
Deep State by Chris Hauty

belladactyl's review

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The premise of the story was interesting, but the writing was sub par and took me out of the story several times. There are asides on supporting characters and what they do years later. Do these asides support the story? No. To me, it’s just distracting noise and filler. I will say I didn’t anticipate the final twist. So I enjoyed the ending even though I almost stopped reading the book a few times.

colorfulleo92's review

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On the description of this book it's is stated that it's the most addictive thriller of the decade and it got some pretty good reviews. The premise sounded like something I would enjoy. A political thriller that starts with White house chief is found dead at his home and former solider Hayley Chill is suspecting foul play, she investigates it and then come on a lead where an organization is plotting to kill the president. Sounds both thrilling and exciting. But I was severely underwhelmed and pretty much bored reading it. Didn't get attached to the characters.

caramay's review against another edition

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Boring, reads more like a movie script that goes into too much detail.

bkdrgn303's review

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Not what I typically read but I did enjoy it. Many twists that I did NOT see coming, especially the one at the end. The main character is fierce. Pure brain candy.

kstumpf's review

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Excellent story. Excellent character development. Mostly believable plot. And UNBELIEVABLE plot twists. WOW!!! Bring on Hayley Chill #2!!!!

dillonb's review

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I picked up this book after hearing it recommended on a podcast. I am just now getting into the thriller genre and have very few other thriller books in my library to compare this to. With that said, I really enjoyed this book. I enjoy political television dramas, and I think this book appealed to me for that reason. Reading it felt like I was watching one of those shows. If you are a fan of House of Cards, Scandal, or other shows like them, I think you will enjoy Deep State.

pilebythebed's review

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If Donald Trump’s presidency has brought us one thing it is the concept of the Deep State. In Trump world this is the cabal of government and business interests working secretly to bring down the government, or at least to further their own ends. A character in Chris Hauty’s new novel Deep State describes it as follows:
‘The people who actually control this town, the shadow government, or ‘deep state.’ Call it what you will, they are a hybrid association of elements of government joined with parts of top-level finance and industry that effectively governs the United States without the consent of the electorate.’
Given the free reign business interests have had in modern America it seems that if the Deep State did exist it has come out of the shadows. This has not stopped writers leaning on the concept to create tense political thrillers. Recently we have had the TV series Deep State in which an American megacorporation supported by agents within the CIA manufactures conflict in the Middle East and Africa to create business opportunities. In Chris Hauty’s novel, the forces of the ‘deep state’ have their sights on bringing down a non-compliant presidency.
Hayley Chill is introduced days before she quits the army. She shows her grit, determination and smarts in a boxing match against a much tougher opponent. From there she gets a job as an intern at the White House, working for the office of the Chief of Staff. America is undergoing a political renaissance with the election of President Monroe, who at first blanch seems like a West Wing style Republican fantasy president and ex-soldier Monroe “continues to be an iconic presence, the natural born leader America sorely needs in these rancorous and divisive times”. But Monroe’s stance on Russia, and in particular its interference in Estonia, is not supported and a shady group of interests decides to take action.
When Hayley’s boss dies in mysterious circumstances, she is thrown into the middle of the conspiracy. But as an intern her access is limited and she is up against well organised professionals. Hauty ratchets up the tension on Chill, pulling a few near scrapes and reverses as the plot unfolds. The whole builds to an explosive finale which is only let down by a late reveal which takes a swathe of exposition in the final chapter to explain and essentially pulls the rug out from reader’s understanding of the characters and the plot.
Hayley Chill is a classic action hero. She is highly motivated by a willingness to do the right thing, so much so that she manages to inspire others, highly trained and willing to take action when required. Again, though, much of what readers know about Chill turns out to be form of misdirection which creates an even greater feeling of having been cheated.
So most of its length, Deep State is an effective thriller in which a cabal of high-powered evil doers try to bring down a duly elected President to further their own interests but have to deal with a plucky, skilled, intuitive outsider. But the whole enterprise is brought down by a bunch of tricky reveals which throw the whole story, and the concept of the deep state into a different light, but that are not foreshadowed and not earned. That said, Chill is the type of action hero we need right now and, now the cards are on the table, deserves a sequel.

cgcang's review

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Had I checked out what movies Chris Hauty wrote before buying the book, I'd have saved myself the trouble.

The book is a mix between a mediocre action TV series and a high school drama. It's very rarely interesting or fun. A waste of time.

I really don't have good things to say so I'll just stop.

slider9499's review

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book to review.

In "Deep State," Chris Hauty delivers a pulse-pounding thriller that delves into the enigmatic world of power, politics, and hidden agendas. Set against the backdrop of Washington, D.C., Hauty weaves a gripping narrative that takes readers on a roller-coaster ride through the corridors of power, uncovering dark secrets that lie beneath the surface.

The story centers around Hayley Chill, a young and tenacious intern who unexpectedly stumbles upon a complex conspiracy that has the potential to alter the course of the nation's future. Hauty's character development is both engaging and layered, and readers will find themselves immediately invested in Hayley's journey from an ordinary intern to a determined force seeking to expose the truth.

One of the standout elements of "Deep State" is its portrayal of the intricate political landscape. Hauty's own experience in the world of politics shines through as he intricately outlines the power struggles, alliances, and betrayals that shape the narrative. The author's attention to detail and meticulous research lend an air of authenticity to the story, making the political maneuvers and machinations feel all too real.

The pacing of the novel is relentless, with each chapter unveiling new twists and turns that keep readers on the edge of their seats. The narrative is peppered with suspenseful moments and unexpected reveals, making it difficult to put the book down. The tension builds steadily as Hayley inches closer to the heart of the conspiracy, leaving readers guessing at every turn.

However, while "Deep State" excels in many areas, there are instances where the plot feels slightly convoluted. The intricate web of characters, motivations, and plotlines can occasionally become overwhelming, requiring readers to pay close attention to keep up with the unfolding events.

Despite this, Hauty's writing style is engaging and evocative, effectively capturing the atmosphere of tension and mistrust that permeates the novel's setting. The dialogue is sharp and often laced with political wit, adding depth to the characters' interactions and personalities.

In conclusion, "Deep State" by Chris Hauty is a captivating thriller that offers a thrilling glimpse into the world of high-stakes politics and hidden agendas. With its well-drawn characters, relentless pacing, and intricate plot, the novel keeps readers engaged from start to finish. While it occasionally leans towards complexity, its overall impact is undeniable. Fans of political intrigue and fast-paced thrillers will undoubtedly find themselves engrossed in this thought-provoking tale of power and deception.

cdeane61's review

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A whirlwind of a novel from start to finish, with one of the best endings I've encountered in quite a while.

If Jason Bourne like action, and D.C. intrigue is your thing, then this book is for you, but you must see it through to the end.

Breezed through it - highly recommended.