
The Weightless One by Anais Chartschenko

liralen's review

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Sweet but too spare for my liking. I think I prefer novels in verse to be...messier? More lyrical? I'm not sure. This leans towards sentences

That are broken up

Like this

To add a bit of





I don't know what else but

A poet might.

The hard thing for me with verse is that there's often a lot of story between the lines, and it can be hard to tell how much fuller a story it might be with thicker verse (for lack of a better term) or prose. Here, it's only near the end that we get a full picture of what happened to make Miranda stop eating, and it's only at the end that her parents really show up. It does what it can with this spareness of verse, but I think my preference would have been for something with, well, twice as many words.