
Queen of the Dead by Stacey Kade

flowersofquiethappiness's review against another edition

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The stakes in this one are higher, which kept me turning pages. What happened at the end was definitely unexpected! In a good way. But really, I was here for Alona and Will and they did not disappoint me. Their banter is just fun! I love those two.

kaitortot's review against another edition

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I love the covers of these books! I miss Will being in his hoodie, but good old Alona is still in her gym uniform. I also love how Alona manages to look transparent without being too ghost like. If that makes sense.

I love how both books in this series are quick reads, yet they still manage to be highly character driven. I tend to find quick reads like this usually have me feeling like the whole point of the book was to get from Point A to Point B--no character development. This isn’t the case for Stacey Kade’s books. Love!

We find out more about Will’s past in this book (i.e. his family) and it was really interesting. There are also some developments with some of the ghosts from the previous book and their journey to “make it back to the light.” I’m trying not to get too spoiler-y here, but I really liked how two of the ghosts thought they were being held back for one reason and it ended up being another. This part of the book really made me think.

As much as Alona would probably annoy me in real life, I actually love reading about her. Her actions are always surprising me. The end of the book leaves her in a position that I am really curious about. It made me squirm and I wonder if it had this effect on others as well? So, if you’ve read it.. let me know!

If you enjoyed the first in the series, you will like this one as well! I can’t wait to see where Kade takes these crazy kids (ghosts).
Thanks to NetGalley and Stacey Kade for this review copy!

heyjudy's review against another edition

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I am really enjoying this series so far, and am pretty excited for the next one.
I like Alona, the ghost. She's thinks very highly of herself, is pretty narcissistic (is that the word I'm looking for?), but she has her moments. I really enjoy reading her chapter. Although she did something in this book, that she really shouldn't have done. And I'm a little unsure how to feel about it. Because it sucks on her part, even if she didn't really mean to go that far, and I feel bad for the girls mother (but I won't expand on who's, since I don't want to give too much away), and it can cause some mixed feelings that I don't want between her and Will. But it also can be very good for her... I'm unsure what to think about it, but am intrigued to see where it all goes next.
I also really like Will, the goth who's not really a goth...
(Read the rest here: )

laughlinesandliterature's review against another edition

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So I really really enjoyed this book. It was cute, funny and snarky. Exactly what I expect from Alona Dare, I actually kind of hate that she has to be nice because it's so damn funny to hear her go off on people. “And no, I think i'm better than you because I am better than you.” hahaha love it. Honestly this series really surprised me I went into it thinking that it would just be your run of the mill cheerleader ghost story and it really isn't. Alona has hidden depths to her that despite her snarky exterior make me love her all the same (although she'd be horrified).
And I really do love Will I think he is so sweet and although I know he had every right to be pissed at Alona I still felt really bad for her. He can't know that it's not what she intended to do. I can't say that I liked the ending because I'm not happy that
Spoiler that she ended up in Lily's body. I mean on one hand yay for a body! On the other hand, it's not hers, she doesn't like it, and it kind of throws the whole love thing into a weird wacky space.
However, I'm already starting on the final book because Alona is just that funny!

nighteyes82's review against another edition

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that was a nice follow-up.

sonietta90's review against another edition

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ADORO questa serie.

papalbina's review against another edition

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Second parts always lack something that made the first ones special. With TGATG probably was the whole ghost-talker thing and meeting the two main characters. For QOTD you already know Will and Alona quite well, so it is funny and cute to read their moments together, but not surprising anymore. The new element, Mina, didn't catch my interest. She's quite weak as character, even a bit too plain without depth. You don't get to know her or care (or not) about her. And the surprising elements at the end, well, wasn't surprising at all, I could see it coming since the first books (although reality usually proves my theories wrong). Despite not being a surprise, I want to know what happens next and I'm longing for the third book v.v

The style and characters are the same like in the first book, the quality stayed the same which is phantastic since Stacey Kade is hilarious. The only thing I didn't like and that made the book lose points (and stars) was the rhythm. Although everything happens in a matter of days, the first chapters were slow and got boring sometimes. I understand that introducing all these new *things* in the action is complicated to explain and if I analysed it, the author did a great work, but still the beginning is too slow and the end, too quick. The balance wasn't quite found.

That's the first Galley I review. Thank you very much to netGalley and Disney-Hyperion to provide me with a copy of the book :)

emo_christmas's review against another edition

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A great second edition! :D Can't wait for the third one!!

tarynheiner's review against another edition

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Some language. A little disturbing but still an easy entertaining read.

betterbeereading's review against another edition

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ATTENZIONE: SPOILER per chi non avesse letto il primo libro della serie The Ghost and the Goth

Anche voi come me avete trovato, spesso e volentieri, il personaggio della cheerleader uno tra i più insopportabili?
Se Alona Dare non riesce a farvi cambiare idea allora nessuno riuscirà a farlo.
Non fraintendetemi, Alona ha tutte le caratteristiche della tipica cheerleader: reginetta della scuola, tipica ragazza che ti guarda dall'alto in basso, quella che detta legge in fatto di moda, quella che... si fa sempre come dice lei altrimenti sono guai. Beh tutto questo è sempre stato vero se riferito ad Alona, fino a quando un incontro ravvicinato con un autobus in mezzo alla strada non ha cambiato la sua condizione da Reginetta delle scuola a... Reginetta dei Trapassati.

Ebbene si, la cara e *coff coff* simpatica Alona è un fantasma ma non un semplice fantasma... il caso vuole, o sarebbe meglio dire la luce che l'ha mandata indietro dall'altrolato vuole che Alona sia anche lo spirito guida di Will Killian, possessore fin dalla nascita, grazie all'eredità genetica del padre, della maledizione del dono di vedere i fantasmi.

Se sei in grado di vedere i fantasmi e peggio ancora loro sono a conoscenza di questa tua capacità puoi dire addio alla tua pace e molto probabilmente, a lungo andare, alla tua sanità mentale. Fortuna per Will, c'è Alona che mette in riga tutti i fantasmi inopportuni.

In Queen of the Dead tutta la teoria secondo cui il compito di Will è quello di aiutare i fantasmi a trovare la loro pace tuttavia sta iniziando ad avere diversi buchi, soprattutto dopo l'incontro con una ragazza che sembra avere molto in comune con Will. Questo porterà ad avere a che fare con un Alona arrabbiata... e credetemi voi non volete avere a che fare con un Alona arrabbiata.

La storia di Alona e Will si rivela ancora una volta frizzante e divertente. Se cercate una lettura leggera e piacevole ma senza rinunciare a qualche elemento paranormale allora questa serie è da tenere in considerazione. Unica pecca di Queen of the Dead è quella di soffrire di quella che io chiamo maledizione da libro di mezzo anche se attenuata dalle battute e dal sarcasmo di Alona vera 'anima' (se mi permettete il gioco di parole) del libro!

Per finire, è da tempo che mi ronza in testa l'idea di 'associare' ai libri che leggo un film. La maggior parte delle volte in cui leggo, trovo spesso un aspetto (non è detto sia importante per la trama) del libro che mi fa venire in mente un film visto. In questo caso i film sono due Il Paradiso può attendere e Uno strano caso, film un pò vecchiotti ma che mi hanno fatto compagnia durante l'infanzia.