
Not Friends by Rebecca Bender

ericadeb's review

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Fantastic! I will read this to my kids who can never stop fighting, but get all upset when the other isn't around.

agudenburr's review

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A really funny book about how two friends don't get along but deep down need each other. Would be a great read aloud for elementary children.

michelle_neuwirth_gray9311's review

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Themes: friends, enemies

jennybeastie's review

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Love the illustrations, like the frenemies angle. It's a little long for storytime, but really funny visually.

maeka's review

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This book is about siblings all the way! I cannot tell you how often my siblings and I fought, both verbally and physically. But when it comes down to it, they are so important and I love them, even then. We go to each other in times of trouble and are always there to help one another out.
Side note: The illustrations are odd. I'm not sure I would have picked an acrylic overlay of an illustrated board for this, but that was the authors choice, not mine.

erine's review

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Started out snappy and addresses a lot of behavior that might get on someone's nerves, and then the text gets a little more dense with the turn in the middle of the plot. Also didn't care for the picture of giraffe as telephone pole. Overall, very cute illustrations, and I loved the first half of the book.

bethanyo26's review

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I think we can all relate to this book in one way or another. super cute!

crystalisreading's review

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This is a cute picture book about how two characters can really annoy each other and yet really care about each other and want to be together too. I'm not sure what message it sends to kids--maybe it will encourage kids who bicker with siblings or classmates?--but it's moderately funny, and the art is cute. and as an adult, I can relate to a lot of the complaints that Giraffe and Bird have with each other. Too many berries, with too much fiber, and the results? check. Bad breath? check. Still wanting that person around during a thunderstorm? check.

tinothy's review

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this was NOT the book for me...I liked the illustrations.