
Dead Ringer by Julie Hyzy, Michael A. Black

canada_matt's review

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Black and Hyzy come together for their inevitable joint novel and what a treat for the reader. For any reader who have read the Ron Shade and Alex St. James books, this merging of the two characters seems as seamless as the authors make it. Both stories take the shape of their usual plot, Shade enters into a PI agreement with a client and St. James begins research on a television investigative report. What may seem innocuous ends up blowing things wide open for all involved. With the ongoing sub-plot of Slade training for another bout and St. James looking for information on her birth family, the authors weave a great story, full of action, adventure, and raw character development.

Told in two first-person narratives, the author present two parallel stories that will eventually merge into one larger one, using their chance meeting at the end of the respective previous books as a launching point, Black and Hyzy weave a great story together that refers strongly on the previous novels and creates more ends needing tying off, rather than more answers. As far as I can see, there are no further books, leaving the reader to draw their own conclusions as to what ever happened to the two great characters. Even when working together, the two characters uphold this unique narrative style, which gives the reader two sides of the same story, told from the perspective of the character at hand. A great traditional ending, just as the reader would expect for both main characters!

Black keeps up his great work throughout the series and never lets up. Hyzy seems to move away from this style and rawness after this book, turning to her White House Chef series and Mansfield Manor books, both of which are watered down in their language and character development.

Awesome work and kudos, Mr. Black and Ms. Hyzy. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the two series you’ve penned. Any chance you’ll work together again?