lilyaulait's review against another edition

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Really refreshing for a comic to not have a woman's origin as a superhero be because of a man. Truly a great retcon. Hits on all the emotions, mainly sadness and pride for Carol. God I love this story. 4 stars instead of 5 because the villain is dull. It's not like a comic villain always has to be interesting, but it'll sure knock you down if she's not.

icaruscurse's review against another edition

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fantastic. love tony and carol's relationship in this. unsure about the retcon on carol's origin but i still love it.

saaraa96's review against another edition

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Liked it so much cause it showed more of her human side

lyoungthebookfae's review against another edition

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Loved this! It was so great, and I loved seeing the glimpses of Carol's past. I'm excited to read more Captain Marvel comics, especially recent ones, and having seen the movie! I am desperate to see it again... Highly Recommend!

kizvjmoncrieff's review against another edition

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A new side to Marvel

This was a very good story, it constantly kept me on my toes with lots of twists and mysteries that kept the story going. There is only one issue I have and that is the flashbacks, while interesting they came at a frequency that I felt kept breaking up the story and stopping a flow.

tomesproject's review against another edition

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This one is a must-read for all the Carol fans out there. Whether you're new and just excited for the movie or a long time follower from the 70s, I think you've got to give this one a shot. Now there were things that I wasn't the biggest fan of, but we get to see a Carol that's more vulnerable and open and human. Whether or not you like the overall message and addition to Carol's story, I think that it's an incredibly important one to add to her story as Captain Marvel.

And spoilers, but I want to link to this review mainly for the reader letter at the end. I'm very happy to have Carol's story in the hands of women that care about it and care about making it something bigger than a comic book. (That was corny. I'm sorry.) Reading through her issues the past few years has been a really great experience for me, and I hope Marvel can continue to make more comics like this, about reclaiming your story and your life as your own.

bee324's review against another edition

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I haven't been a fan of the "wish-machine" psyche-magnetron stuff. So I quite liked this retcon actually. Most of this book I liked a great deal actually. I feel like I have more of a grasp on who she is and her story in general now that I've finally gotten to see some of her pre air force life/childhood.

The main thing I didn't appreciate is that it read like the father was just trying to protect Carol. Which doesn't really make sense? Like what does him protecting his daughter have to do with beating her brothers? I get the twisted logic he apparently had in not wanting her to be obsessed with space or whatever, but to me that doesn't bear resemblance to the actual world in a meaningful way like I would've expected it to. Plus, I just don't understand how a woman like Carol's mother is portrayed to be could possibly be with a man like that, which he apparently was not always? In which case, that's a very drastic change... I don't know. It was a bit confusing to me in that regard.

Oh, and I am really not a fan of the mother dying. It seemed rather unnecessary to me.

Anywho, that bit of the story aside, I really liked getting to see more of Carol's story, life, and family that is normally left out. I feel like I have a much better grasp on who she is, and her mother is quite interesting once we find out who she is. I liked the surprise that "the other woman" was in fact just another version of herself. I think her brother is kind of a butthead, but such is the way with family. She still loves her family despite these things. I can definitely relate to family frustration and such so it was nice to see here.

cassie_grace's review against another edition

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I had to read eight Captain Marvel books by four different authors before I found one I really loved. It grounded her, gave her a family, a past, and relationships that mattered. And the retcon made her powers her own, just like the movie. They weren’t a man’s powers first.

thematinee's review against another edition

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“Fear is searching for words...when there’s nothing left to say.”

My all-time favourite Carol Danvers story.

bengriffin's review against another edition

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Take all the things you love about Carol, all the fierce, compassionate competence and head strong to a fault baddassery, and put them in the bin. Instead enjoy new Carol who is a borderline idiot and riddled with sad about dad teen angst who gets her mum to fight for her and suffers from a major deficiency in the personality department. To be fair to the book, I may have missed something because I had to skim read it due to extreme annoyance, but to be fair to me, if it wasn't written like a terrible teen melodrama and determined to demolish a quality character I would have paid more attention. Avoid.