turn in that this time we read the journal of Jay. The great thing about this is we find out what happened to Jay, and how he ended up in the same laboratory as Meg also while Meg was abducted and therefore knows nothing of where she is and who is holding her captive, Jay is aware of how he ended up there and just who are holding them captive. We are given names and relationships to characters previously mentioned by descriptive words by Meg due to her lack of knowledge, and as the journal is set out in a letter style to Meg, Jay doesn’t just explain what it happening at that very moment (though in some cases he does) he goes right back to beginning in an effect to better info Meg as too what is happening. The hardest thing about this book is that fact that there is no real interaction between Meg and Jay. However we do see some previous interaction explained from Jay’s perspective which is nice. All in all I thought this was a great addition to the series and anyone who has read The Beast and Me should definitely pick this book up as well.

bookwormlala's review

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2.5 stars

This book was nowhere near as good as The Beast and Me. It was extremely boring, and didn't add anything to the series. Of didn't answer too many of my questions, it was more disjointed, and not as exciting as the first story. I look forward to seeing what happens in the next one

thebookclectic's review

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I started reading this book while still floating in the intoxicating cloud of excitement and joy in which it's predecessor 'The Beast and Me' had left me. I curled up in bed with my soft blanket and fluffy pillows with a bottle of water and snacks on my bedside table; all ready to read straight through to the end of the book!

This time we are experiencing events through Jay's point of view, also known as '10' or the beast in this story. As a way to cope with the unbearable situation in which he now finds himself, he has decided to record his experiences in a journal using the same style he has observed in Meg's, which might have been good, except... not much happens. We see some of his encounters with Meg from his point of view, however his telling has none of the excitement I found in the first book. As I read on I found myself slowly sinking into a state of boredom. I hate to admit this, but I had to stop just under half way through. I didn't go back to it for four days.

The second half of the book does pick up a bit. We find out more about Jay's transformation, and I wish the author had spent her time in this book telling us his experiences before Meg enters the scene. I feel that would have been an impressive tale on it's own, given us as much reason to emotionally invest in Jay as we did Meg, and made this part of the story as engrossing as the first. This is not the way it played out, and though I'm grateful to have learned more about Jay, this book was a disappointing follow up to the first.

koops333's review

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Well...I was kind of bored and had to scan/speed read this one

swiss_and_tell's review

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This is the second book in the psycho/thriller/erotica series by D.S. Wrights and just like the first one, this one did not let me down.

This is a continuation from the first book, except it is told in Jay's point of view, instead of Meghan's like in the first book. The story picks up right where it left off in the first one. It was really interesting to see things from Jay's POV and here his backstory in this one.

The only issue I had with this one is the typos and grammatical errors, but that is something I can easily look past.

Also, the cover doesn't catch my eye and I would never stop to pick it up when scrolling through a list of books, but that might just be personal preference.

Anyone who enjoyed the first one will love this second one. I believe there is a third novel on the way.

This review was also posted on my blog dedicated to book reviews. Come check it out!